
DDR Score Tracker

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Post #401 · Posted at 2021-03-19 03:04:39am 3.3 years ago

Offline qwr
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Quote: ledgam3r1279
No. I believe the reason was that there is no way to distinguish between scores obtained with a pad versus a controller.
hmm isn't there a home IIDX tracker tho

Post #402 · Posted at 2021-03-19 04:09:12am 3.3 years ago

Offline ledgam3r1279
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"now led_light for short"
who in their right mind would play IIDX with a PS2 controller, tho

anyway, I don't have any authority when it comes to this site, so maybe someone else has a better answer
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Post #403 · Posted at 2021-03-20 03:58:02am 3.3 years ago

Offline qwr
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ok. for now I keep my pictures on my phone and I have a personal spreadsheet

Post #404 · Posted at 2021-04-02 07:10:51pm 3.3 years ago

Offline NicholasNRG
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"Just Play Along"
PARANOIA MAX~DIRTY MIX~ is missing from [ Japan ] Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMIX

Post #405 · Posted at 2021-08-21 12:51:42am 2.9 years ago

Offline qwr
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Last updated: 2021-08-21 12:51am
For DDR A20 PLUS in the score tracker, what does O.K. and Miss in game correspond to in the tracker? Almost and Boo or O.K. and Boo in the tracker?

example https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewpicture.php?pictureid=55874

Also I think I put in the wrong game, I put in DDR A20 PLUS 20th anniversary instead of DDR A20 PLUS. How do I fix this?

What did I enter wrong here? I entered the numbers exactly but it says there's one step too many



Post #406 · Posted at 2021-08-21 01:31:41am 2.9 years ago

Offline Burtzman
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OK is the same on both the game and the score tracker. I'm pretty sure you can enter Miss under either Boo or Almost.

What's happening in your case I believe is that you let go of a freeze arrow and got a Miss for it, which on the score tracker adds the extra step that isn't there.

Post #407 · Posted at 2021-08-21 01:47:14am 2.9 years ago

Offline qwr
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Last updated: 2021-08-21 01:47am
Ok thanks for letting me know. I got a better score the next day so it doesn't really matter

Is USA machines A20 Plus listed under "Japan" in the score tracker?

Post #408 · Posted at 2022-01-23 05:25:51am 2.5 years ago

Offline NicholasNRG
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"Just Play Along"

Last updated: 2022-01-23 11:16pm
New Century Single Heavy has incorrect Freeze Count. It should be 28 but on the Score Tracker it maxes to 31, so my score shows 3 notes too many.

EDIT: Those 3 extra freezes should actually be 3 additional notes instead of freezes

Post #409 · Posted at 2022-06-26 12:53:47pm 2 years ago

Offline ledgam3r1279
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"now led_light for short"
アユミ☆マジカルショータイム is missing from the A3 song list.

Notecounts in case you need them:
S-Beginner 74/6
S-Light 164/10
S-Standard 322/7
S-Heavy 448/17

D-Light 160/10
D-Standard 323/7
D-Heavy 443/18
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Post #410 · Posted at 2022-06-27 12:12:05pm 2 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Last updated: 2022-06-27 12:13pm

Quote: NicholasNRG
EDIT: Those 3 extra freezes should actually be 3 additional notes instead of freezes


Post #411 · Posted at 2022-07-19 11:55:04pm 2 years ago

Offline NicholasNRG
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"Just Play Along"
Not sure what's going on here. I really wish the score tracker would automatically handle dropped freeze arrows/shock arrows, and update SN2 scoring to DDR A in the corresponding games... in this case even if I remove the 3 misses I have one step too many. Incorrect freeze/shock arrow count maybe?

Post #412 · Posted at 2022-07-20 04:19:29pm 2 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Step count was off by 3 in the database, you should be able to enter it now.

Post #413 · Posted at 2023-06-19 02:26:26am 1.1 years ago

Offline PoweredUp Mike
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Last updated: 2023-08-26 01:09am
"DOESN'T REALLY MATTER" Double-Light is inaccurate. It's 57 Steps normally, with no freeze arrows. I Full Comboed it, with an AA, but the score tracker is counting it as a "C". Just wanted to let someone know about this error. Below it the score proof:

Post #414 · Posted at 2023-06-20 12:28:05pm 1.1 years ago

Offline SpyHunter29
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The max combo (330) allowed for HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN MELLOW (20th Anniversary Mix) Single-Heavy is one less than the actual value (331) I got. (cf. https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewpicture.php?pictureid=60971)
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Post #415 · Posted at 2023-08-26 01:02:04am 11.2 months ago

Offline qwr
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Last updated: 2023-08-26 01:22am
I don't understand how the scoring system works. I entered the marvelous, perfect, great, good, OK, miss counts exactly and the calculated percentage didn't match.

At this rate of problems I'm having, I might as well shell out ¥330/month or whatever the dollar equivalent is for the konami service so I can upload to 3icecream.



Same issue as before with 1 extra step


Post #416 · Posted at 2023-08-26 04:03:13am 11.1 months ago

Offline PanStyle
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Last updated: 2023-08-26 04:07am
The % is basically the SuperNova score system which was much simpler that we have now but is outdated. That's why it's slightly different of your score on your picture (also why you get AA but you only get a A on the score tracker because the AA back then was at 95%).

For your 2nd song (Special Summer Campaign) i get a total of 204 steps on single basic when i count what you entered but the wiki says they are 203 steps ( https://remywiki.com/SPECIAL_SUMMER_CAMPAIGN! ). The wiki and the website could be wrong but that could also be an user mistake, check again just in case. If it's not you post the picture and it should be fixed when possible.
EDIT : I noticed you posted your score here and i also count 204 steps so this means the wiki and the zenius db is off by one (unless something funky is going on).
(i attached your picture)

I'd love to see an update for the tracker with the new grades and the Ace scoring system but i don't know if enough people use it and that might be a lot of work. I'm sure a lot of people will love this and use more the tracker is this happen. Not everyone had (easy) access to e-amuse (hello from EU) and that would be really refreshing for the site imo
http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c113/lordtoon/User%20Names/PanStyle.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/ddrsig/1336.png?t=1284597568

Post #417 · Posted at 2023-08-26 08:35:27pm 11.1 months ago

Offline qwr
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Thanks for explaining the scoring system.

I looked at the earlier posts, and Burtzman suggested that letting go of a freeze arrow counts as an extra miss which is probably the extra step.

I would be willing to work on some open source JS or database interaction but I agree I'm not sure many people use the tracker. A lot of songs only have a few leaderboard entries from the last decade, and the manual entry is much slower than an OCR approach that aznguy seems to use for his automated score entry.

Post #418 · Posted at 2023-10-28 11:05:01pm 9 months ago

Offline SpyHunter29
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I was going to submit a report about how the total note count I got for なだめスかし Negotiation Single-Heavy is one over the limit currently allowed by the score tracker. (cf. https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewpicture.php?pictureid=62894). However, I double-checked the chart, and the tracker does have the correct note count of 296; I just forgot that N.G. got merged with Miss in newer DDR games (since X2, apparently), so never mind.

Now that I'm here, though, any plans to add support for courses in A20/A20+/A3, including the Dan Courses?
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