
Groove Coaster 2 Original Style (iOS/Android) (formerly Groove Coaster Zero)

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Post #1 · Posted at 2012-11-20 11:41:00pm 12.2 years ago

Offline StarCreator
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Last updated: 2015-07-04 07:30pm
App Store: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id549050409?mt=8
Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.taito.groovecoasterzero

International Event Log
2015-07-01 - Renamed to "Groove Coaster 2 Original Style". Now available on Android.
2015-01-27 - "DECO*27 Pack" released.
2014-12-25 - "BLAZBLUE Pack" released.
2014-11-14 - "Hinata Electric Works Pack" released.
2014-10-08 - "Arcade Pack 4" released.
2014-09-17 - "Dragon Slaying Pack" released. "Black Moon Sympathy" available for free play.
2014-08-08 - "niconico Music Pack 8" released. "The Party Has Just Begun" available for free play.
2014-07-28 - "Arcade Pack 3" released.
2014-07-22 - "Mega Hits Pack" removed.
2014-06-25 - "niconico Music Pack 7" released.
2014-05-26 - "Puzzle & Dragons Pack 2" released. "Departure -Remix-" available for free play for a limited time.
2014-05-19 - Level cap increased to 200. Four new unlockable songs added.
2014-04-25 - "Kagerou Project Pack 4" released.
2014-03-27 - "niconico Music Pack 6" released.
2014-03-06 - "Pitapat Beat Pack" released. "Sakura Mankai" available for free play.
2014-02-10 - "ZUNTATA Arrange Pack 1" released.
2014-01-20 - "Kagerou Project Pack 3" released.
2013-10-25 - "Groove Prayer" available for free play.
2013-09-20 - "IA Clubline Pack" released. "SEE THE LIGHTS feat. IA" available for free play.
2013-08-12 - "Puzzle & Dragons pack" released. "Departure -Remix-" available for free play for a limited time.
2013-07-03 - "Mega Hits Pack" released.
2013-06-14 - "niconico Music Pack 5" released.
2013-05-30 - "Kagerou Project Pack 2" released.
2013-05-25 - "Arcade Pack 2" released.
2013-05-23 - "Sayonara Twilight" released (free, limited time only).
2013-05-16 - "niconico Music Pack 4" released.
2013-05-11 - "Arcade Pack" released.
2013-05-02 - "niconico Music Pack 3" released.
2013-??-?? - Version 1.5.2 released. Offline play added, existing songs can now be purchased as part of packs.
2013-04-11 - "niconico Music Pack 2" released.
2013-04-04 - "niconico Music Pack 1" released.
2013-03-21 - "Kagerou Project Pack", "Symphony No. 9 -Groove MIX-", "Kanon" released. Shop upgraded; purchases are now made directly instead of using a coin balance.
2013-02-20 - "Flower of Gangster", "Quartet Theme [Reborn]" released.

Original content of this post below, preserved for context.

Following last year's paid Groove Coaster app is a free to play sequel that has new songs as well as some returning favorites. The game is otherwise unchanged from the original, and being free, there's little reason not to just jump in.


Japanese song list: http://groovecoaster.com/apps/music.html
International song list: http://groovecoaster.com/apps/en/music.html

* The game downloads music content on demand, unlike the original game. The game originally launched with an always-on scheme but has since been updated to allow offline play; you will be limited to content you have already downloaded while playing offline.
* There is some sort of method the game uses that allows game data to persist even after completely removing the app, Game Center records, and cookies. (This appears to be stored on the game servers, linked by either the optional Taito ID or your IP address.)

The region lock is simply an IP address check. If the game connects to the store from a Japanese IP, you'll get the full store list. Otherwise, you'll only have the selection of songs available internationally.

Post #2 · Posted at 2012-11-21 12:14:47am 12.2 years ago

Offline Tyma
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3DS Friend Code: 2595-1148-0077
Quote: StarCreator

I think the best chance of getting the Japanese content is, BEFORE LAUNCHING FOR THE FIRST TIME, to switch both App Store and device language to Japanese. This might trick the game into assigning you to the Japanese store instead of the International one.

