
Song Romanization

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Post #1 · Posted at 2007-12-04 09:47:42am 16.6 years ago

Offline bumm
bumm Avatar Member
42 Posts
United States
Reg. 2007-07-07
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It kinda confuses me every now and then when I'm going through trying to enter scores. I'm not completely familiar with all the supernova songs yet and I forget sometimes confuse DanDanDo with Dragonfly for whatever reasons.

Would it be possible to romanize the title somehow? You could display it like Kagerow is in Supernova: KAGEROW (Dragonfly), or make it so that if you hover your mouse over the song it shows the romanized version? Or have an option in user settings to romanize all titles?
<img src="http://vjarmy.com/iidx/siginclude/222.png"> <img src=" http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v2/ddr_sig.php?userid=1343">
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