
File Size errors?

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Post #1 · Posted at 2007-03-21 09:49:01pm 17.3 years ago

Offline Raikou Rider
Raikou Rider Avatar Member
130 Posts
United States
Reg. 2007-03-21

When I try to upload a simfile to the site, it kicks back an error saying my image isn't the correct size. What am I doing wrong?

Post #2 · Posted at 2007-03-22 07:45:39am 17.3 years ago

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
9,391 Posts
United Kingdom
Reg. 2006-05-01

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Banner has to be 256x80 in resolution and in PNG format.

Post #3 · Posted at 2007-03-22 09:59:52am 17.3 years ago

Offline Raikou Rider
Raikou Rider Avatar Member
130 Posts
United States
Reg. 2007-03-21

It is. What about BG? And does CDtitle in th song folder make a difference?

Post #4 · Posted at 2007-03-23 02:25:31am 17.3 years ago

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
9,391 Posts
United Kingdom
Reg. 2006-05-01

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
CDTitle and BGs isn't the banner...

If it's 256x80 and it is a PNG file, then I don't know what's going wrong, send me the banner or something so I can check it out.
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