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Post #21 · Posted at 2015-07-08 01:08:13am 9 years ago

Offline toby7ten
toby7ten Avatar Member+
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Wowzers, awesome thread. I feel more at home now I know other people do detective work with Google cache and the Wayback website haha. It's really interesting to hear Poland seemed to have a (relatively) big scene.

Moved back to England and run an arcade here no so been too busy to travel much.

Kind of miss the random trips to Polish towns to find cabs.

If you ever find a place that has at least Fiesta 2 (preferably Prime, but F2 sounds like it would be a miracle in itself) then I can definitely get Poland involved in IPF (International Pump Festival).

Post #22 · Posted at 2015-08-05 08:12:29pm 8.9 years ago

Online Lisek
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Last updated: 2015-08-05 08:12pm
I'm 80% sure that Niechorze may have Fiesta 2 machine. Sadly it's about 450km for me and I don't own a car. In 2013 and 2014 there were two Fiesta EX machines. One of the arcades is owned by http://jokergry.pl/ and they have on their site Fiesta 2 in offer.

Is again playable at Władysławowo.

Check the updated list
for more information.

Post #23 · Posted at 2015-08-12 11:30:06pm 8.9 years ago

Offline Aposke
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Now let's hope it'll still be there next year. I don't think I'm gonna manage paying Poland a visit in 2015 anymore... How long are thos arcades usually open again? Would it be possible to try in October?

Post #24 · Posted at 2016-08-09 02:20:17pm 7.9 years ago

Online Lisek
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Last updated: 2016-08-09 02:22pm
From what I heard, one of Joker's arcades in Szczecin has Fiesta 2.

Szczecin is just next to Germany border.

- New official address for my arcade list, you can find it here - arcade.lisianora.eu
- Updated towns: Międzyzdroje, Międzywodzie, Pobierowo, Niechorze, Dziwnów
- New towns: Pobierowo, Boszkowo, Słupsk, Kraków
- Added some photos of machines
- For Polish users mostly - feel free to like my facebook page for information about games, arcades and anime conventions with music games - https://www.facebook.com/LisiaNoraDDR

Planning to update Władysławowo in next week and Darłówek in two weeks from now.

Big news:
- Fiesta 2 exists in Poland, first located arcade is in Pobierowo
- Danz Base was found, never heard about this game before!
- Pump Jump exists in Poland, first located in Niechorze
- Spongebob: Hit the Beat was also found in Niechorze



And also a lovely picture from Międzywodzie arcade where they have NX with TX cab upgraded into...

Post #25 · Posted at 2016-10-11 04:31:42pm 7.7 years ago

Offline toby7ten
toby7ten Avatar Member+
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Quote: Lisek
Some updates from 2015!


This weekend hoping to go to Łeba. I will keep you updated guys.

Amazing update! I will post this in the Pump It Up Players Europe group!

Post #26 · Posted at 2016-10-11 04:35:02pm 7.7 years ago

Online Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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Quote: toby7ten
Amazing update! I will post this in the Pump It Up Players Europe group!
Use the 2016 link - http://arcade.lisianora.eu/ .

Post #27 · Posted at 2016-10-11 04:36:42pm 7.7 years ago

Offline toby7ten
toby7ten Avatar Member+
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Got it, cheers Lisia

Post #28 · Posted at 2019-09-02 01:48:32pm 4.9 years ago

Online Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-09-08

The list continues to be updated by myself and some friendly people that are sending updates to me (cheers to M.Tur, Throo, Darq, Łukasz, Yuukae, Justa and H.Mis).

Pictures of some interesting recent things:




Post #29 · Posted at 2022-01-23 07:41:12pm 2.5 years ago

Offline toby7ten
toby7ten Avatar Member+
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Wow wtf

Post #30 · Posted at 2022-08-14 07:57:53pm 1.9 years ago

Online Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-09-08

Last updated: 2024-02-07 10:08pm
Some news from Poland.
The list keeps being updated of course - http://arcade.lisianora.eu/

- Łeba cabs are out. Nothing there is left.
- Władysławowo has new retro arcade. It has BeatMania 4th and DDR Solo Bass Mix 4th Mix - probably ones that were missing for 5 years!
edit: can confirm, the serial number on BeatMania confirms to be the same machine! DDR confirmed to be Solo 4th Mix instead of Solo Bass Mix.

- StepManiaX cabs are gone.
- A lot of cabs have gone missing in last two years.
- Wrocław is going to have first Gamestate arcade. They announced that they will bring Pump It Up.
- Coins are getting more expensive. Some arcades moved from 2 PLN to 3 PLN. Some extreme cases even upped to 4 PLN per credit!

There are some discords for Polish community:
https://discord.gg/NrJpvks - Lisia Nora discord - dance game and rhythm game community
https://discord.gg/aVywBR4 - PDGC - all-around dance community
https://dc.edwoksel.pl/ - EDW - community for "hand" games like SDVX/IIDX/P.Diva

Post #31 · Posted at 2022-08-17 12:58:33pm 1.9 years ago

Offline Freestyle
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Wow, that is a bummer to hear a Stepmania cab is gone. Hopefully it will resurface soon. They're still rare here Stateside much less anywhere else in the world. I really enjoy the sensitivity and the play quality.

Post #32 · Posted at 2022-08-17 09:40:57pm 1.9 years ago

Online Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-09-08

Not a chance. I actually talked with someone that works for the company that runs the arcades in which those SMXs were - they earned poorly. They were returned to the manufacturer.

But hey, at least recently I could experience 4th Mix Solo again Tongue

Post #33 · Posted at 2022-08-18 04:35:36am 1.9 years ago

Offline Freestyle
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Ah, that's a bummer. Sad to hear they weren't money makers

Post #34 · Posted at 2022-11-27 11:21:57am 1.6 years ago

Offline CapitanStarr1989
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A few DDR machines that I encountered in Poland, The most interesting of them was Pump it up converted to openITG, also there was a Japanese cab converted to stepmania 3.9 and machine that used to be the first mix also converted to stepmania 3.9 with an lcd monitor from another game screwed on the front, the monitor has SEGA logo burnt on it. I also came across Dancing Stage Euromix 2 which was bought by a private owner. The machines are in a state of slow degradation ,panels are unresponsive and the monitors have burnt lists of records or other artifacts. The owners of bowling alleys and places where these machines are located say that this is a dying form of entertainment and almost no one plays these games anymore, which is just sadCry

Some pictures:

Converted 1st Mix cab with wonky LCD conversion

Pump Cab with OpenITG

Dancing Stage Euromix 2

Japanese Cab with stepmania 3.9
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