
All sold out of Minimaids. Thanks!

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Post #21 · Posted at 2013-12-25 12:27:24am 10.5 years ago

Offline razorblade
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Is there anything you need to set-up for SM5 (like dll and Preference.ini update)?

Post #22 · Posted at 2013-12-25 01:14:33am 10.5 years ago

Offline bmhedgehog
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a quick question here. Would it be still possible to use System 573 or Python 2?

Post #23 · Posted at 2013-12-25 03:25:45am 10.5 years ago

Offline StarCreator
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On a cabinet with a 573, you just unplug the cables from the 573 box and plug them into the Minimaid instead. If you want to switch back, just put the cables back where they were before.

I think it's a little more complicated on a cabinet with Python2, but someone else will need to elaborate.

Post #24 · Posted at 2013-12-25 03:47:48am 10.5 years ago

Offline RyogAkari
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Last updated: 2013-12-25 03:53am
MMMagic for SM5 is something that someone has done separate from us. I've heard of the project in passing though have no affiliation with it nor have I ever tried it. I'm not saying it doesn't work just I have no ability to offer you support for it as it's not my creation or affiliated with Minimaid. If you wish to use MMMagic you'll have to contact the author (presumably the person who posted that video though perhaps not) and pursue it separately.

If you have a cabinet that started its life as a SuperNOVA or SuperNOVA 2 (python) then when you purchase your device you will need to notify me as the connectors are different. If your cabinet was adapted to play SuperNOVA or SuperNOVA2 then you are fine as you will use the connectors that are original to the cabinet.

The easiest tell tale sign of a Python cabinet for the US is a flat marquee instead of a curved one.

On every version of Stepmania and oITG including SM5, SM3.9, etc you will need to go to the buttons and joystick mapping and assign the appropriate keys just like you would for a home pad or your keyboard except you will be using your arcade machine. There is an option in stepmania for denoting that it is an arcade machine instead of a seperate set up.

Post #25 · Posted at 2013-12-26 01:51:15am 10.5 years ago

Offline style_of_2001
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Last updated: 2013-12-26 01:55am
I've only got a few moments so please bear with me on this. Ryogakari contacted me to post about some of the libmmmagic stuff on here. First some ground rules:

1. Right now I am out with family on holiday and I have some pretty major project stuff going on, so please don't expect a quick response.
2. When I am back from holiday, my primary means of connecting to the internet actually blocks this site under the games category. So please don't expect me to check here for updates. If you have a question you want to ask publicly, please PM me so I get a notification. I have to set up a tunnel to come out here and read anything which is VERY annoying. If you know of anywhere else I frequent, you are more likely to get a quicker response.
3. Ryogakari has never used this so he won't be able to answer questions on it. Please don't bug him about it.

For people interested in libmmmagic stuff, a quick primer:
libmmmagic is an easy to use cross platform minimaid library. It's primary target is developers wanting to make stuff using the minimaid, in fact, I have several proof of concept programs using the library for end users to use.

For developers
So what does libMMMagic currently do?
Right now, it is primarily meant for light output. It has the ability to read the I/O but that is currently not exposed to the interface yet.

LibMMMagic is also hot-pluggable in its gcc form only (MSVC is not). That means you can unplug and replug in the minimaid at any time and the application will not crash. At boot, mid game play, etc. In addition, states of the lights are preserved across hotplugging so as soon as you replug in the minimaid and the next update is sent to it, it will look as if it was never unplugged.

LibMMMagic is designed to be run from user space. You do not need to run programs as an administrator in Windows (XP-32 and 7-64 tested), but linux users still need permission to access the devices as they are restricted by default. Please refer to libmmmagic.h for more details on this. udev should have magic rule you can make to set permissions.

