
Official Simfile Error Thread

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Post #361 · Posted at 2023-03-10 12:18:10am 1.3 years ago

Offline razorblade
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Quote: L33tAliceIp
I don't know if this is just me or the simfile, but something seems very off. Beginning at measure 44 (between combos 266-315) in ANTI-ANTHEM's Heavy chart, I believe there is some sort of sync issue. I know for sure that I hit the pauses and unpauses right, but it registers it as a GOOD.

I re-downloaded the simfile and checked the sync via ArrowVortex (with wave form filter on), and I don't see any problem. I also tried to play it using keyboard (used custom DDR-like timing) and I don't get any Good judgment in the parts you mentioned.

here is the video:

Post #362 · Posted at 2023-03-10 07:03:29pm 1.3 years ago

Offline L33tAliceIp
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Nintendo Network ID: GalladeMeister3DS Friend Code: 1607-1662-9886
"Prepare for disappointment"
That's odd. Must be on my end then. May be because I'm using an older version of Stepmania, yet I don't see how that could be the problem. I'll try to see if I can do something on my end to remedy this if it persists.

Post #363 · Posted at 2023-03-18 01:59:54am 1.3 years ago

Offline waterdraik346
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"Wish I could change my username"
On the topic of syncing, PRANA+REVOLUTIONARY ADDICT (U1 DJ Mix) from DDR 2014 feels late after the first stop, which is actually the result of the song having bad looping (albeit not as bad as in The legend of MAX).

This is my attempted resync of it:

Post #364 · Posted at 2023-03-18 05:00:13am 1.3 years ago

Offline Landpaddle
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Last updated: 2023-03-19 07:44am
At least one official chart appears to have BPM changes under #BPMS that change the BPM to the same value. For example, in the .sm file for DDR 2013 - Windy Fairy:


I noticed this while working on a script to count BPM changes by counting every comma character on that property. I also opened the file in ArrowVortex, and the BPM change was not displayed there. I think other charts under 2013 are also affected since each listed at least 1 BPM change in the script output.

Instances like these should probably be changed to avoid miscounts with simple scripts that don't check if adjacent BPMs are different.

Post #365 · Posted at 2023-03-18 05:18:29am 1.3 years ago

Offline waterdraik346
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"Wish I could change my username"

Last updated: 2023-03-18 05:19am
Spanish Snowy Dance and Somehow You Found Me have that same issue too. Also, MAX LOVE from DDR X2 is missing a #DISPLAYBPM:180; tag in its .sm file, causing SM to display its BPM as 180~180. The latter issue isn't present on the Chinese version of the song however.

Post #366 · Posted at 2023-03-20 05:10:29pm 1.3 years ago

Offline Landpaddle
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Last updated: 2023-03-20 05:11pm
I ran a script to find some cases where BPM was erroneously changed to the same value, and these are the results:

Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX (AC) (Japan)
- BRILLIANT 2U - 0.000=150.000,20.000=150.000
- PUT YOUR FAITH IN ME - 0.000=120.000,4.000=120.000

Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMIX (AC) (Japan)
- AFRONOVA - 0.000=200.000,20.000=200.000
- Silent Hill - 0.000=125.000,14.000=125.000

Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX (AC) (Japan)
- LEADING CYBER - 0.000=150.000,12.000=150.000
- LOVE AGAIN TONIGHT~For Melissa MIX~ - 0.000=150.000,12.000=150.000
- TRIP MACHINE CLIMAX - 0.000=180.000,24.000=180.000

Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX (AC) (Japan)
- PARANOiA ETERNAL - 0.000=200.000,4.000=200.000

Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME (AC) (Japan)
- 1998 - 0.000=150.000,4.000=150.000
- Across the nightmare - 0.000=300.000,4.000=300.000
- Dance Dance Revolution - 0.000=150.000,4.000=150.000
- DROP THE BOMB(SyS.F. Mix) - 0.000=150.000,8.000=150.000
- DYNAMITE RAVE(Down Bird SOTA Mix) - 0.000=150.000,8.000=150.000
- Gamelan de Couple - 0.000=150.000,4.000=150.000
- jane jana - 0.000=125.000,4.000=125.000
- STAY (Organic house Version) - 0.000=125.000,4.000=125.000
- Twin Bee -Generation X- - 0.000=169.014,4.000=169.014
- V ~for EXTREME~ - 0.000=150.000,4.000=150.000

