
Italian player scene

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Post #1 · Posted at 2013-09-10 01:10:51am 10.8 years ago

Offline toby7ten
toby7ten Avatar Member+
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Heard from people at this summer's ITG tournament, and the player base from trips to France that Italy has the best Bemani scene in Europe. I also heard this back in the day 2002-2006 times.

Personally I've been to Pisa and Rome yet not seen arcades there.
I know most of the places are on the coast, esp Rimini area.

In case I missed Italian players here, where do you guys go?
Can you recommend an area, and a place that is open in the winter too?

There are countries such as Poland who have a big scene but don't post on international sites, so I am assuming Italy is the same? All info appreciated as it will be an excuse to visit a new place. Take it easy.

Post #2 · Posted at 2014-06-29 08:26:17pm 10 years ago

Offline Aposke
Aposke Avatar Member
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Apparently there's a place in Torino called "King Center" which harbours a IIDX, a pop'n, and a Guitar Freaks and Drum Mania machine!


I haven't been there myself (yet), but I'd love to get more info on it if there's any regular visitors to that place here, or maybe info about other locations in Italy.

Post #3 · Posted at 2014-06-30 09:57:33am 10 years ago

Offline ShogunTaira
ShogunTaira Avatar Member
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"c o m e t o B R A Z I L"
did you just bump a 9 and a half month old thread

Quote: 【=◈︿◈=】porter
the best hate tweet i ever got was "hey loser go hang out with your imaginary robot girl" i was like hell yes this dude gets it

Post #4 · Posted at 2014-06-30 10:51:35am 10 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"

Last updated: 2014-06-30 10:52am
There is nothing wrong with bumping a 9½ month old thread if it's adding relevant info to the discussion.

Post #5 · Posted at 2014-06-30 01:03:26pm 10 years ago

Offline no dice
no dice Avatar Member
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"Don't get depressed!"
That layout is awesome! I'm interested to know if those panels help in isolating the machines' sound from each other.

Post #6 · Posted at 2014-06-30 06:41:45pm 10 years ago

Offline Aposke
Aposke Avatar Member
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Quote: no dice
That layout is awesome! I'm interested to know if those panels help in isolating the machines' sound from each other.
That's pretty much what they're there for, yeah. I also really like how they advertise this as their "rhythm gaming corner" with the newest updates and everything. They must be really dedicated or at least have a really dedicated fanbase for this (which is kinda why I'm hoping to get a reply from someone there).
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