
I need some help. Does anybody know how to make an SM Nonstop or ONI Course?

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Post #1 · Posted at 2007-04-02 09:52:20pm 17.8 years ago

Offline DDRmaster2007
DDRmaster2007 Avatar Member
964 Posts
Reg. 2006-12-08


The reason that I posted this message Is that I don't know how to make a Nonstop course and ONI courses. I have the courses banners from DDR MAX 2 AC, DDR EXTREME AC, DDR STR!KE and DDR SuperNOVA AC, but I don't know how to put the songs to make a course.

Do I have to create an special folder inside the Song folder? or I have to make anotehr thing.

Can U help me?

Post #2 · Posted at 2007-04-06 12:29:41pm 17.8 years ago

Offline Ineedmaxesinthisweb
Ineedmaxesinthisweb Avatar Banned
93 Posts
Reg. 2006-12-29

To make a nonstop or Challenge course you must create a new direct access with the course name that you'll want to write. Type the course name and then put .crs.
Then, click on the mouse secondary button and then select ''propiedades'' and then change the unknown file to ''Bloc de notas''. Enter to the file and then write the following code:


#COURSE:The name that you want to put to your course; (Always type ; or if not SM will not detect the file)
(If you want leave a space)
#SONG:Group Folder/Song FolderBig Grinifficulty:modifiers if you want;(Write Either / or \)

Repeat this to make more songs


#COURSE:The name that you want to put to your course;
#LIVES:the number of lives that you want to put;
(If you want leave a space)
#SONG:Group Folder/Song FolderBig Grinifficulty:modifiers if you want;

Repeat this to make more songs


#COURSE:The name that you want to put to your course;

Don't make courses on Either Stepmania 3.9 or SM CVS 4.0, They will crash your software

Words like ''Propiedades'' and ''Bloc de notas'' are only for the user (Maybe he has an Spanish computer)
<font color="Blue">I</font><font color="Yellow">need</font><font color="Red">maxes</font><font color="Green">in</font><font color="Black">this</font><font color="purple">web</font> <font face="Copperplate Gothic Bold">The Dance Dance Revolution song Collector and 3D moviegoer</font>
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