
[OutFox] beat4sprite

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Post #121 · Posted at 2020-03-08 05:07:48am 4.3 years ago

Offline rage panda
rage panda Avatar Member
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He descargado los BGA, pero no contienen las imagenes. solo los archivos lua

Post #122 · Posted at 2020-03-09 05:12:56am 4.3 years ago

Offline Engine_Machiner
Engine_Machiner Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-01-16

"~The message~"
Quote: rage panda
He descargado los BGA, pero no contienen las imagenes. solo los archivos lua

Tienes que cambiar de branch en GitHub a la que dice Graphics.
http://66.media.tumblr.com/652d5cdeea85a39ee07a6cffb343f8a7/tumblr_mhsqmzte3S1s5307io1_100.gif https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy.com%2Fimages%2F802c4321ccc6e92fb1caeddfaa52562f%2Fraw&f=1

Post #123 · Posted at 2020-03-10 01:06:50am 4.3 years ago

Offline rage panda
rage panda Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2020-03-10 01:08am
Ahora no se como os debo ordenar, mejor dicho, no se en que carpeta colocarlos


Post #124 · Posted at 2020-03-10 01:54:55am 4.3 years ago

Offline Retrozaid
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Quote: rage panda
Ahora no se como os debo ordenar, mejor dicho, no se en que carpeta colocarlos


Póngalo en la carpeta BGAnimations

Post #125 · Posted at 2020-08-23 06:21:47am 3.9 years ago

Offline Engine_Machiner
Engine_Machiner Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-01-16

"~The message~"

Last updated: 2020-08-23 06:21am
A summary of the huge update:

Branches are now per game. No.
Another new system of parameters and I might test it in 5.3. I added both Original 320x240, and 640x480 releases at the repo.
Rainbow effects are going to be made in mpg videos.
Beware the BGChanges might be wrong because K0X folders are now 5thK0X. I'll change these later.
With the new parameters system and libraries, it's easier to do the other games BGAs. (hopefully)

I need to upload the thing again because something was wrong. Oops
I'll delay the thing for maybe this week, because scaling is odd. It works for 4:3.


That was a bit fast. But I already made a hotfix for the aspect ratio issue.
The latest release is at:

Please remember if it throws errors about missing functions you might need to press Ctrl + F2.
If you find more aspect ratio or theme scaling issues. Tell me.



A bit late but Happy 5th Year Anniversary to this project, it's development and everyone that helped.



Hello. There's a new video in the first post showing what I've been doing the last 2 months. If there's missing BGA's of DDR 5th please show them to me (or even remind me), I still need to save these BGChanges in the branch and check if they are right. I added my Patreon to the first post in case you want to support my projects.

The most difficult background was that one with the DANCE letters. (And I feel it's not gonna be the only one)
Some new backgrounds might only work with OpenGL because I'm using ActorFrameTextures.
http://66.media.tumblr.com/652d5cdeea85a39ee07a6cffb343f8a7/tumblr_mhsqmzte3S1s5307io1_100.gif https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy.com%2Fimages%2F802c4321ccc6e92fb1caeddfaa52562f%2Fraw&f=1

Post #126 · Posted at 2020-10-05 06:04:43pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Musashi
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Last updated: 2020-10-05 06:16pm
I am intrigued by this project! I see we have the vids and scripts to animate them. Are there also .SM files with the scripts that call for all the BG changes so I can have the background movies appear in game like they would in an old DDR game?

And: just 5th Mix, or do we have older ones too?

Edit: Found some of the 5th Mix song scripts; will test them out soon!

Post #127 · Posted at 2020-10-05 07:25:59pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Engine_Machiner
Engine_Machiner Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-01-16

"~The message~"

Last updated: 2020-10-07 04:54am
Quote: Musashi
I am intrigued by this project! I see we have the vids and scripts to animate them. Are there also .SM files with the scripts that call for all the BG changes so I can have the background movies appear in game like they would in an old DDR game?

And: just 5th Mix, or do we have older ones too?

Edit: Found some of the 5th Mix song scripts; will test them out soon!

I'm glad you're interested and I hope my project inspires/encourages people to create their own projects.

I have added a collection of SM files in the BGChanges branch

The branch only has the DDR 5th BGChanges with the additions of the AC.
Credits to those that posted them in this thread and to me.
You just need to replace them correctly and if you find anything off you can make an issue in the repository or send me a message.

They might not be perfect tho (some of them might have the wrong background at certain parts of the song)
The idea was to add more SM files while I make more BGAnimations. And the list of songs is long so it's just that for now.

