
[work] 1998

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Post #1 · Posted at 2007-09-29 09:46:18am 17 years ago

Offline RidgeTiger
RidgeTiger Avatar Member
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Reg. 2007-09-29

This is not a simfile request, but i couldn't find anywhere to post it, and i can't post on DDRUK's official simfile board. So i'm posting it here.

I have started working on 1998 from Hottest Party. The video I used to step this was very hard to tell if it was either a 4th note or a 16th note so some steps may be incorrect, and some freeze arrows are misplaced.


I might not be able to finish it so i left it for you guys to sync and fix (and hopefully get graphics and a better mp3).

If anyone wants to start Light steps, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xum11WE7p44

This video may help you.

EDIT: Oops, can a moderator move this to the simfiles section? Sorry x.x;;

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