
DDR II & hottest party 5 (Wii) (International)

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Post #4421 · Posted at 2021-02-21 04:06:48pm 3.4 years ago

Offline Burtzman
Burtzman Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-06-03

Look through the simfiles section of this site. Someone definitely made a chart for Mind Mapping (kors k mix) already.

Glad to see people still think positively of DDR II. I still love it too.

Post #4422 · Posted at 2021-02-22 11:10:45pm 3.4 years ago

Offline qwr
qwr Avatar Member
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Reg. 2021-02-19

What I don't understand is how Konami picks the BPMs. I have tried to pass New Decade 14 footer and most of the song is "400 bpm" making it hard for me to read on anything other than 1.0x. And since I can't change the rate, what I have to do is lookup the song on youtube and watch it in slow motion for the hard crossover parts that I just cannot read at this point. And the ending too has crazy rhythms that I think I just have to memorize (I'm decent at memorizing and I do it all the time for hard patterns in osu and osu mania). I was told by SunnyDayDDR that all the charts are available here to view which is really nice: https://ddr.stepcharts.com/X2/New-Decade/single-difficult/

Post #4423 · Posted at 2021-02-23 12:23:09am 3.4 years ago

Offline Nate148
Nate148 Avatar Member
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Nintendo Network ID: NbisboOrigin: NbisboGame Center Nickname: Nbisbo
If you want nuts see bag off extreme. Half bpm for no reason

Post #4424 · Posted at 2021-03-02 04:32:32am 3.4 years ago

Offline qwr
qwr Avatar Member
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United States
Reg. 2021-02-19

Last updated: 2021-03-02 04:32am
I've been trying to learn/memorize the patterns in UNBELIEVABLE (Sparky remix) Difficult. I can get an A but not AA just yet.

Doublestep two notes or turn body left on second up arrow?

Another tricky pattern for me, arrows indicate my current playing plan for how to face my body to avoid doublestepping

And this pattern near the end which I'm not so sure how to pull off

I used stepcharts.com for the patterns but is there a way to custom annotate charts? that would be cool

This is gonna sound stupid too but I just realized in the options I can set arrow colors to match the beat like stepmania does by default. Mostly useful for slow sections to figure out if two notes close together are a jump or not. I haven't found away to turn on hitsounds per step.
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