There's the DDR 5th ones and recently I added just a few of DDR 1st. I try to add more BGAs whenever I can.
http://66.media.tumblr.com/652d5cdeea85a39ee07a6cffb343f8a7/tumblr_mhsqmzte3S1s5307io1_100.gif https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy.com%2Fimages%2F802c4321ccc6e92fb1caeddfaa52562f%2Fraw&f=1

Post #128 · Posted at 2020-10-07 06:15:52am 3.8 years ago

Offline Musashi
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I'm having some trouble with getting these to work right while still having other things work right. I'm using Stepmania 5, version included in TJ's ITG System Image (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lO2ddaYogve08u7CsjC6OojXy36ZfGgo7VCRVkLJhU/edit)

Before I added any of the 5th Mix files:

Songs with beware/Max-Extreme scripts or ITG song's scripts would work as long as the AVIs were in the song's own folder or in Random Movies. Move them to BGAnimations and they don't work. I want songs with no animation to use an AVI movie that I put in BGAnimations. If I set the number of Random Movies to load to 5, it will use my chosen video along with a few white glows and black screens, while if I set the number to 1, it uses only a white glow, despite there only being 1 video within BGAnimations.

After I add the 5th Mix files:

If they're in Random Movies, they don't work. They'll work if I put them in BGAnimations, but that conflicts with the video I want as a default for songs without BGChanges in the SM files.

What do I need to do here? I haven't tested it on a regular computer yet (only on my TJ Image cabinet), but on my usual Stepmania playing laptop, I saw similar confusion where BGAnimations and Random Movies were flipped in this weird way. i had always thought the songs check both of them as well as their own folder for the videos called for in the scripts tho.

Post #129 · Posted at 2020-10-07 01:50:55pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Engine_Machiner
Engine_Machiner Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-01-16

"~The message~"

Last updated: 2020-10-07 02:04pm
Quote: Musashi
I'm having some trouble with getting these to work right while still having other things work right. I'm using Stepmania 5, version included in TJ's ITG System Image (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lO2ddaYogve08u7CsjC6OojXy36ZfGgo7VCRVkLJhU/edit)

Before I added any of the 5th Mix files:

Songs with beware/Max-Extreme scripts or ITG song's scripts would work as long as the AVIs were in the song's own folder or in Random Movies. Move them to BGAnimations and they don't work. I want songs with no animation to use an AVI movie that I put in BGAnimations. If I set the number of Random Movies to load to 5, it will use my chosen video along with a few white glows and black screens, while if I set the number to 1, it uses only a white glow, despite there only being 1 video within BGAnimations.

After I add the 5th Mix files:

If they're in Random Movies, they don't work. They'll work if I put them in BGAnimations, but that conflicts with the video I want as a default for songs without BGChanges in the SM files.

What do I need to do here? I haven't tested it on a regular computer yet (only on my TJ Image cabinet), but on my usual Stepmania playing laptop, I saw similar confusion where BGAnimations and Random Movies were flipped in this weird way. i had always thought the songs check both of them as well as their own folder for the videos called for in the scripts tho.

You can't mix BGAnimations with RandomMovies, that's why there must be a BGAnimations folder and a RandomMovies folder separated. The former are code/scripts and the latter are videos loaded ingame. Yes BGAnimations and effects might not work because they break the scripts of the BGAnimations. I have seen it. If you want your own custom loaded videos I'm not sure if you can script it as a BGAnimation.

What I read is that you want to load RandomMovies for songs without BGChanges? Just put the Random Backgrounds option set for RandomMovies in Appearance Settings. And put the BGAnimations in the folder apart.
http://66.media.tumblr.com/652d5cdeea85a39ee07a6cffb343f8a7/tumblr_mhsqmzte3S1s5307io1_100.gif https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy.com%2Fimages%2F802c4321ccc6e92fb1caeddfaa52562f%2Fraw&f=1

Post #130 · Posted at 2020-10-07 04:22:48pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Musashi
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Reg. 2014-05-03

Quote: Engine_Machiner

What I read is that you want to load RandomMovies for songs without BGChanges? Just put the Random Backgrounds option set for RandomMovies in Appearance Settings. And put the BGAnimations in the folder apart.

Yes, though I want them to be a very specific set of videos every time.

What you posted makes sense. Step 1 would be to put the LUA script-based animations into BGAs. Question now is how to keep all my Max-Extreme animations working while using the specific vids I want for non-scripted songs. Maybe I make simple load actor scripts for them and move them to BGAs?