DanceDanceRevolution 2013 (AC) (Japan)
- Children of the Beat - 0=160,4=160
- Confession - 0=150,8=150
- Empathetic - 0=180,4=180
- Furisodation - 0=200,4=200
- JOKER - 0=160,4=160
- LOVE & JOY -Risk Junk MIX- - 0=180,4=180
- Sousei Note - 0=200,4=200
- Synergy For Angels - 0=160,4=160
- Top The Charts - 0=160,4=160
- Windy Fairy - 0=180,4=180
- You - 0=72,4=72
- Zutto Mitsu Meteite (Ryu Remix) - 0=160,4=160

DanceDanceRevolution II (Wii) (North America)
- Sky Is The Limit (Full Song) - 0.000=150.000,4.000=150.000

DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2 (AC) (Japan)
- AIN'T NO MOUNTAIN HIGH ENOUGH - 0.000=120.000,4.000=120.000
- Arrabbiata - 0.000=225.000,4.000=225.000
- BRILLIANT 2U (STREAM Special) - 0.000=150.000,20.000=150.000
- CaptivAte~CHIKAI~ - 0.000=160.000,4.000=160.000
- D2R (FREEZE Special) - 0.000=160.000,4.000=160.000
- DYNAMITE RAVE (AIR Special) - 0.000=150.000,12.000=150.000
- Every Day, Every Night (NM STYLE) - 0.000=90.000,4.000=90.000
- Feelings Won't Fade(Extend Trance Mix) - 0.000=144.000,4.000=144.000
- MARS WAR 3 - 0.000=200.000,4.000=200.000
- Raspberry Heart (English version) - 0.000=160.000,12.000=160.000
- volcano - 0.000=240.000,4.000=240.000

DanceDanceRevolution X (AC) (Japan)
- 30 Lives (Up-Up-Down-Dance Mix) - 0.000=144.000,4.000=144.000
- AFRONOVA(X-Special) - 0.000=200.000,20.000=200.000
- Big Girls Don't Cry - 0.000=125.000,4.000=125.000
- Chance and Dice - 0.000=150.000,4.000=150.000
- Dance Dance Revolution(X-Special) - 0.000=150.000,4.000=150.000
- Dance Floor - 0.000=120.000,4.000=120.000
- DYNAMITE RAVE - 0.000=150.000,12.000=150.000
- DYNAMITE RAVE (AIR Special) - 0.000=150.000,12.000=150.000
- HOW TO PLAY - 0.000=125.000,4.000=125.000
- PARANOiA ETERNAL(X-Special) - 0.000=200.000,4.000=200.000
- Playa (Original Mix) - 0.000=125.000,4.000=125.000
- Reach Up - 0.000=150.000,4.000=150.000
- Suki Melo - 0.000=180.000,4.000=180.000
- Taj He Spitz (Tommie Sunshine's Brooklyn Fire Re-Touch) - 0.000=120.000,4.000=120.000
- TRIP MACHINE CLIMAX(X-Special) - 0.000=180.000,24.000=180.000

DDRMAX -Dance Dance Revolution 6thMIX- (AC) (Japan)
- FLASH IN THE NIGHT - 0.000=158.008,4.000=158.008
- ORDINARY WORLD - 0.000=138.502,4.000=138.502

DDRMAX2 -Dance Dance Revolution 7thMIX- (AC) (Japan)
- AFRONOVA(FROM NONSTOP MEGAMIX) - 0.000=200.000,4.000=200.000
- CELEBRATE NITE(EURO TRANCE STYLE) - 0.000=144.000,4.000=144.000
- Silent Hill (3rd christmas mix) - 0.000=125.000,4.000=125.000
- WILD RUSH(FROM NONSTOP MEGAMIX) - 0.000=125.000,4.000=125.000


The script works by counting the number of BPM changes and finding the difference between the min and max BPMS. If there is exactly 1 BPM change and no difference, then it's guaranteed that BPM change is to the same value. The script doesn't do comparisons mid-BPMS-string, so it likely missed many other cases where BPM was changed to the same value.

