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Post #1 · Posted at 2013-09-07 04:14:04pm 10.8 years ago

Offline toby7ten
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Hidden fact: Poland is a hidden gold mine for arcade machines.

Many of these are 4 pence / 7 cents a credit (not a misprint).
Since I've been living in Berlin for 2 years now, I've had time to visit Poland over 10 times by rail.
If you ever have to pass through Poland, be aware they move the machines seasonally;

Winter season: Shopping malls.
Summer season: Cabs move from the malls to the seaside, creating temporary arcades.

I am updating the database today with cabinets.

Post #2 · Posted at 2014-04-01 05:48:37am 10.3 years ago

Offline Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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That's actually false. Most of machines cost 2 PLN which is about 0.48€ / 0.66 USD (April 2014 exchange rate). I have never saw anything below 1 PLN and I live in Poland. I'm interested in arcades since 2004 so I know what I'm talking about.

Thing about machines being seasonal - totally true. I live near sea and we don't have even single one when it's not season.

Most common machines in Poland are Pump it Up arcades. We have pretty much every mix in Poland ranging from 1st Mix to Fiesta EX (which we have about 3 for whole country).

We have about 4 maybe 5 DDR machines (2nd, 3rd, Euromix, Extreme, 4th Solo) and also single ITG cab. Sadly we do have a lot of StepMania cabs with 1-8 + StepMixes + random packs. From other games we have BeatMania (not IIDX) in about 2 copies, single Para Para Paradise and Percussion Master.

Post #3 · Posted at 2014-04-22 02:54:39pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Aposke
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I'm new to the site, and I've seen toby's post about an arcade hall in Władysławowo having a Beatmania machine (one of the very, very few throughout Europe), and since I was planning on visiting Poland this summer anyways, I thought I'd stop by and take a look.
I have a few questions though:
First off, the entry in the arcades map doesn't have a concrete address, but Google Search brought me to this website – is that the place that has the 4th style arcade?
Secondly, what's the other place that Lisek talked about, which apparently also has a Beatmania arcade? Besides the location in Władysławowo, there's nothing else listed on the map, sadly.

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Post #4 · Posted at 2014-04-22 11:10:57pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Lisek
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Last updated: 2014-04-23 06:51pm
Sadly, locations of IIDX cabs are unknown. There is no IIDX cab in Władysławowo.

Currently in Władysławowo you can find many Pump cabs - if I remember well, there are four of them currently: NX, Zero (unplayable), Premiere and Fiesta EX. You can also find some DanceManiaX cabs there (three or so?) - they are on 2nd Mix J-mix append. Credits for all machines in Władysławowo are 2zł (0.5€).

I'm located about 55km from so I visit Władek each year by bicycle when season starts Big Grin .

Post #5 · Posted at 2014-04-23 04:30:11pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Aposke
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Quote: Lisek
Sadly, locations of IIDX cabs are unknown. There is no IIDX cab in Władysławowo.
Wait, so there are Beatmania cabinets in Poland, but nobody knows where? Is that a result of them being moved around the whole time?
If so, is there any info on who does the moving? Or at least, on which places have had them before?

Post #6 · Posted at 2014-04-23 05:23:48pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Lisek
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Last updated: 2014-04-23 10:26pm
Wait, so there are Beatmania cabinets in Poland, but nobody knows where? Is that a result of them being moved around the whole time?
This is a result of dead community. In the great times we tried to keep updated list (similiar to one on zenius) on one of our community websites. Since that web went dead and no one cared to update anything we don't have any good lists. Most people from southern Poland either stopped playing because of reasons or because of constant quarells in communities.

One guy each year cycled through Szczecin to Hel on his bicycle to note all of the arcades from coastal belt. He stopped doing this about four years ago. Two years ago I finnally decided to do same thing to discover good arcades around Poland. 2 years ago I went from Hel to Ustka and last year I went from Szczecin to Ustka (so in two years I have managed to do the whole coast).

Sadly, most of my music gaming friends have already stopped to play so I don't have any information from rest of Poland. Last known location of one of the IIDX beatMania was one of Warsaw shopping malls (if I remember well it was in Centrum Handlowe Arkadia)... and that was in 2008.

There may be some new arcades or ones that weren't find by anyone (for example, in January this year I saw auction for DDR Extreme cab (broken) - no one has reported in last 10 years when I'm playing ANY DDR Extreme cabs in Poland).

If so, is there any info on who does the moving? Or at least, on which places have had them before?
There are many companies that are in arcade business. Most notable ones are probably Eurogames (mostly StepMania cabs which I noted) and Joker (which doesn't even have website and they have most of Pump arcades). Everything else is run either by families or really small companies (3-4 arcades max) so it's not that easy to keep track of everything :/

Oh, and if you will really want, I can find my files with all arcades near Władysławowo. They should be somewhere on my laptop.

