
Request Mode... request

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Post #1 · Posted at 2011-10-10 11:04:47pm 12.8 years ago

Offline PaperSak
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"Take your hater shades off."

Last updated: 2011-10-13 12:52am
So DDR X2 has been out for... almost two years now?
Who's got the Request Mode images? Anyone...? By any means whatsoever...?

I do not have the skills to do any of the MFC missions, so the top left and bottom right are like... never going to be completed 100%. After off-and-on months of searching for software, I swear that the pictures are rippable, at least at an oddly low resolution but in their entirety. And with an awkward grid over them, but it's not like they're in pieces, it seems.

Anyone willing to try ripping them...? Or did some mad pro do all the MFCs and complete Dice Master Mode...? Or some other pro hack/have a save file with all of Request Mode uncovered? That seems like work... although I heard one guy at GameFAQs managed to hack the mission requirements of DMM to finish it, so maybe it's possible to change the Request Mode missions so that they're all something easy like "view the credits" or something. If I knew how hacking worked, I'd've done it already... xP; But yeah, that's a whole 'nother boat and you couldn't just hand out the save file, then, could you... but you could take pictures. :D...

honestly konami how did you think this was a good idea

Like, seriously, how are you people ripping music and images from every other game but no one can do this? o_o;;;

Post #2 · Posted at 2011-10-19 06:11:23am 12.7 years ago

Offline 3x3qui3l
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"Ice Bear believed in you."
This mode is very difficult. I unlocked all songs with Endless Mode. +300 songs played.

Post #3 · Posted at 2011-10-19 06:54:37am 12.7 years ago

Offline starfoxluver
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I"m sure DMM would have been a lot better...If they removed the missions involving specific full combo-ing.

I mean its one thing to make difficult missions...But impossible ones???

I'm glad I unlocked the rest using endless mode! Annoyed Oops Annoyed

Post #4 · Posted at 2011-10-19 11:56:27am 12.7 years ago

Offline PaperSak
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"Take your hater shades off."
Well, the songs are easy to get with patience... I just want the pictures. :x

Post #5 · Posted at 2011-10-22 04:14:30am 12.7 years ago

Offline Nightime
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Last updated: 2011-10-22 04:34am
I could probably do it. I'm the person friends turned to for "AAA the Shooting Star 6-Panel Expert" mission, the "score 0 points" missions involving CAFE and WILD RUSH PCM remix, I was the third person on Earth to complete EXTREME's Mission Mode (or at least the third to access their "prize" page) and I basically wrote the guide to Dance Master Mode, and about half of the strategies to Stellar Master.

But I didn't get PS2's X2. First off, it was bundle-only, and I have plenty of already of PS2 pads. Plus, compared with what it coulda/shoulda been (see DDR II for Wii), it was totally crippled. Thirdly, Pluto The First and it's brother DEAD END (Groove Radar Special) can both go choke on a penis-shaped cactus. Finally, of all the new songs on it, there were maybe 10 I cared anything for, hardly worth justifying a purchase, that I couldn't simply get on Japan's DDR X, which was a far superior decision anyhow. (See also: SP-TRIP MACHINE [SMM-Special] Big Grin )

I'm a little curious about Dice Master Mode to be honest, but by the sound of it, the first 80% is boring and the remaining 20% is infuriating. Why deal with that when I can have another delightful journey through Street Master Mode instead?

It does make me want to write a board game along the lines of "LIFE" though - one with DDR-specific goals and modifier sets on their spaces, and sets of song cards that correspond with the different DDR mixes. (Like 100-120 card decks, with preferred songs appearing twice.) You keep a hand of 3 cards, and depending on the space, you can choose which of those songs to complete the mission with, or sometimes which ones the opponent must complete them with instead. Maybe a few 2-player "Battle Spaces" as well.

Now, getting a build of DDR where toggling 2-players on and off is quick enough? That's the doozy. Even SM doesn't do jump-ins or drop-outs.