The "BPM False Change Counter" script is available here for use locally: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kMe0AHRVjphqz8SFG0ZaI2mMv2dvuA57?usp=sharing

Post #367 · Posted at 2023-03-20 05:32:52pm 1.3 years ago

Offline waterdraik346
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"Wish I could change my username"
For D2R ("FREEZE" Special), that could be fixed by making the BPM at measure 0 163. The original D2R in the DDRMAX2 category does this too.

Additionally, a lot of the simfiles you mentioned could use updating (e.g. resyncs).

Post #368 · Posted at 2023-03-20 05:43:51pm 1.3 years ago

Offline razorblade
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Last updated: 2023-03-20 05:54pm
All ssq to sm tools have been like that when converting them and during that time I never bothered to modify or "clean" them until the release of DDR A. When I'm free, I will update them to match current standard. I'm sure it will take a lot of work.

Edit: I've been doing resyncs on my own eversince DDR A was released. I preferred not to update them (or some simfiles) because as far as I remember we had private discussion about it and most of the higher admins prefer the original data timing.

Post #369 · Posted at 2023-03-25 09:58:39pm 1.3 years ago

Offline Landpaddle
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Last updated: 2023-03-25 09:58pm
I updated the script to find all same-BPM changes in the #BPMS field instead of the previous limited approach. It now finds several more cases across various folders.

The updated "BPM False Change Counter.py" script is here, as well as a "bpm_false_changes.json" file with all affected official charts to update as of 2023 March 22: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kMe0AHRVjphqz8SFG0ZaI2mMv2dvuA57?usp=share_link

Append edit: I created another Python script (Misformatted Attribute Finder.py) to collect a list of misformatted attribute tags that use incorrect casing (not all-caps). The only affected official file is "U Can't Touch This" from DanceDanceRevolution X (AC) (Japan), which contains the following lines:


I don't think this affects how the .sm file is loaded in Stepmania, but Python and some other languages require .lower(), .casefold(), or equivalent for case-insensitive attribute matching, and consistent all-caps prevents potential errors when retrieving or comparing this info.

Post #370 · Posted at 2023-03-26 03:29:21am 1.3 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
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"suffering from success"
the true simfile errors were the friends we made along the way

Post #371 · Posted at 2023-05-18 05:34:49pm 1.1 years ago

Offline The T
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Last updated: 2023-05-19 01:52pm
This is a minor thing, but in DDR 3rdMIX LET THEM MOVE, the artist is listed as "N.M.R." instead of "N.M.R".

EDIT: Found another similar one. "BOOM BOOM DOLLAR (K.O.G G3 MIX)" has an extra period after the G, but in both it's banner and in Extreme2, it's spelled as above.

Post #372 · Posted at 2023-05-26 05:19:41am 1.1 years ago

Offline salt814
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Last updated: 2023-05-26 08:59pm
Also, is it just me or does the A20 category not have a pack anymore? I was updating some official simfiles to reflect the new Challenge charts they got and A20 doesn't have the button to download the pack, but every other pack I had to check does

Edit: it's back up, thanks! Smile

Post #373 · Posted at 2023-05-30 02:22:50am 1.1 years ago

Offline Marukomuru
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"Double-Beginner Brackets"
Quote: Landpaddle
The only affected official file is "U Can't Touch This" from DanceDanceRevolution X (AC) (Japan), which contains the following lines:


I don't think this affects how the .sm file is loaded in Stepmania, but Python and some other languages require .lower(), .casefold(), or equivalent for case-insensitive attribute matching, and consistent all-caps prevents potential errors when retrieving or comparing this info.
Yeah, StepMania loads lowercase/mixed case tags just fine (and will properly save with uppercase tags if saved in SM). Other programs like ArrowVortex just choke.

