
beware's DDR background video pack 2013

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Post #1 · Posted at 2013-01-07 01:27:12am 12.2 years ago

Offline beware
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Last updated: 2024-06-25 08:26am
https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/files/beware-background-videos-20130210.zip US mirror

size: 461291318
sha1: 69fba7005d672ec44bad230884a161e538010b7e
sha256: 802428c38fa783b4e1d8e4a85fcdcf6575c8c58ac866199474ad718bef04ba33

The pack has been released. please download it again if you downloaded a RC version before.


this is a pack of ddr max-ex background videos that are ripped from the ps2 discs and edited to be compatible with existing videos such as beware 2005, ollec2004, magmariox, Saotome2U, etc videos. all max-ex background videos that were in earlier releases were analog video captured from the ps2. this is the first time digital/disc ripped videos are made available so they have much better image quality than was so far possible in simulation. in addition to better image quality, a number of videos now have smoother animation because those videos were captured at a higher playback speed with dropped frames.

you can put these videos in the RandomMovies directory in stepmania instead of the old ones and existing scripts will keep working.

update: as of writing this initially, i was not aware of the arcade video rip project by pkgingo and AeronPeryton which is very recently released, so this is not the first time these vids are released in disc ripped form. however, that project is incompatible with existing scripts, theming, etc. From some quick observations, it seems the CS videos are of significantly higher quality (less severe blocking) than the AC videos.

more about the editing done:

the native resolution of the background videos (both on arcade and ps2) is 304x176. this resolution is preserved (videos are not resized), and 16 pixel borders are added to the top and bottom, so the geometry of the videos is compatible with the old videos. the border size of 16 pixels is chosen to optimally preserve quality because it aligns on blocks, and due to luck, this is close enough to the relative size of the borders on the old videos.

the old videos were often 29.97, 30.00, or 30.303 fps. on the arcade, they really play at (close to) 30.000 fps, unless they play at a custom speed. the videos in this pack are encoded at 30.000 fps so if the script says to play them at 1.0x speed, it plays at the correct speed.

videos normally always have 80 frames. the old videos were sometimes captured from the ps2 at 30 fps when the video was being played faster (or slower) than normal speed. this would result in a video with, for example, 50 frames, and dropped frames. in reality, the video plays at a higher framerate. i have encoded such videos with the full 80 frames, and at a different framerate, so their playback speed matches the old video, to maintain compatibility with existing scripts.

a large number of the old videos were captured with a significant hue error (between 5 and 10 degrees). because the new videos have correct colors, a color change is visible in such videos. common color errors are red -> orange, orange -> yellow, cyan -> blue.

the "Kaliedoscope" videos are intentionally misspelled for compatibility with the 2005 pack, and by extension, the videos before that. one should not "fix" the spelling.

new videos

a number of videos appear in this pack which were not in the 2005 pack:

sirens1 - used in cutie chaser. it is on the extreme cs disc even though no songs on it use it.

text28 - like text26 but "signal" instead of "scream", used in max2: peace-out and max: miracle

text29 - "disturb realize", used in max2: peace-out and max: miracle

ring12a - like ring12 but without the white sparks. used in follow me and probably others

chase7 - yellow running guy closeup. from pkgingo & AeronPeryton's arcade video rips. used in ex: genom screams.

cube12b - the original 80 frames of cube12a. cube12a has 16 frames from cube12 prefixed, this is bad editing by who created that vid.

dance3d - related to dance3. used in max: look to the sky

dance3e - related to dance3. used in max: look to the sky

disco2 - disco turntable vid. it is referred to in an old script by this name. used in max2: living in america.

mood1a - the blue part of mood1 on its own

grid5 - is for grid3 what grid2 is for grid1. used in max: do it right

max2 - blue max text vid - used in max2: silent hill (3rd christmas mix)

dance14a - the first half of dance14, which is really two unrelated videos added together. bad editing by who did this.

