
SM and DWI problem...

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Post #1 · Posted at 2007-12-10 08:38:42pm 17.1 years ago

Offline nggakmirip
nggakmirip Avatar Member
717 Posts
Reg. 2007-11-20

"Stop being a fanboy, it sucks"
Well... here's the problem...

I tried to put those weird characters on my dwi file...

I followed the one from Candy (Star), with the exact picture (the same star) and wrote #DISPLAYTITLE with the {CANDY-CHAR.PNG} (as the Candy Dwi wrote the same)

...didn't work....

I tried to save both file into sm and followed the sm file for Candy again...
it writes :

on the sm file...

so i followed it... (writing the Star on the sm file with the same character, and titletranslit too)

then the song is now not being detected on StepMania...
while Candy still detected on StepMania....

any help? (other than using my old file again...)

my SM is ver. 3.9
Will you help Wikipe-tan?

My blogs! (some Indonesian detected)
http://varg-nggak.blogspot.com/ (Serious Blog)
http://ariscyel-nggak.blogspot.com/ (Why So Serious? blog)

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