
Site Achievements + Games Played

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Post #1 · Posted at 2010-11-27 09:28:25am 14.1 years ago

Offline Kon
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I thought maybe it would be cool to give Z-I-V member achievements for doing stuff on the site. Maybe make new ones every year and save the achievements users got the previous year. It would make member more involved on the site and help them discover some of the features Z-I-V has to offer.

Some examples would be...
-"This is just the start" > Uploaded a score to the DDR Score Tracker. 10 Points
-"100 Times Over" > Upload over 100 scores to the DDR Score Tracker. 50 Points
-"Chatterbox" > Post 100 times this year on the forums. 10 Points
-"A friend in Need" > Rate a member on the site. 5 Points
-"Pinpoint" > Added a location to the Arcade Locations section of the site. 15 Points

I can think up of more if needed but those are just some examples. I am not sure if anyone else would be interested in this sort of thing, but I think it would make Z-I-V a really fun site to go to to obtain all the achievements in the year.

I also was thinking maybe you could add a section to people's profiles or to the KONAMI section of the site where you can manage the games you played. For Instance...
Played - beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD (North America, Location Test) - 2 Others have played this game
Played - Guitar Freaks (North America) - 10 Others have played this game
Played - DrumMania 10th Mix (Japan) - 22 Others have played this game

Its like a score tracker without the score, its just credit for playing the individual game.

Let me know what you guys think of these ideas and whether you would be interested in adding the features to the site. I can help make up achievements if need be as I love obtaining achievements on xbox. Tongue

Post #2 · Posted at 2010-11-27 09:31:07am 14.1 years ago

Offline al2k4
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It's an idea, but would take an awful amount of work.

Post #3 · Posted at 2010-11-27 09:59:19am 14.1 years ago

Offline Max
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Loving it.

...Damn, now i want to get this site to add a GH, RB, DJH score tracker/use an existing score tracker system to be used on the site for more site achievements.

I nominate, vote, and elect myself for DJ Hero admin of ZIv :v

Plus small icons for said achievements, created by none other than Dan a.k.a silverdragon and Toon :3

Post #4 · Posted at 2010-11-27 10:21:54am 14.1 years ago

Offline silenttype01
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I agree with the games played featured under the profile.

I disagree with the achievement for the mere fact that it will promote elitism. And the achievements will force people to spam parts of the site to get the achievement.

I wouldn't want to see fake locations being added in the arcade locations because the real ones have been put already.


Post #5 · Posted at 2010-11-27 10:26:29am 14.1 years ago

Offline RGTM
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You know, I don't think I approve this idea because this can cause some problems, and I don't need to explain since silent couldn't have said it better.
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Post #6 · Posted at 2010-11-27 12:21:59pm 14.1 years ago

Offline Kon
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Well I guess you could just make the achievements easy to get over time and not huge. For instance instead of "add a location to Arcade Locations" just make it "Add,edit or signify you played at a arcade". Make posts less such as "Post 20 times in the forums this year". Maybe make a few secret ones too. One I thought about was "add a score to any of the score trackers on 20, November".

I can come up with a whole list, and I would love too. I am not good with making images so that would have to be some other persons job. As for coding I have no idea how hard it would/will be or even how to. That is up to al2k4 if he wants to implement the achievements in the first place.

As for a played games section I have no clue how hard that would be to add either. Its definitely a neat idea that I know no other site offers and its something nice to have and something cool you can show off to other people/players.

Maybe if you get enough feedback to add both you might want to consider adding them to the site. They are both ideas I thought could make Z-I-V a cooler place, so I am not sure what other people really think or if they would even take advantage of.

Post #7 · Posted at 2010-11-27 12:35:46pm 14.1 years ago

Offline chewi
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Post #8 · Posted at 2010-11-27 12:49:26pm 14.1 years ago

Offline KKiONI
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It sounds good as an idea, but as silent said, it promotes elitism.
It also promotes spamming in a way. How and why someone will do it can be seen many ways.

It's kind of like communism. It works in theory, but due to the corruptness of human nature, it will never work properly.

Post #9 · Posted at 2010-11-27 01:08:49pm 14.1 years ago

Offline Kon
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I thought about that stuff too. I just think if you keep the numbers low, and just use achievements to get more players to use more features of the site it may be worth looking into. As long as the numbers are (like 5 posts, add a score to the score tracker) low I dont think elitism would/will be a problem. Again though, I wont blame Z-I-V if they don't or won't want to implement it because of said reasons.
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