What limitations does libMMMagic have?
Right now, it doesn't allow the API to read the inputs but it can read them. For now, just use the keyboard endpoint to get data input. I want to change I/O to have the option to be fully asynchronous nonblocking. I am generally happy with it but it's probably not fully up to the scrutiny of end users if you use it for input, hence why I did not include bindings to read the input yet. I wanted to wait but a friend pointed out the addage... when in doubt, put it out Tongue

Is the libMMMagic really that easy to use?
Yes! I certainly think so! Please examine the sample test in main.c

Yes I know I need to get around to closing the minimaid gracefully. Notice how I hack jobbed that in for Linux; windows causes an unopened resource, it should be auto cleaned up though. I will be rewritng the core of this anyway. 99% of the API should stay the same.

So wow.. you can control the Blue LED whoop de doo..
While thats all the test program shows, since you can't see any other lights plugged into a non-cabinet.

Have a look at how easy it is to set turn on all of player 1's arrow lights in DDR:
Quote: Sample code
mm_setDDRPad1Light(DDR_DOUBLE_PAD_UP, 1);
mm_setDDRPad1Light(DDR_DOUBLE_PAD_DOWN, 1);
mm_setDDRPad1Light(DDR_DOUBLE_PAD_LEFT, 1);
mm_setDDRPad1Light(DDR_DOUBLE_PAD_RIGHT, 1);
Easy right? Just set the lights, send the update.

Turn on the BASS Lights (sets blue LED ON too):
Quote: Sample code

Turn off the BASS Lights (turns blue LED OFF too):
Quote: Sample code

Renable keyboard:
Quote: Sample code

Please refer to mmmagic.h for more details.

Does this mean minimaid light support in oitg linux?! ZOMFG! *sperg*
Is it possible and VERY easy to add? YES. Will I do the patch to add it... well I would if I could get the damn thing to compile. If someone else does, they can just use this and their work is made so easy it's not even funny. If someone wants to do this, can compile oitg, and needs help making this work, send me a PM.

How do I use this?
I use the gcc toolchain from mame (with some patches which are abstracted if you use this library) to compile (thats why the windows .a file is so large!). You do NOT need the microsoft DDK on Windows because libMMMagic handles everything! On linux, you need udev (this is used to find the device) and to setup some sort of rule to give user mode read/write to the minimaid. Check mmmagic.h for more important notes if you use udev.

For all platforms:
Copy the appropriate .a file to where your source file is.

To compile with gcc on windows (I use the mame toolchain):
Quote: Compiling test program on windows
gcc main.c libmmmagic.a -o test.exe

To compile with gcc on Linux:
Quote: Compiling test program on Linux
gcc main.c libmmmagic.a -ludev -o testapp

How often will this be updated?
Right now, my job has the biggest displacement project of it's kind in the history of the USA and on top of that we are completely overhauling our entire backend personnel system. I can't even begin to promise updates or even timely responses until at least the end of the year.

Can I haz source plz? You are too busy to keep up on this...
Possibly in the future. I have some work to do on the code base and don't want people forking the core as it is now.

Are there any practical applications using this library?
Yeah, check out mmmame.exe, an application that outputs DDR lights for MAME under Windows.
Download: mmmame.exe version 20130629 (Note this is meant to be run at PC startup and sit in the background, you must kill via task manager)
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWemExStuBc (OMFG is it hard to record relevant stuff and play)
Also, heres a stepmania 5 lights driver source for windows: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ba4n0x2d453wg73/LightsDriver_Win32Minimaid.zip

Enough with the damn talk where can I puts the lotion in the basket?
Download libMMMagic version 20130629 from my mediafire

For End Users - Sample libmmmagic applications that are already made for you to use NOW!

NOTE STEPMANIA 5 CODEBASE HAS SEVERAL FORKS. If you are doing stuff in a real machine you want to use sm-ssc v2.
From how I understand it, someone got upset piuio was being used to bootleg pump stuff with stepmania. He forked and made sm amx which is 3.9 based with coin removed.

Drama happened, mainline sm5 conceeded, removed coin and contreversial features. sm-ssc which sm5 is based on didn't want to compromise features. So sm-ssc v2 gets everything relevant and good from mainline as well as bonus goodies that would never make it into mainline.