I'm just mildly amused since I pointed this out like two years ago and I'm gonna assume nothing was done then. 😂
There is a point where all of this needs to stop, and we've clearly passed it.

Post #374 · Posted at 2023-06-01 02:04:26pm 1.1 years ago

Offline SpyHunter29
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The CDTitle for I'M ALIVE from Solo 2000 is currently for Dancemania BASS#1, but should be Dancemania DELUX. Probably got mixed up with the Solo BASSMIX version.
98% of teenagers do or have tried caving into peer pressure. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, DO NOT copy & paste this in your signature.

Post #375 · Posted at 2023-06-03 12:42:39am 1.1 years ago

Offline The T
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Nintendo Network ID: The_T1133DS Friend Code: 5112-3585-0964
The 5thMix song "Remember You" has a weird situation... In most games (Extreme to SuperNOVA2), it's Beginner and Basic charts were identical (and the Basic chart goes back to 5thMix). In the location test, they added a new Basic chart, keeping the 5thMix chart as Beginner.

On the simfile page here, the comment has data for the Location Test Basic chart, but in the simfile itself, it's still using the doubled up Basic chart.

I don't know if this was an intentional choice, but is it the correct one? Would it be more meaningful to include the Location Test version?

Post #376 · Posted at 2023-06-03 02:43:10am 1.1 years ago

Online _|/-\43D
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I think it's best if we keep Remember You as is because the chart you're referring to never made it into the final official release of any game.
deez nuts

Post #377 · Posted at 2023-09-01 05:21:09pm 10.9 months ago

Offline The T
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Last updated: 2023-09-01 05:21pm
There are plenty of charts in the simfiles that were never in an official game. A bunch of Beginner charts that were only found in the data of CS games, not playable. The Location Test chart was playable, at location tests.

An error that does not matter much: MATSURI (J-SUMMER MIX) in the Festival folder, has the same Beginner chart as the one in the Ultramix folder. In Festival, it has an unused Beginner chart, which is the same chart that would be later used in the Arcade version. So for consistency with the other Festival files (which all use the Unused charts, regardless of if they went to Arcade or not) it should use the Arcade/Unused chart.

A more bewildering difference, which I only have a small guess for: all 3 of them (Festival, Ultramix, Arcade), have different Basic charts, when RemyWiki claims they are all the same. By comparing them, Festival is just missing a few notes but is otherwise the same (worth verifying if this a transcription error or true to the game), while the Arcade chart has moved a few of the later notes one step later; is this an Arcade correction to make it line up better, or a transcription error in Ultramix?

(Sorry, going through them as I type this up, but) the Difficult charts are also different. Festival is missing notes, Arcade corrects quantization it seems? So it's likely Arcade and Ultramix are accurate, but worth determining whether Festival is.

(And just for the record, Expert charts are all supposed to be different. I didn't look at Doubles.)

Additional error, found 9/1/23: X3 VS 2ndMIX "REBORN MAGIC" Expert is listed as 10, it should be 9. (Verified on a video of X3 VS 2ndMIX as well as GRAND PRIX).

Rensen ryouran Beginner is listed as 3, should be 2. Was only able to find a video of X3 VS 2ndMIX to confirm it, but seems unlikely it would change to a 3.

TWINKLE HEART Difficult is listed as 7; it is 8 on both X3 VS 2ndMIX and GRAND PRIX.

Post #378 · Posted at 2023-09-03 11:56:04pm 10.9 months ago

Offline salt814
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Just in case it hasn't been mentioned, in the A20 pack BUTTERFLY (20th Anniversary Mix) contains the data for CARTOON HEROES (20th Anniversary Mix) instead.

Post #379 · Posted at 2023-10-09 05:00:35pm 9.7 months ago

Offline waterdraik346
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"Wish I could change my username"
Votum stellarum -forest #25 DDR RMX-'s preview start time of 17.15 has been incorrect for a long time. It should be at 15.71 according to this video.