I'm not fussed about the licenses, but tried this to confirm, and the J-Pop songs don't show up in the store.

Post #3 · Posted at 2012-11-21 12:16:57am 12.2 years ago

Offline StarCreator
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Last updated: 2012-11-21 12:17am
Quote: Tyma
Quote: StarCreator

I think the best chance of getting the Japanese content is, BEFORE LAUNCHING FOR THE FIRST TIME, to switch both App Store and device language to Japanese. This might trick the game into assigning you to the Japanese store instead of the International one.

I'm not fussed about the licenses, but tried this to confirm, and the J-Pop songs don't show up in the store.

Japanese account, Japanese language, and bought the "you have 200 coins, spend them now" song then went back into the store later? (The game gives you a choice of 4 songs and not the entire store when spending the free 200 coins for some reason.)

Post #4 · Posted at 2012-11-21 12:19:20am 12.2 years ago

Offline Tyma
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3DS Friend Code: 2595-1148-0077
Quote: StarCreator

Japanese account, Japanese language, and bought the "you have 200 coins, spend them now" song then went back into the store later? (The game gives you a choice of 4 songs and not the entire store when spending the free 200 coins for some reason.)

Japanese language, Japanese account and Japanese UDID.

The game has bugged out and added the same song to the song select screen 3 times, though.

Post #5 · Posted at 2012-11-21 12:22:53am 12.2 years ago

Offline StarCreator
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Last updated: 2012-11-21 12:23am
Quote: Tyma
Japanese language, Japanese account and Japanese UDID.

The game has bugged out and added the same song to the song select screen 3 times, though.

So basically, this confirms it's an IP lock? Sounds like you ruled out both App Store and device ID regioning.

Thanks a bunch for testing this!

Post #6 · Posted at 2012-11-21 12:52:51am 12.2 years ago

Offline seishinbyou
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"Wow, 4 types of corn!"
Well, it appears for me (Japanese iPhone 4S bought in Japan, default Japan region setting)


Post #7 · Posted at 2012-11-21 08:57:22am 12.2 years ago

Offline StarCreator
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Confirmed the Japan-only content block is nothing more than an IP lock. Having the game load the IAP list from a Japanese IP will reveal the full store, regardless of any other conditions - the coins don't even have to come from the Japanese App Store.

Post #8 · Posted at 2012-11-21 12:00:27pm 12.2 years ago

Offline Arrows&Beats
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3DS Friend Code: 5370-0428-9949Game Center Nickname: Padoo
"Witch hunt victim."
Just downloaded this today, and I love it; it looks and plays really well. Glad to see an (original?) sampling masters MEGA song in the shop, too.

I don't quite understand how the "The Beginning" level works yet but apparently it utilizes your friends? So if anyone wants to add me, my Taito username is arrowsandbeats.

Post #9 · Posted at 2012-11-22 05:57:25am 12.2 years ago

Offline TimeWalker
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Okay, I tried this out myself and here's my little "review"

Upon starting up, I have been greeted by a little screen. I got extra songs because I already have the paid Groove Coaster version which is kinda neat. Now the first thing that was spectacular for me were the new levels. They were really fun to play and they are a lot more dynamic then the old ones. A lot more flashy, moving cameras, etc. I really like it! I also like how you can see the Ranks at the song selection and if you made 'No Miss'.

But then slowly it started to show the bad side. After unlocking a few songs, I noticed that these are the same ones already in Groove Coaster. Looking into the ranking, it seems that all unlockables are just reused old songs. This is kinda annoying for someone that already played the original Groove Coaster as they basically can now replay the songs again, just that they're in the free version and pretty much wasted a bit of money for the original GC. The only advantage is the individual leaderboards of the songs.

Now the other bad thing is that the songs cost double as much before. While the Groove Coaster songs only costed 1$, these songs now cost 2$. Double the price! And worse, some of them are even the same ones from the original GC game.

In conclusion, for people that never played the original GC, this is really a great deal. Lots of songs for free players and it's really fun. For oldbies however, it's kind of disappointing. For me, I've been waiting for new songs for a longer time and now I got a bit disappointed by that. Missed opportunity, I guess.

