
I need help editing an image

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Post #1 · Posted at 2015-01-09 07:09:29am 9.7 years ago

Offline hollandaze
hollandaze Avatar Member
503 Posts
United States
Reg. 2011-01-19

I need help editing a screenshot so I can make a jacket, banner, and background for オタサー☆レボリューション by ARM(IOSYS) feat. miko & キム


If someone with photoshop can help rotate, crop, clean up the color and sharpness, and maybe even make the banner and bg too? I have no graphics skill, I just use preview and paintbucket.

Post #2 · Posted at 2015-01-31 03:15:14am 9.6 years ago

Offline Starrodkirby86
Starrodkirby86 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-12-05

Nintendo Network ID: starrodkirby86
Hi there! I'm not sure if you're still searching for an image or if you've settled, but I've helped with what I can.

So to start, it doesn't seem like there's any high quality upload for this image yet – there is a more vibrant but smaller version posted here, but it's still a photograph. Perhaps if someone can do a rip of REFLEC BEAT in the future would the original graphic be available, but... yeah, for now I guess you can go with that. Here's the link of that image – note that it's actually smaller than the one you have, so resizing this may yield in a lot more JPEG artifacts and blurs.

On your main note, I did a few image level adjustments, sharpens, etc. to make the image a little more poppy and vibrant, but it's not quite the same as the original. Recovering the image is likely possible, but removing the scanline monitor glare is a bit out of my knowledge, so without painstakingly recreating the image, I can't do much else. I think some of the colors are a bit washed out or too saturated, sorry.

I hope these have helped. You may want to see about creating your own graphics inspired by this if you feel up to the task. Good luck!
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