I'm planning to go to Władysławowo for about week this year to chill out and play some games with friends. Also, it's a GREAT place if you like riding a bicycle - there is cycle road from Władysławowo to Hel (about 20km one way) and the views? BEAUTIFUL Smile I highly recommend either lending or bringing bicycle.

edit: I have talked with my girlfriend and she reminded me about one IIDX beatMania that I forgot! There SHOULD be one IIDXbeatMania in Władysławowo. I saw it two years ago. It is located in fun park. Sadly it was turned off and guy that was maintaining that arcade said that he won't turn it on. When season will start (probably near the end of may or early june) I will go to Władysławowo and check it. Will update it later. But still - it's really old mix (probably 4th if I remember well) so don't expect any miracles.

Post #7 · Posted at 2014-04-23 08:42:23pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Aposke
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Last updated: 2014-04-23 08:44pm
Wow, thanks for the great reply, Lisek!
It's pretty sad that poland's Bemani community died out like that... It bothers me that there might be tens of Beatmania arcades floating around somewhere in there with noone knowing their locations...
As I said, I'll probably be in Władysławowo around June/July of this year, and I'm hoping to be able to explore a bit more of the coast side, too. Heck, maybe I'll pack my tent with me and scourge the coastline for arcades like the polish guy you talked about did. It'd be a nice little project to do and a good way to pass semester holidays. I could update your arcades list (and, of course, the map here on z-i-v, too), if you still have it!
I'm really excited to hear the news about the IIDX cabinet in Władysławowo, too. Are you sure you're not confusing the original Beatmania with the IIDX series, though? Since you mentioned a 4th mix in Władysławowo, which is something that Toby already noted down here (albeit as a Beatmania 4th mix (5k), not a IIDX 4th Style (7k)).

But yeah, I'd love to see your arcade list if you still have it, and maybe, if everything works out, I can take a tour through northern poland this summer and update it a little.

Post #8 · Posted at 2014-04-23 10:28:30pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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Yeah, it wass classic beatMania. The location thought is different - look on the map for "Wesołe Miasteczko". Like I said it was not working so I was there just for few minutes so I'm not sure what mix it was (though I'm pretty sure it was 4th). I even stated few posts ago that we don't have any IIDX. Sorry for confusion - had rough day today.

Tons? Probably not. Like I said, when the community was at it's peak (probably 2008 - 2010) we pretty much covered whole Poland. I'm pretty sure that there may be just single undiscovered arcades, probably not worth looking for. We never had official provider of KONAMI arcade games (we were lucky enough to get Andamiro ones tho).

Post #9 · Posted at 2014-04-23 10:50:24pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Aposke
Aposke Avatar Member
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Quote: Lisek
Tons? Probably not. Like I said, when the community was at it's peak (probably 2008 - 2010) we pretty much covered whole Poland. I'm pretty sure that there may be just single undiscovered arcades, probably not worth looking for.
Oh, when you have a dying passion for certain things, almost anything can become worth looking for. I'll probably call Arkadia in Warsaw tomorrow, as well as the Wesołe Miasteczko place, and ask if they have any records of who they sold their machines to. A few months ago, one of them appeared on Ebay for 600€, apparently also sold by Joker (who do have a website, by the way).
If that's all you have, I'll try getting into contact with these people then and hopefully figure out more. Thanks for all the info so far, you've been really helpful! Now I actually have somewhat of a "trail" I can try to follow.

Post #10 · Posted at 2014-04-23 10:59:53pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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You know what. I never heard about bM6th in Szczecin. And I have been in Szczecin quite few times and have some contacts there who played dancing games.

... also wow. Joker has now a web and they list Fiesta 2 AND Pump Jump on it? That's kinda news for me too! Also what the hell is Hit the Beat.

If you really want to call - try also Galeria Mokotów in Warsaw too. It looks like it wasn't Arkadia that had that arcade.

Post #11 · Posted at 2014-04-28 01:16:25pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Aposke
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Last updated: 2014-04-28 01:16pm
Bingo - I found the 6th mix that Joker sold a few months ago over Ebay.
It's in the danish town of Ikast in Denmark's biggest retro musem.
This is their info website on it. From what I can gather with my broken danish, the arcade is currently not on display, but it's in their storage. I'm currently writing them a mail asking what their plans are with the machine and if it'll be put out on display.

I also contacted the Galeria Mokotow in Warsaw, where a nice lady informed me that they used to have arcades in a Bowling Center within the Galeria which sadly closed around the end of 2012, however. Through some googling and with the help of the wayback machine, I was able to get two names: Eliza Stępniak and Sebastian Kłys. Apparently the two of them pretty much ran the place, but none of them have any publicly available profiles anywhere, and their old phone numbers from the achieved webpage don't work anymore.

About Wesole Miasteczko... Well, I've tried calling them a number of times over the last days, and the only time someone picked up, they didn't speak english well and I couldn't find a way to ask them about the 4th mix that's supposed to be there.

The 4th mix in Władyslawowo still seems to be there, although it's definitely not in the Sports Center that I was thinking of.