Post #131 · Posted at 2020-10-07 05:52:38pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Engine_Machiner
Engine_Machiner Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-01-16

"~The message~"

Last updated: 2020-10-07 05:53pm
Quote: Musashi
Yes, though I want them to be a very specific set of videos every time.

What you posted makes sense. Step 1 would be to put the LUA script-based animations into BGAs. Question now is how to keep all my Max-Extreme animations working while using the specific vids I want for non-scripted songs. Maybe I make simple load actor scripts for them and move them to BGAs?

Just put the videos (all the mp4s or whatever) in the RandomMovies folder, the BGAnimations in the BGAnimations folder and it should work, only if you have the RandomMovies option set as Random Backgrounds in Options/Settings. BGChanges should work and the game will read the option that if there's no BGChanges it will set Max-Extreme RandomMovies (I assume you're talking about videos).

mp4/mpeg/avi -> RandomMovie
1st001 folder with a default.lua in it -> BGAnimation
http://66.media.tumblr.com/652d5cdeea85a39ee07a6cffb343f8a7/tumblr_mhsqmzte3S1s5307io1_100.gif https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy.com%2Fimages%2F802c4321ccc6e92fb1caeddfaa52562f%2Fraw&f=1

Post #132 · Posted at 2020-10-07 06:05:53pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Musashi
Musashi Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-05-03

Quote: Engine_Machiner

Just put the videos (all the mp4s or whatever) in the RandomMovies folder, the BGAnimations in the BGAnimations folder and it should work, only if you have the RandomMovies option set as Random Backgrounds in Options/Settings. BGChanges should work and the game will read the option that if there's no BGChanges it will set Max-Extreme RandomMovies (I assume you're talking about videos).

mp4/mpeg/avi -> RandomMovie
1st001 folder with a default.lua in it -> BGAnimation

Ya that's the plan. I was hoping to have vids other than the Max-Extreme ones for non-animated songs tho. I know there's the option to set how many Random Movies it loads and uses, but is there a way to tell it which ones? I want it to use DDRX dancer vids.

Post #133 · Posted at 2020-10-07 06:55:36pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Engine_Machiner
Engine_Machiner Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-01-16

"~The message~"
Quote: Musashi
Ya that's the plan. I was hoping to have vids other than the Max-Extreme ones for non-animated songs tho. I know there's the option to set how many Random Movies it loads and uses, but is there a way to tell it which ones? I want it to use DDRX dancer vids.

Have a set of Random Backgrounds per song pack? I'm not sure about that. But that would be very interesting.
http://66.media.tumblr.com/652d5cdeea85a39ee07a6cffb343f8a7/tumblr_mhsqmzte3S1s5307io1_100.gif https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy.com%2Fimages%2F802c4321ccc6e92fb1caeddfaa52562f%2Fraw&f=1

Post #134 · Posted at 2020-10-07 06:59:39pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Musashi
Musashi Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-05-03

Quote: Engine_Machiner
Have a set of Random Backgrounds per song pack? I'm not sure about that. But that would be very interesting.

Oh sorry. Not per song pack, just in general. Any song that doesn't have a video script I would like to use the DDR X dancer vids. I know I can set the number of Random Movies, question is, how do I tell it which ones?

Post #135 · Posted at 2020-10-07 07:08:19pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Engine_Machiner
Engine_Machiner Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-01-16

"~The message~"

Last updated: 2020-10-07 07:09pm
Quote: Musashi
Oh sorry. Not per song pack, just in general. Any song that doesn't have a video script I would like to use the DDR X dancer vids. I know I can set the number of Random Movies, question is, how do I tell it which ones?

Anything that is in the RandomMovies folder will be put as a Random Background in case there's no BGChanges in the simfile. So if you have DDR X videos put in the same folder with the MAX-Extreme videos, they both will play. Since you say that you have both DDR X and MAX-Extreme videos. That's how the game reads it.
http://66.media.tumblr.com/652d5cdeea85a39ee07a6cffb343f8a7/tumblr_mhsqmzte3S1s5307io1_100.gif https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy.com%2Fimages%2F802c4321ccc6e92fb1caeddfaa52562f%2Fraw&f=1

Post #136 · Posted at 2020-10-07 08:11:03pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Musashi
Musashi Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-05-03

Quote: Engine_Machiner
Anything that is in the RandomMovies folder will be put as a Random Background in case there's no BGChanges in the simfile. So if you have DDR X videos put in the same folder with the MAX-Extreme videos, they both will play. Since you say that you have both DDR X and MAX-Extreme videos. That's how the game reads it.