Post #10 · Posted at 2013-04-05 03:20:33am 11.8 years ago

Offline StarCreator
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Last updated: 2013-04-05 03:31am
Well, a large portion of the game's new content (and judging from the shop, 2/3 of the upcoming content) being shoved behind an IP block certainly isn't helping things.

Above Originally Posted at 2012-11-21 10:14:17pm EST


Not sure if anyone's still playing at this point, but the "niconico Music Pack 1" was just released. This follows another Vocaloid-centric pack, and judging by the announcement in the Japanese store, there are at least two more niconico packs coming. niconico Music Pack 2 appears to be set to release on 4/11.

The Japanese store also added a ton of new license covers in the last few months - perhaps new acquisitions that were done for the arcade version? The content gap between Japan and the rest of the world is insane now, just compare the songlists (I updated the links in the first post, since they've done some reorganizing of their website since then).

Purchasing the songs over a VPN using your local currency still works even though the coin system has been deprecated, and as before you don't even need the VPN to download the song data itself, only to make the purchase. Heck, all the store descriptions for the songs are fully localized, they could just flip a switch and it would all be ready to go.

I went ahead and played a bunch of the newer songs on stream last night, if anyone wants to check it out: http://www.twitch.tv/starcreator/b/386278093

Post #11 · Posted at 2013-07-04 12:58:20am 11.6 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Taito seems to be on a roll licensing things:


Post #12 · Posted at 2014-03-07 12:49:02pm 10.9 years ago

Offline StarCreator
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Last updated: 2014-03-07 12:49pm
Oh, hey, this made front page. If I get a free moment I'll look into reconstructing a DLC release history along the lines of the jubeat plus/RB+ threads. In the meantime, you can see all the currently available packs here:

Japanese song list: http://groovecoaster.com/apps/music.html
International song list: http://groovecoaster.com/apps/en/music.html

Above originally posted at 2013-07-03 06:54:22pm

A collaboration event between Groove Coaster Zero and Puzzle and Dragons has just begun. From 8/12 through 8/25, players can play the track "Departure -remix-" by Zuntata free of cost. This song will only be available during the campaign period and 10 "Visible" items will be sent to the players with scores in the top 1000 registered by the end of the campaign.

The Puzzle and Dragons pack has also been released:

<Puzzle & Dragons Pack Contents>
Departure / Kenji Ito
Walking Through The Towers / Kenji Ito
The Orb Festival / Kenji Ito
Walking Through The Towers —Remix— / Remixed by COSIO composed by Kenji Ito

Purchasing the pack also gives a limited edition avatar.


Above originally posted at 2013-08-12 03:12pm

On 9/20 through 10/7 Groove Zero will be running an event themed for Vocaloid IA. One song, "SEE THE LIGHTS feat. IA" will be made available for free during the campaign period. There will be another server wide score challenge as well, but unlike the Puzzle and Dragons event the song is yours to keep!

The IA Clubline Pack will also become available when the event starts on 9/20:

World Calling (TeddyLoid Remix) / JIN
Over Drive / TeddyLoid
NO feat. IA / ASY
ENE no Dennou Kikou / JIN

Above originally posted at 2013-09-17 05:26am

A new pack after three months of nothing... and it's more Jin. whyyyyyyyyy

Above originally posted at 2014-01-23 03:39am

So, this new pack is actually looking pretty epic. Lots of Sampling Masters in here.


Post #13 · Posted at 2014-05-19 06:25:38am 10.7 years ago

Offline ggsnipes
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So there is a patch:

1. Level Cap increased to 200!
2. New Achievements has been added!
3. New avatars has been added!
...and more!

Welp, time to play again.

Post #14 · Posted at 2014-05-19 05:48:33pm 10.7 years ago

Offline Arrows&Beats
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3DS Friend Code: 5370-0428-9949Game Center Nickname: Padoo
"Witch hunt victim."
Did they add new unlockable songs, too? I wouldn't know anyway; I'm not even level 100.