USAGE IN STEPMANIA SSC V2 (Stepmania 5 variant):
SMSSC V2 is stepmania 5 with extras such as this baked in. A user named Raoh helpfully compiled this build back in October, in fact the video posted earlier in the thread is one he made:

SM5 mainline branch did not take the light driver into their repository but it is easy to add in if thats your thing or you want to ask a dev:

The full source is available here to compile yourself though:

An MSVC interface dll instead of the gcc static libs is available here:

To run SM5 with libmmmagic:

Download and install a version of sm-sscv2 compiled in October 2013 or later. The one Raoh compiled above works great.

Download the MSVC interface DLL from above and extract the archive.

Rename one of the dlls to mmmagic.dll (preferably use the threaded dll) and put it in the same folder as stepmania.exe then edit your preferences.ini to read "LightsDriver=Win32Minimaid". You may need to run SM5 one time before editing preferences.ini to generate the file.

Adding a linux variant of this sm5 driver is trivial and will hopefully be out soon for everyone. It will use 99% the same code as the win32 library.

For MAME, mmmame.exe is an application that outputs DDR lights for MAME under Windows.
Download: mmmame.exe version 20130629 (Note this is meant to be run at PC startup and sit in the background, you must kill via task manager)
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWemExStuBc (OMFG is it hard to record relevant stuff and play)

Post #26 · Posted at 2014-01-01 01:38:36pm 10.5 years ago

Offline RyogAkari
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Last updated: 2014-01-01 01:38pm
After MMMagic got out there I went ahead and contacted Style to see if he wanted to talk about his product here who as you can see is the lead of the project to get minimaid working on SM5 for lights.

The manuals and stepmania files that I will be submitting will get you through the physical setup, use on an arcade monitor, and full setup for stepmania 3.9+ redux. Style is working on designing libMMMagic to work on a variety of things with minimaid including SM5. Just please do remember that Style did this as a gift to the community, it still is in the beta stages and for the moment it is the holiday season.

Thanks style!

Ive received a couple questions about when the boards will be ready.

The first week of the new year we are having the boards printed and gathering in the chips. Once the boards are printed (usually a month turn around) we will send them off with the chips to be assembled. Once assembly is finished (4 to 6 weeks) we will receive them in and start the testing process (1 week). Then there is the in between time of shipping the products around (2+ weeks). Currently my target ship date is end of march, beginning of april. There will be pictures and updates as we go through the stages of development. Ill be taking finishing payments a week before shipment and then as shipment is going. The first week of shipment is devoted to those that made full payments as apart of the preorder and then the second week of shipments will be those that made deposits as preorder.

If you have made a deposit please do not make any further payments until the boards are ready. Ill then prompt you to make your final payment to finish your purchase. Currently my target ship date is end of march beginning of april. There will be pictures throughout the process!

Post #27 · Posted at 2014-01-04 01:15:42am 10.5 years ago

Offline j1ng
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Last updated: 2014-01-04 01:16am
I need the link to the Minimaid care package is that still up?

I need the stepmania builds that are included.

Post #28 · Posted at 2014-01-04 11:41:44am 10.5 years ago

Offline RyogAkari
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For all those that have preordered or are interested in preordering this includes the manuals and pictures that allow you to see how the device is used.

Post #29 · Posted at 2014-01-18 05:08:45am 10.5 years ago

Offline ChuggimusPrime
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I am interested in ordering/ pre-ordering one of these in the future. I would just like to make sure that they work with ITG2 dedicated cabinets.

Post #30 · Posted at 2014-01-19 03:41:56am 10.5 years ago

Offline RyogAkari
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They do not. This is for a Konami 573 based DDR cabinet only with the ability to adapt it for a Konami Python based unit. ITG2 cabinets were produced by andamiro and are completely different as far as internal structure goes.

Post #31 · Posted at 2014-02-01 12:59:17pm 10.4 years ago

Offline xaero
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Hey RyogAkari,

I already purchased one of these, but I'm gonna go ahead and pre-order a second. Just in case the first ever dies, or something happens and I end up with a second cab for some reason. I may have done some unintentional damage to my first now - just before typing this post as well; I don't think its actually dead, but I'd rather be safe and get in on this before its too late. I can't test it yet; going to wait until I can properly clean it before doing that (metal particulate contamination, if your curious)


Post #32 · Posted at 2014-02-02 12:03:59pm 10.4 years ago

Offline RyogAkari
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Hey Xaero,

That's fine. Just message me when you want to set up the order.