Clearly. I guess there's no 3rd Option either. Does it pick the 1/5/10/20/etc at random each time or is there a method to it I can influence, like: is it alphabetical, and I can rename the videos to something like 1-Xvid.avi to put them at the top?

Post #137 · Posted at 2020-10-07 08:29:27pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Engine_Machiner
Engine_Machiner Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-01-16

"~The message~"

Last updated: 2020-10-07 08:43pm
Clearly. I guess there's no 3rd Option either. Does it pick the 1/5/10/20/etc at random each time or is there a method to it I can influence, like: is it alphabetical, and I can rename the videos to something like 1-Xvid.avi to put them at the top?

The 1/5/10/20 option is for the game to pick a maximum number of random backgrounds per song (yes it can be any).
I acknowledge how the game sorts Random Backgrounds for each song (internally) without BGChanges. I only know it picks a random one.
http://66.media.tumblr.com/652d5cdeea85a39ee07a6cffb343f8a7/tumblr_mhsqmzte3S1s5307io1_100.gif https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy.com%2Fimages%2F802c4321ccc6e92fb1caeddfaa52562f%2Fraw&f=1

Post #138 · Posted at 2020-10-07 09:53:34pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Musashi
Musashi Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-05-03

Quote: Engine_Machiner
The 1/5/10/20 option is for the game to pick a maximum number of random backgrounds per song (yes it can be any). I acknowledge how the game sorts Random Backgrounds for each song (internally) without BGChanges. I only know it picks a random one.

Well I appreciate all the info; seems what I want is beyond what Stepmania can currently do. I wonder how hard it would be for devs to add a 3rd folder option or some other way to allow players some control over the Random Movies.

Post #139 · Posted at 2020-10-08 09:13:13pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Retrozaid
Retrozaid Avatar Member
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Reg. 2019-10-07

Quote: Engine_Machiner
A summary of the huge update:

Branches are now per game. No.
Another new system of parameters and I might test it in 5.3. I added both Original 320x240, and 640x480 releases at the repo.
Rainbow effects are going to be made in mpg videos.
Beware the BGChanges might be wrong because K0X folders are now 5thK0X. I'll change these later.
With the new parameters system and libraries, it's easier to do the other games BGAs. (hopefully)

I need to upload the thing again because something was wrong. Oops
I'll delay the thing for maybe this week, because scaling is odd. It works for 4:3.


That was a bit fast. But I already made a hotfix for the aspect ratio issue.
The latest release is at:

Please remember if it throws errors about missing functions you might need to press Ctrl + F2.
If you find more aspect ratio or theme scaling issues. Tell me.



A bit late but Happy 5th Year Anniversary to this project, it's development and everyone that helped.



Hello. There's a new video in the first post showing what I've been doing the last 2 months. If there's missing BGA's of DDR 5th please show them to me (or even remind me), I still need to save these BGChanges in the branch and check if they are right. I added my Patreon to the first post in case you want to support my projects.

The most difficult background was that one with the DANCE letters. (And I feel it's not gonna be the only one)
Some new backgrounds might only work with OpenGL because I'm using ActorFrameTextures.

i do think you are missing some BGAnimations so ill show some vids that have the missing BGAs




oh and BG Scroll speed is a bit slow and i couldnt manually speed it up

Post #140 · Posted at 2020-10-08 10:49:49pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Engine_Machiner
Engine_Machiner Avatar Member
222 Posts
Reg. 2014-01-16

"~The message~"

Last updated: 2020-10-08 10:50pm
Quote: Retrozaid
i do think you are missing some BGAnimations so ill show some vids that have the missing BGAs




oh and BG Scroll speed is a bit slow and i couldnt manually speed it up

Ok, I'll check them. About BG Scroll, I have noticed some songs had double scroll speed and others slow ("normal"), so I'm not sure if I should add 2 variations. Because that's what I did for now, add one faster and another one slower. Or I could limit the scrolling by BPM limits and I think some songs have slow scrolling even if they have high BPM. So I'm a bit lost there. There's for sure some math/magic behind the original game that checks the backgrounds speed. I don't know how proportional is BPM to the scrolling.
http://66.media.tumblr.com/652d5cdeea85a39ee07a6cffb343f8a7/tumblr_mhsqmzte3S1s5307io1_100.gif https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy.com%2Fimages%2F802c4321ccc6e92fb1caeddfaa52562f%2Fraw&f=1
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