Post #15 · Posted at 2014-05-19 06:16:06pm 10.7 years ago

Offline StarCreator
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Yes, per the website the following four songs are new unlockables:

It's a pit world / Shohei Tsuchiya
World Collapse / Shohei Tsuchiya
Got more raves? / E.G.G

It's also worth noting that the Mega Hits Pack and the two Arcade Packs are on sale until June 2nd for $1.99 (discounted from $4.99).

Post #16 · Posted at 2014-05-19 07:45:06pm 10.7 years ago

Offline Quadrasputnik
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Does anyone know which music track can make me level up the fastest?
Nu Heat is Max Headroom.

Post #17 · Posted at 2014-05-19 07:47:12pm 10.7 years ago

Offline polarbearjosh
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Last updated: 2014-05-19 07:55pm
Curious on something. I heard there's some free exclusive packs for people who previously paid for the original Groove Coaster app. If I'm able to buy it now, will I still able to recieve the packs? Anyway, I just downloaded the app and I'm enjoying it so far. My only complaint is the graphics are too flashy even though they are nice to look at.
Polar Bears and BEMANI Forever!!!!Laughing Out Loud

Post #18 · Posted at 2014-05-25 07:22:59am 10.7 years ago

Offline Quadrasputnik
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Last updated: 2014-05-31 09:16am
Quote: polarbearjosh
Curious on something. I heard there's some free exclusive packs for people who previously paid for the original Groove Coaster app. If I'm able to buy it now, will I still able to recieve the packs?

Not really sure. It has been more than a year since ZERO first arrived on the store.

Also, I've noticed that the Departure stage from the P&D pack has changed a bit. The orbs that appear in the track look like they got an additional layer.

Has anyone ever attempted to create a custom track for GCZ?
Nu Heat is Max Headroom.

Post #19 · Posted at 2014-07-31 03:07:12pm 10.5 years ago

Offline Trip Machina
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I was one of the first people to buy Groove Coaster when it came out for iOS, and I was quite pleased with the game! I eventually stopped playing it after a while and didn't even unlock all songs yet. Now, after nearly 3 years, I find out that an AC version was created; there is one here in Asia (outside of Japan), and I saw some people play it.

Sort of refreshed, being an arcade junkie, I decided to re-download it again from the AppStore; I found my original purchase as well as Groove Coaster Zero. With Zero being the most up-to-date version, I decided to download it as well as the original (for the extra ~4 complimentary songs).

Most of the interface and mechanics from years ago (the original) remained intact, only with Zero having alot of extra online stuff. The newer songs and lines/charts are much more spectacular now! Love it! Makes Tone Sphere look like shit....I'd give Tone Sphere more credit if the songlist didn't suck (despite being free).

Anyways, the network will initially download three files and sync up with the server, then you can play the game offline if you wish. For each new song(s) you acquire, you'll have to download the song files only once before you can play the song period; I'm LVL200 and got every song unlocked as well as a few purchased songs. My TAITO ID is registered. If you delete the app, you'll lose your LVL, but all songs (only) you've unlocked/purchased will be immediately made available to you.

The server sync is a bit quirky at times though; sometimes I boot up the game with an Internet connection and found that the server sync somehow deleted the cache (all song data stored here) and commenced redownloading the 3 initial files again, thus causing LVL reset + the need to redownload all unlocked/purchased songs all over again....I think this occurs mostly during an app update or some untimely song unlocked offline that needs to be verified + downloaded from the server....all in all, I don't run GCZ online very much, as you're very safe offline.
Support Project Hope: IIDX CS Revival -> beatmaniaIIDX ULTIMATE CS

All you DDRist's, try Trip Machine with the bass turned up!!
Alan's my hero! ^^

Quote: Alan and Trip Machina 2007-2008
Trip says: lol guessing TROOPER songs are funner XD
Alan says: oh noes
Alan says: nintendo license ... KOOPA TROOPA? XD
Trip says: LMAO!!!

Post #20 · Posted at 2014-08-02 06:10:45am 10.5 years ago

Offline StarCreator
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It's normal for the three initial file downloads to happen after every update cycle (roughly every 2-4 weeks... I'm a little behind on updating the first post), but it's not normal that you lose any records or other data in the process. I haven't run into issues like those and I've had Zero since launch.
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