Not to discount your claim or to over endorse the minimaid product but we've had a case where someone sent so much voltage through the minimaid it exploded parts off the board and then once the smoke cleared (and they adjusted what was wrong with how they wired their JAMMA harness) the minimaid ACTUALLY still worked! I do not, of course, recommend attempting to destroy your minimaid. We requested that they send it in for us to repair though they never got back with us so last I heard it still worked.

TL;DR - Minimaids are surprisingly resilient (though make every attempt to treat them with care!)

Post #33 · Posted at 2014-02-05 09:51:04am 10.4 years ago

Offline xaero
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Yeah, mine appears to be in working order still, I was able to properly wash the particulate off the PCB, I'm trying to get it working under Linux right now, obviously the input portion works fine; but I can't seem to get the custom lights driver to init (I'm reading the logs, it should work - I'm just missing something obvious)

Post #34 · Posted at 2014-02-07 09:49:15pm 10.4 years ago

Offline RyogAkari
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As far as the official release goes minimaid light drivers only specifically works on Windows XP with stepmania plus redux 3.9 and open ITG beta 2 unless you were referring to using libMMMagic which would be style's category.

Post #35 · Posted at 2014-03-10 02:55:00am 10.3 years ago

Offline vilepickle
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Nintendo Network ID: VilepickleOrigin: Vilepickle
Any word on the status of Minimaid production? I'd like to know if it's still on schedule in order to get my machine's SM computer setup.


Post #36 · Posted at 2014-03-10 06:42:51am 10.3 years ago

Offline Dogman1227
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"*no witty comment available* "
Is there any plans for future runs of the minimaids?
*insert crap bemani joke here*

Post #37 · Posted at 2014-03-10 10:54:03pm 10.3 years ago

Offline ddrdaemon
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Yea, its been a while since I got a PM response from RyogAkari. Spring is coming! Getting anxious!

Post #38 · Posted at 2014-03-11 09:56:24am 10.3 years ago

Offline RyogAkari
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Hello everyone!

Yes, it has been awhile! There is generally a huge lull between when preorders start and then the final countdown to minimaid shipment due to the nature of, well, there not being much going on (it's mostly a hurry up and wait business on our end).

However! Here are some shots of what has been happening over the last month and a half.



Minimaid boards have been printed and the chips are in. Currently the boards and chips have been shipped off to the assembly company we are using. The assembly company was slow to get back with us this time around and ended up burning through all of the buffer time I added to the ship date however as things currently are we are still on track for our target ship date of March 31st.

Boards should come out of assembly near the end of next week and then be shipped back to the parent company. They will receive the boards in on the following week and then are scheduled to meet up with me the weekend of the 29th of march. That gives me two days to test boards and packaged them up for shipment on the 31st (monday).

This is, of course, my target date and as people know things can happen from time to time to delay shipment however currently we are on track! Ill let everyone know when boards are in! Payments on boards that have the preorder deposit only would be due the friday after boards have stared shipping which currently is April 4th as long as shipment projections don't change. I ship the fully paid boards the first weekend and then the following weekend I ship the deposit boards.

Thanks again guys for helping make this a success!!

Post #39 · Posted at 2014-03-11 07:45:00pm 10.3 years ago

Offline vilepickle
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Nintendo Network ID: VilepickleOrigin: Vilepickle
Thanks for the update!

Post #40 · Posted at 2014-03-14 01:08:53pm 10.3 years ago

Offline Zero6823
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Last updated: 2014-03-14 01:11pm
So out of curiosity, has anyone here gotten their Minimaid to work under Linux? If I remember correctly, the lights driver is required for the pads to function properly or otherwise most of the arrows on the pads get locked up or something like that. I remember RyogAkari talking to me about this before. So if anyone has a working lights driver for linux, please share it.
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