
Site Rules and Conduct

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Post #1 · Posted at 2009-06-21 09:22:50pm 15.1 years ago

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
9,391 Posts
United Kingdom
Reg. 2006-05-01

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"

Last updated: 2023-03-13 11:15pm
Site Rules and Conduct

1. Rules

1a. In no circumstances should a user create any offensive or disruptive posts.

1b. Creating unnecessary drama, mocking others with malicious intent is prohibited - doing so will result in a strike to your account.

1c. If you have a personal dispute with another user. Sort it out using private messaging or some other method such as instant messaging. If the issue cannot be resolved, PM a staff member.

2. Avatars and Signatures

2a. Please use appropriate avatars and signatures; they should not be offensive or distracting to other users.

2b. Signatures should be kept to a height of no more than 100 pixels.

3. Forum Posts

3a. Before committing a post, please check your spelling and grammar; there's nothing worse than other users having to figure out what you are trying to say due to bad spelling and grammar.

3b. Also before committing a post, ask yourself the following question: Is the post I am about to submit relevant and adds to the current state of the discussion? If the answer to that question is a No then please reconsider whether to make that post or not otherwise it will be considered as spam and may be deleted.

4. Arcade Locations

4a. Do not update arcade locations with misinformation. Do not vandalize existing information. If you're unsure whether information in a location is accurate, confer with locals in the area.

Posts that do not follow site rules and conduct will risk a strike.
Obtaining three strikes will get you banned without warning.

If a user's offence is considered to be extremely serious - they will be banned immediately.

The staff member's decision is final.
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