cards6 - the second half of dance14. is really part of the series of the cards videos. used in max2: The Centre Of The Heart

puppet3 - for puppet1/2 what bunny3 is for bunny1/2. used in DDR festival, Gakuen Tengoku

beads2 - like beads1 but without an overlaid effect. used in DDR festival, Gakuen Tengoku

beads3 - colored beads/blobs going up. used by DS megamix: a little less conversation

robot14a - the original of robot14

robot15a - the original of robot15

robot18b - the green robot animation from robot18 on its own.

riyu1-13 - used in max, max2, true... trance sunrise mix and radio edit

washable1-7 - hardcore washables. from pkgingo & AeronPeryton's arcade video rips. used on DS euromix 2: can't stop falling in love - speed mix

lady10a - the original of lady10 - used in DDR festival: superstar

text19a - "delete", original of text19. used in max: groove 2001

light11, light11r - used by extreme: dive (more deep & deeper style)

heart13 - used by ddr festival, diamonds

heart14 - used by DDR festival, cutie honey

kaliedoscope15 - used on max2 arcade, afronova

colors4 - used in DDR Ultramix, Max 300

ninja5 - used in DDR Ultramix, Tsugaru

new videos which are not known (to me) to appear in any song:

cards7 - fitting with cards2-5. unknown what uses it.

egg5 - brown egg vid. unknown if any song uses it

floor2 - a video related to floor1

text30 - "link it all"

lady20 - green/red lady video

scratch2 - "movement", related to scratch1

text31 - rings, "do you feel dizzy"

blinds2 - like blinds1 but with "dance dance revolution"

max3 - black "max" video

lady14a - the original video that lady14-lady17 are based on

lady12b - the original of lady12/lady12a

boy3a - the original of boy3-4

videos not in the 2005 pack but appeared in beware extreme

chase6 - guys running on a globe. from pkgingo & AeronPeryton's arcade video rips. used in ex: genom screams.

chase1b - used in ex: genom screams.

chase3a - used in ex: genom screams.

circle11 - used in ex: somewhere over the rainbow.

dog3 - like dog1 and dog2 but animated. used in various songs

taiqi1a-3a - used in extreme: exotic ethnic

Post #2 · Posted at 2013-01-07 03:09:58am 12.2 years ago

Offline Saotome2U
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"Makin' my rounds. Happy"

Last updated: 2013-01-07 03:14am
Wow, very nice work, beware! All these years have passed and I had not known that there was finally a method to rip the bgvids. I remember we had recorded up to 90% of the videos, but after Konami moved on to bring dancing characters back, there weren't any new vids to capture, plus starting with PS2 Extreme 2, they found a method to rip the bgvids to all songs.

Looking forward to any remaining vids you find and can rip. Happy

P.S. Two of the vids above that were "badly edited", are my doing. *LOL* Serious...I remember doing those 2 vids, but I took a shortcut and pieced them together since they were essentially related. I actually think it was during one late night and I was just tired and wanted to finish the vids to release 'em. But yep, guilty as charged. Roll Eyes

Post #3 · Posted at 2013-01-07 03:23:13am 12.2 years ago

Offline beware
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Last updated: 2013-01-07 03:26am
saotome2U, i'm glad you replied, that you're aware of this. for the new vids i added, i am mostly worried about name clashes. with you in, there is a chance of coordinating this (making sure these names are recognized as official)

edit: i wonder if i have seen the disturb and signal vids before. i'm not sure. have they been captured and released before? if so, what were their names?

Post #4 · Posted at 2013-01-07 03:35:16am 12.2 years ago

Offline Saotome2U
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"Makin' my rounds. Happy"
The Disturb video you have was released before. The original name for it was Wheel6.

As for Signal, no. It's one of the few vids that we could never capture because it was never released on a home version (I don't think). From what I remember, it was part of the CUTIE CHASER bgvid, but just never got home.