Post #380 · Posted at 2023-10-18 11:50:36am 9.4 months ago

Offline Landpaddle
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Last updated: 2023-10-18 11:50am
There was a possible update to a stepfile, but I need confirmation:

On Bemaniwiki, the BSP chart of 十二星座の聖域 (Juuniseiza no seiiki) in the DDR A folder has an official A3 GROOVE RADAR Freeze value of 41. However, in-game footage of the chart in Grand Prix and the chart on Ziv have a Freeze value of 3. Bemaniwiki page link: https://bemaniwiki.com/?DanceDanceRevolution+A3/%B5%EC%B6%CA%A5%B0%A5%EB%A1%BC%A5%F4%A5%EC%A1%BC%A5%C0%A1%BC%C3%CD%A5%EA%A5%B9%A5%C8%28SP%29

The Freeze value visible at the beginning when selected in Grand Prix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbmC9fvEQic
Confirmation that the file is identical in DDR A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hjCokxkiw0
(unsure if these are official or simulated)

Was the chart changed to include more Freeze arrows, or is this just a transcription error on Bemaniwiki?

Prey DSP has a similar issue. The Chaos value is listed as 9 on Bemaniwiki, but this differs from other sources.
Official gameplay footage from A shows 59 Chaos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyfvAQJRMxg
The Groove Radar generator estimate tool on the transcribed Ziv file shows 61 Chaos: https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/thread?threadid=11050
Was the chart updated in A3, or is this a transcription error on Bemaniwiki?

I found several possible misratings while checking the zenius simfile ratings against Bemaniwiki, Sanbai Ice Cream, and in-game footage.


Probably an error with the stepfiles on zenius:
Twinkle Heart Standard - rated 7, probably 8
Horatio (X AC version) Beginner - rated 2, probably 3
パピポペピプペパ (Papipopepipupepa) Beginner - rated 3, probably 4
All My Love Beginner - rated 3, probably 2
Reborn Magic Heavy - rated 10, probably 9
恋閃繚乱 (Rensen ryouran) Beginner - rated 3, probably 2

Probably an error on Sanbai, but here to double-check:
1998 Beginner - rated 4 on Sanbai but 3 elsewhere
Bloody Tears(IIDX EDITION) Beginner - rated 3 on Sanbai but 4 elsewhere
Bloody Tears(IIDX EDITION) Light - rated 4 on Sanbai but 5 elsewhere

Unclear what the real rating is:
量子の海のリントヴルム (Ryoushi no umi no Lindwurm) Beginner - 4 or 5


Probably an error with the stepfiles on zenius:
初音ミクの消失 (Hatsune Miku no shoushitsu) Light - rated 8, probably 10
冥 (Mei) Standard - rated 11, probably 12
HYPER EUROBEAT Heavy - rated 10, probably 11
TWINKLE♡HEART (TWINKLE HEART) Standard - rated 7, probably 8
air Heavy - rated 10, probably 11
Neverland Heavy - rated 15, probably 14
TEARS Light - rated 8, probably 6

Probably an error on Sanbai, but here to double-check:
Cosy Catastrophe Light - rated 9 on Sanbai but 10 elsewhere
CUTIE CHASER Light - rated 4 on Sanbai but 5 elsewhere
CUTIE CHASER Heavy - rated 12 on Sanbai but 10 elsewhere
Cytokinesis Standard - rated 12 on Sanbai but 10 elsewhere
HYSTERIA Light - rated 7 on Sanbai but 4 elsewhere
Polovtsian Dances And Chorus Standard - rated 7 on Sanbai but 9 elsewhere
Polovtsian Dances And Chorus Heavy - rated 12 on Sanbai but 11 elsewhere
Splash Gold Light - rated 10 on Sanbai but 11 elsewhere
Flow (True Style) Heavy - rated 11 on Sanbai but 12 elsewhere

Unclear what the real rating is:
ラキラキ (Lucky Lucky) Standard - 10 or 11
Mermaid girl Light - 5 or 6
Mermaid girl Standard - 7 or 8
M.A.Y.U. Standard - 8 or 9
Music In The Rhythm Standard - 7, 8, or 9
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