Post #6 · Posted at 2012-09-14 07:13:42am 11.8 years ago

Offline ledgam3r1279
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"now led_light for short"
Bump for a years-old game that no one really cares about. Neutral

I'm not a pro by any means, but I have pretty much completed everything there is in the game EXCEPT for the MFC missions. I was very lucky to get even just ONE MFC, and that's on the easiest song in the game! But since I don't see any pictures on the Internet either, I took a few myself.

Panels #2 and 3 (These were much easier to complete):

Here's Panel #1, even though I am missing one piece (Get an MFC 5 times in Standard Mode Evil):

Panel #4 is missing two pieces ("Clear all missions in Dice Master Mode" Devil and "Get an MFC 15 times in Standard Mode" DevilDevil ):

What's also sad is that I only have three missions left to complete in DMM, and all three of them are the MFC missions. Cry So the game actually requires 18 MFCs. I have no idea how hacking a PS2 game works, but I would love to complete the last three pieces if there is a way to increase the Marvelous window or something.
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Post #7 · Posted at 2012-09-14 07:36:26am 11.8 years ago

Offline PaperSak
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"Take your hater shades off."

Last updated: 2012-09-14 07:37am
Oh geez, the first picture (going in order of how you posted them) is definitely the easiest to get... second requires fudgetons of workout mode stuff and, well, you've covered what makes the other two a pair of dirtags. D:

But YES I still wanted these just this makes my day holy flip. ;w;

Post #8 · Posted at 2012-09-14 07:53:26am 11.8 years ago

Offline Zowayix
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Do the 18 MFCs have to be on different songs? If not, just play Dream on DreamerBeginner over and over.

If so...IDK, try Dynamite Rave Air Special with Cut1 and Jumps Off.

Post #9 · Posted at 2012-09-14 08:25:07am 11.8 years ago

Offline ledgam3r1279
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"now led_light for short"
Quote: Zowayix
Do the 18 MFCs have to be on different songs? If not, just play Dream on DreamerBeginner over and over.

If so...IDK, try Dynamite Rave Air Special with Cut1 and Jumps Off.

Like I said, three of the MFCs have to be in DMM (I Know You Want Me Light, Love is Orange Light, Ubertreffen Light all forced x1). And yes, I can probably MFC Dream On Dreamer Beginner 14 more times, although that's still ridiculously hard.
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Post #10 · Posted at 2012-09-14 08:44:58am 11.8 years ago

Offline Zowayix
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Edit: You can probably ignore what I said about Dynamite Rave Air Special. It has more steps (45) than Dream on Dreamer even with Jumps Off Cut1. Also, I do not know if the game will count MFCs with Cut1 and such on.

Post #11 · Posted at 2012-09-14 08:45:54am 11.8 years ago

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Last updated: 2012-09-16 08:13am
I'll rip the images out of the disc this weekend if nobody else does and I can find the time.

EDIT: Of course, they would be in a munge. This may take a bit...

EDIT2: Stupid .dat files. It's been years since I did this and the bizarre format is NOT helping.

EDIT3: Okay, it seems this odd format is something Konami does fairly often. I may be able to get something if I cross-reference other instances of it... I'm calling it a night for now, though.

Post #12 · Posted at 2012-09-16 04:35:31am 11.8 years ago

Offline Ben Speirs
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"era {nostril mix}"
I heard that there's an unlockable fifth grid after you've fully cleared the first four.. any truth in this?

Post #13 · Posted at 2012-09-16 05:25:33am 11.8 years ago

Offline PaperSak
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"Take your hater shades off."

Last updated: 2012-09-16 05:26am
Why would someone even start that rumor...? D: Nobody has hacked it (fff I demand the pictures for proof if they did), so as far as we know, it doesn't exist. Unless Konami said otherwise, which I've never heard, but what on earth is harder than 15 marvelous missions...?

There's an off, off, off, off chance they're talking about the final picture for beating the last Dice Master Mode mission. Seeing as that picture has everybody, and the other four grids have all the characters, I don't see what would even be in a fifth picture...