Post #5 · Posted at 2013-01-07 03:43:49am 12.2 years ago

Offline beware
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Last updated: 2024-06-25 08:30am
my wheel6 is the "wheel of fortune" type of vid. i wonder what went wrong here (lack of coordination). i did not make up this name so it was someone else.


i did a search in my old bg scripts (that i gathered from sources), and all are the groove/jazz/etc type of vids, so i'm sure my wheel6 is the most common/correct one and disturb should not be called wheel6

signal is part of the same songs (max2: peace-out and max: miracle - these are CS), so if disturb was captured, i think, this one should be too. i think it may have been lost for the same reason (name clashes)

what do you think is the best way for me to continue?

Post #6 · Posted at 2013-01-07 04:17:40am 12.2 years ago

Offline Air12567
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Finally Big Grin! now can use disc rips instead of those old videos that were recorded from 1p then 2p, then put together V:
nice work Be <3

Post #7 · Posted at 2013-01-07 09:03:50am 12.2 years ago

Offline Saotome2U
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"Makin' my rounds. Happy"
Quote: beware
my wheel6 is the "wheel of fortune" type of vid. i wonder what went wrong here (lack of coordination). i did not make up this name so it was someone else.


i did a search in my old bg scripts (that i gathered from sources), and all are the groove/jazz/etc type of vids, so i'm sure my wheel6 is the most common/correct one and disturb should not be called wheel6

signal is part of the same songs (max2: peace-out and max: miracle - these are CS), so if disturb was captured, i think, this one should be too. i think it may have been lost for the same reason (name clashes)

what do you think is the best way for me to continue?

I'm not sure how you may want to move forward. I remember when the concept for bgvids first began, months before I decided to start editing them myself in 2003, however sadly I don't remember the name of the guy who started doing the VERY first ones. He recorded, and scripted the first bgvids and named them first, that's why some of the names became inconsistent. I remember the "Wheel of Fortune" vid being used in RUGGED ASH. MagMarioX and I didn't start coordinating vids until mid-late 2003, and he was the first to do the misspelled kaleidoscope vids, then he stopped and I ended up doing vids alone. I know this is all a lil' history lesson, and may be irrelevant, but it gives some insight of how things were then.

When he and I coordinated with a mock website where people could go and download individual vids and the dwi or sm files with the bgscripts already in them, we went ahead and changed some of the video names to make them more streamlined. I didn't realize you had even started this project some years ago. It may be a harsh recommendation on how to proceed, but maybe we could rename all the vids that I remember that may have some issues, like all Wheels, Bubbles, Films, Girls, etc.

Post #8 · Posted at 2013-01-07 10:39:12am 12.2 years ago

Offline beware
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Last updated: 2013-01-07 10:52am
i think that systematic renames/reorganizations are *not* the right thing to do now because the whole (edit: max-ex) bg vids scene has been completely static/dead since 2005, since i released that pack, and the ollec2004 and magmariox 2003 packs are impossible to find/get now (i tried), while my 2005 pack is readily available (i am still offering and supporting it) so i think my 2005 pack in itself is good enough as a standard towards the future. and i did not make the pack completely alone, i worked together with amy for naming and also used her version of what videos should be named, and i used what was known as the "master list". in general i hate change, i want things to be as static as possible because i think that allows things to work better in practice and less time/cost is spent on the process of changing and maintaining things to keep up. how i went at my 2013 pack should tell you that - i set the cost of updating scripts to be zero.

philosophy wise i see a scale between people who want to change everything all the time to make it a bit more beautiful (as in, who consider the past to be completely irrelevant), and those who see changes/breaks with the past as problematic and want to keep something the same if at all possible. another example of a systematic change would be that one may want to make every single vid 30 fps, breaking the speed compatibility with the past, but i choose to preserve this compatibility. i made a slight compromise here, because i was originally going to exactly copy the old framerates (29.97, 30.000, 30.303, etc) but i considered standardizing on 30.000 for all of these was the right thing to do.

so to reiterate, every single script i have (from scripts i collected long ago. both sm and dwi) considers wheel6 to be the wheel of fortune vid, and none consider it to be the disturb vid (the songs that should be referring to the disturb vid are substituting another vid instead, as if it is missing). i think your wheel6 vid got lost very early on (before me even). there is no ambiguity here as to what wheel6 means.

edit: do you have the ollec2004 and magmariox 2003 packs? if so, i'd like to have them to see if i should rename some of my "new" vids.

