
Dance Dance Revolution Tacvicom Mix

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Post #1 · Posted at 2007-12-27 11:33:56am 16.5 years ago

Offline ojitsack
ojitsack Avatar Member
42 Posts
Reg. 2007-08-26

Hello everybody, my nick is ojitsack and this is my category: Dance Dance Revolution Tacvicom Mix.

I have good simfiles (in my opinion), all of them from real life music (i don't know if this is valid, he he he).

Yes, I know that i have very much partial simfiles, because I have no much time to modify them and make them complete, but i'm trying to give you very good and complete simfiles to enjoy.

If you want to see and/or upload my files, my category is always present and "waiting for you with the open arms".

Here is the link:
<a href="http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5/viewsimfilecategory.php?categoryid=106">Dance Dance Revolution Tacvicom Mix</a> </p>

I almost forgot something:
Members, WHEN YOU PLAY MY FILES SEND ME AN OPINION IN A PM (I forgot that you're not deaf, i'm sorry).

P.D.: Various songs says e.g.: (Part 1) or (Part 2), etc. you must download all parts of the same song to extract the files correctly.
"In normal and paceful times, mind and body trains with modest spirit. In conflictive times, one must dedicate to justice and look for the peace. This is the true sense of the real life."

Please visit my StepMania theme's website: StepMania Tacvicom Edition

Post #2 · Posted at 2007-12-27 06:03:21pm 16.5 years ago

Offline TimeSpaceMage
TimeSpaceMage Avatar Member
976 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-06-28

Just a note, your link is still using v3.
Play my game Arcana Seal of Rimsala (SNES)!

Post #3 · Posted at 2008-04-21 05:42:34am 16.2 years ago

Offline ojitsack
ojitsack Avatar Member
42 Posts
Reg. 2007-08-26

<table width="100%"><tr><th class="quote">Quote: TimeSpaceMage</th></tr><tr><td class="quote">Just a note, your link is still using v3.</td></tr></table>

I changed it to v5, so you can access when you want.
"In normal and paceful times, mind and body trains with modest spirit. In conflictive times, one must dedicate to justice and look for the peace. This is the true sense of the real life."

Please visit my StepMania theme's website: StepMania Tacvicom Edition
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