Post #14 · Posted at 2012-09-16 05:27:20am 11.8 years ago

Offline Ben Speirs
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"era {nostril mix}"
Yeah apparently it was a new 'Expert Board' that opens up.. fingers crossed it IS just a rumor because there is a 0.01% chance of anybody getting that legitimately!

Also I didn't realised you ran the 'Ask Zero' Tumblr blog, that's awesome!!

Post #15 · Posted at 2012-09-16 08:18:55am 11.8 years ago

Offline bmhedgehog
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Last updated: 2012-09-16 08:19am
Quote: Tash
I'll rip the images out of the disc this weekend if nobody else does and I can find the time.

EDIT: Of course, they would be in a munge. This may take a bit...

EDIT2: Stupid .dat files. It's been years since I did this and the bizarre format is NOT helping.

EDIT3: Okay, it seems this odd format is something Konami does fairly often. I may be able to get something if I cross-reference other instances of it... I'm calling it a night for now, though.

While your at it see if you can find an unlock code so I can unlock all the songs, so I don't have to play that god awful DMM anymore.

Tried to post this when this message was first posted, but the server overloaded so now I hope this gets posted.

Post #16 · Posted at 2012-09-16 08:32:26am 11.8 years ago

Offline PaperSak
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"Take your hater shades off."

Last updated: 2012-09-16 08:37am
... the game is like three years old now. You may as well just play what is bearable in regular or Endless mode. You have to do it to get the Dynamite Rave song, anyway, seeing as Konami bleeped up that unlock...

Besides the Marveous missions that you don't have to do, and maybe the first hour before anyone levels up, Dice Master Mode is fun. Ate my Christmas vacation when it first came out.

And has an unlock code ever existed for a DDR game...?

<off topic>
Quote: Ben Speirs
Also I didn't realised you ran the 'Ask Zero' Tumblr blog, that's awesome!!
Indeedlio; all this time, I thought you found it from Zenius. xD; yay someone still reads my fangirl blabber
</off topic>

Post #17 · Posted at 2012-09-16 08:36:00am 11.8 years ago

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^ Unlock codes were in some Ultramix games, and DDR Extreme had a really pathetic unlock code that nobody actually discovered until around three years after the game was released, but aside from that, I think pretty much every DDR home game has been unlock code-free.

Post #18 · Posted at 2012-09-16 08:37:51am 11.8 years ago

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Last updated: 2012-09-16 08:39am
Quote: PaperSak
And has an unlock code ever existed for a DDR game...?
No. Apparently there were unlock codes for some DDR US CS games, but they were on the Xbox versions. In regards to the PS2/PS1 line-up, not unless you had a GameShark (if some of you remember those wondrous things |D).

The only, ONLY instance of a "code" in a DDR US PS CS game was in DDR EXTREME US CS, which was the BK Promotional code to unlock MEMORIES for the game, which after you unlocked it (granted you played the game to it's 'entirety'), you would have gotten a notification saying you have unlocked "All" songs in the game.

Post #19 · Posted at 2012-09-16 08:41:23am 11.8 years ago

Offline bmhedgehog
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Quote: PaperSak
And has an unlock code ever existed for a DDR game...?

Yes Ultramix 1, for example, plug in a controller into port 4 and do the Konami Code during the game credits.

Post #20 · Posted at 2012-09-16 08:45:40am 11.8 years ago

Offline Tash
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Quote: Max
Quote: PaperSak
And has an unlock code ever existed for a DDR game...?
No. Apparently there were unlock codes for some DDR US CS games, but they were on the Xbox versions. In regards to the PS2/PS1 line-up, not unless you had a GameShark (if some of you remember those wondrous things |D).

The only, ONLY instance of a "code" in a DDR US PS CS game was in DDR EXTREME US CS, which was the BK Promotional code to unlock MEMORIES for the game, which after you unlocked it (granted you played the game to it's 'entirety'), you would have gotten a notification saying you have unlocked "All" songs in the game.
Japanese 5th mix CS had a code that unlocked a bunch of stuff in the gallery, too.

btw, just for reference, where in SN2 does a tiny green arrow appear? It's the only thing in the game that extracts normally.
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