Post #9 · Posted at 2013-01-07 11:40:45am 12.2 years ago

Offline Saotome2U
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"Makin' my rounds. Happy"
I MAY still have the zip file I downloaded of the pack that was released on a website just a few years back. You may have been the one to compile them all, I'm not sure, but if I can find it, I'll be happy to send it to you. If I can't find it, I think I still have a jpg snapshot of all these vids I found in 2006. You may very well be correct, Wheel6 may have overlapped at some point. MagMarioX and I ran into that issue, and that's also why some of the original vids have an S at the end to indicate I was the one who made it. After he disappeared, I started releasing vids without the S, but by that time it was too late, and you're right, people didn't want me to go back and change the vids to be more static. Not to mention, it would have taken me a while to rescript every sm file I released, which even now wouldn't be a problem. Someone else scripted them for dwi, as I didn't know how.

If I find that snapshot, I'll post it for you, no problem. I also had wondered if these vids should be a part of ZIV along with the other simfiles. I just haven't fully discussed it with al2k4 yet.

Post #10 · Posted at 2013-01-07 12:32:24pm 12.2 years ago

Offline beware
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Last updated: 2013-01-07 12:54pm
i made an update to the zip (this is RC, so i still make fixes if i feel the need). the filename did not change.

- i fixed tunnel2r. in the 2005 pack it was wrong. tunnel2 is a pingpong video (normal + reverse), and tunnel2r was the same. kakumei is the only script that refers to tunnel2r, and it expects it to be only the video in reverse (not pingpong). so both the correct and wrong videos must have existed, and the wrong one got in my 2005 pack. i fixed the video, so it's now correct.

- thunder1 and thunder1a are duplicate videos, and in my readme, i list duplicates, and which name is preferred. i found that all scripts are actually referring to thunder1a, not thunder1. the videos are the same. the only scripts that refer to thunder1 are b4u glorious style (a fan made/unofficial script), and ghosts (which is a broken script, because it refers to thunder1 to mean thunder1a, and then to thunder1 again to mean thunder2). in my readme, earlier, i arbitrarily "preferred" thunder1, because it's a prettier name, but i updated it to prefer thunder1a (and consider thunder1 deprecated)

edit: al2k4 mirrors files for me, and i appreciate that. and i'd like for my 2013 pack to be mirrored and linked to when it's released (which it isn't yet). but it's not, strictly, *part of* ZIV. it's not ZIV branded. i work on these things independently.

Post #11 · Posted at 2013-01-07 02:52:10pm 12.2 years ago

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Last updated: 2013-01-07 02:59pm
You know someone was able to rip all videos from DDRMAX~EXTREME (they are actually pictures running one after another at 30fps) and already compiled them into videos. It might not be a public release yet though. Not sure if you were looking to just implement those or if you just wanted to take the ones you needed when it does get a release though.

Post #12 · Posted at 2013-01-07 04:17:09pm 12.2 years ago

Offline CuzcoTheBlocky
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Last updated: 2013-01-07 04:17pm
Wow, cool! I've been looking for some of these for a while now! Big Grin

Thanks, beware. You helped me MAJORLY!

Was anyone expecting me to post in this thread?

beads3 - colored beads/blobs going up. unknown if any song uses it

Really? I thought those were balloons. Oh well. :/

circle11 - used in ex: somewhere over the rainbow.

I've been killing for this one for two years.

egg5 - brown egg vid. unknown if any song uses it

Okay, this is the first ever EVER time I've seen this. It looks all...new. As in new. I've imagined Egg5 as Kaleidoscope14 because Kaleidoscope11-14 don't look like Kaleidoscopes to me. Eh, what does it matter, I'm happy to have these new helpful additions!