Overall, kind of a bleak result, but at least I managed to find one of the lost arcades. Hopefully, my visit to northern Poland this summer will turn up a little more info.

Post #12 · Posted at 2014-04-28 01:31:38pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Lisek
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Maybe those are the people that you are looking for?

About Wesołe Miasteczko - season starts around May in Władysławowo. I will try to go there around 2nd or 3rd week of May and check the situation. In few days I will try to manage that list I talked about earlier.

Post #13 · Posted at 2014-04-28 08:28:23pm 10.2 years ago

Offline Aposke
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Quote: Lisek
About Wesołe Miasteczko - season starts around May in Władysławowo. I will try to go there around 2nd or 3rd week of May and check the situation. In few days I will try to manage that list I talked about earlier.
Awesome! Thanks for your help, man.
All the best luck to you.

Post #14 · Posted at 2014-08-11 10:33:04pm 9.9 years ago

Offline Lisek
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Last updated: 2014-08-11 10:33pm
Been yesterday to Hel, Jastarnia and Władysławowo. Sadly didn't had much time in Władysławowo but we still managed to find out something quirky.

Hel - no arcades present, skip this.
Jastarnia - we found only one machine. One of arcades that hosted DMX 2nd before have swapped it for Pump it Up Zero. Machine is in pretty bad state and just near it is "basketball machine". It's dangerous to play on this machine (as balls can land on the pad easily).
Władysławowo - most of arcades are back in business. Sadly I say most because some of them closed up. DMX 2nd just near the train station is working nicely. We also found some abomination pump - it has frame from Perfect, has stickers from Zero if I remember correctly and it's running OBG 3.


Delivering what I have promised.


Currently only Władysławowo have google maps links. I will try to fill those. Same with missing location names or random Polish words.

I will be updating this in few upcoming days. I have found two more Pump Fiesta machines but have no idea where they are.
http://jokergry.pl/?go=salony - photos 3 and 4

And interesting fact... we seem to have working Pop'n Stage o_O

Post #15 · Posted at 2014-08-12 03:18:47pm 9.9 years ago

Offline Aposke
Aposke Avatar Member
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Whoa, nice! I'm really enjoying that spreadsheet you made. Thanks for your hard work! I'll be sure to check out some of those places when I'm going next year. I'm kinda sad to hear that there's no trace of that Beatmania 4th Mix cabinet in Władysławowo anymore, though. Maybe it was in one of the arcades that closed? Google maps shows there being a restaurant/bar where the arcade's supposed to be, so maybe they sold it (I hope they sold and didn't just trash it).

Did you get into talks with the arcade operators as well? I reckon most of them probably know each other and know who's sold what to whom.

Post #16 · Posted at 2014-08-17 09:33:17pm 9.9 years ago

Offline Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2014-08-17 09:33pm
I was few times in Władysławowo this year and that BeatMania orignnally was in Wesołe Miasteczko. We talked to the managment there but they didn't know anything.

I talked to some arcade operators (and one talk was really unpleasant, thus why I don't recommend the "Fiesta Trash" machine in Władysławowo) but no new information from them.

Anyways there is a chance that we have some Fiesta 2 / Pump Jump and Hit the Beat machines. No idea where could they be thought.

Last known location for Pop'n Stage is in Pobierowo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StwldtkIhqU

I will be probably visiting Darłowo / Darłówek next week for some Pump Fiesta :3

I have added some new machines to database. We found out first Pump Jump in Poland Smile

Post #17 · Posted at 2014-08-23 09:28:53am 9.9 years ago

Offline Aposke
Aposke Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-04-12

Whoa, someone just told me that there's only about 50 Pop'n Stage cabinets left worldwide! You have some really rare treasures over there after all Tongue
Thanks for your hard work, I'm looking forward to hearing more from you soon Smile

Post #18 · Posted at 2015-07-01 03:41:14pm 9 years ago

Offline Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-09-08

Some updates from 2015!


This weekend hoping to go to Łeba. I will keep you updated guys.

Post #19 · Posted at 2015-07-02 12:08:47am 9 years ago

Offline Aposke
Aposke Avatar Member
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Fancy! Thanks for the updates, man.

I also got an update myself. Another polish guy (iorek) told me that the Beatmania cabinet I was searching for in Władysławowo had been bought by a private arcade collector in Germany. I'm pretty excited about that, but sadly noone seems to know the guy, not even the rhythm gaming community over here, so I'm guessing he's someone totally unrelated. I'm just curious what happened to the machine and where it is now...

Post #20 · Posted at 2015-07-05 12:38:56am 9 years ago

Offline Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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No good news sadly.

- DDR Solo went missing.
- Pump NX2 and DMX at Lider were still not fixed (right pad right-up arrow has much problems).
- StepMania cab was turned off this year again.
- Exceed near train stations was turned off.
- The only decent working DMX was so silent that I barely could hear any music. Attract sounds from other machines were much louder...

Łeba is not recommended if you want to play any music games :/
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