I've actually had Disco2 and Ribbon2 (correct framerate) for some time, now. If you want, I can put a link to those two in the style of beware-2005.

Also, the downloading takes an hour (still 3 minutes for me!). So I could also put links to ONLY the newest ones like Circle11, Amoeba4, Eggs5, Beads2, Disturb1, Boy5/6, etc.


Post #13 · Posted at 2013-01-07 09:45:24pm 12.2 years ago

Offline beware
beware Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2013-01-08 02:36am
kon: no, i know nothing about someone else having ripped everything from arcade, which is why i had to draw chase6 and 7 myself. if they release, i'll just get these two vids. the others are the same no matter if it's on arcade or cs.

edit: can i please get their genom screams videos (chase6, 7), i will credit them for it.

can they get the videos of CSFILSM (the "hardcore washables") from euromix 2?

blocky: how do you know about beads3? is it used in any song? or do you know about it because of the arcade ripping project? can you tell me of any new vids in which song they are used?

edit: there is no point in you just uploading the new ones, because all vids are new, in the sense that they're now disc ripped, so they're higher quality than they were.

Post #14 · Posted at 2013-01-07 09:50:45pm 12.2 years ago

Offline DarkFeline
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"My paw is incompurrable!"
Hello beware. Good job but by any chance, were you able to get videos of Riyu Kosaka in her true... songs?
Credit to Lord Toon for the awesome banner.
Background scripts for Max-Extreme Random Movies users + FMVs.

Post #15 · Posted at 2013-01-07 09:52:43pm 12.2 years ago

Offline beware
beware Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2013-01-07 09:55pm
darkfeline: yes. i can make them available separately later on. same for max period vids. they are outside the scope of this project (the 2013 bg videos pack)

edit: which filenames do you know them as? can you share your bg script for them?

Post #16 · Posted at 2013-01-08 02:01:39am 12.2 years ago

Offline Kon
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I'll ask if I can at least give you the ones you need for now. If I get the all clear to release them publicly I will do so on here. I'll let you know.

Post #17 · Posted at 2013-01-08 04:58:04am 12.2 years ago

Offline Saotome2U
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"Makin' my rounds. Happy"

Hey beware, here is the snapshot I mentioned that I found back in 2006. It looks like most of the names remained relatively the same, so this may not be all too useful, but this is all I could find.

I'm gonna take it upon myself to rescript all of my sm files using your vid names. I'll keep an eye out for anything else I find, but it seems you have everything well in tow.

Post #18 · Posted at 2013-01-08 05:51:48am 12.2 years ago

Offline CuzcoTheBlocky
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Last updated: 2013-01-08 05:51am
Quote: beware
blocky: how do you know about beads3? is it used in any song? or do you know about it because of the arcade ripping project? can you tell me of any new vids in which song they are used?

I think it was used in a song in DDR Festival. It's also used in the credits of DDRMAX2 USA.


I think it should be called Balloons2. It kind of looks like them. I'll look at a DDR Festival video involving a longplay and see what it's used in.

Puppet3.avi (the puppet version of Bunny3.avi) is used in Gakuen Tengoku from DDR festival.

Okay, there's this one movie where there are thin hearts spinning with snow thingamabobs raining. Can you get that? I will call it "Heart13".

There's another variation of it at 1:02:06 of the video. Heart14?

Post #19 · Posted at 2013-01-08 05:53:55am 12.2 years ago

Offline Silverhawke
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Post #20 · Posted at 2013-01-08 06:20:21am 12.2 years ago

Offline beware
beware Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-03-10


they are definitely blobs, not balloons. they become round when they're up, they lack a string. it has a balloon shape because it's squeezed between other blobs there.
i call them beads (and not blobs) because they fit in the series of vids with beads1, for which songs use them etc.

thanks for telling me which song it's used in, when you find out, i'd like to know. can you also show the video that shows it being used?

saotome2u: i made that chart. yes you can use that as a basis for modifying your scripts. i will be uploading a new chart when the 2013 pack is released. the names of new vids hopefully don't change anymore but this is no hard guarantee.
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