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Post #841 · Posted at 2023-05-26 07:24:05pm 1.1 years ago

Offline GRIM.657
GRIM.657 Avatar Member
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Arcade UFO's page doesn't seem to render correctly for a guest, but it seems fine when I am logged in.

Not browser dependent, it's more like the html sent back is incomplete or something?


Post #842 · Posted at 2023-05-27 02:41:49am 1.1 years ago

Offline AxelWasHere
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Quote: GRIM.657
Arcade UFO's page doesn't seem to render correctly for a guest, but it seems fine when I am logged in.

Not browser dependent, it's more like the html sent back is incomplete or something?


Same issue here. Black after a certain point

Post #843 · Posted at 2023-06-14 01:09:52pm 1.1 years ago

Offline S1ckH4nds
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Seeing the same problem as described above on the listing for Round1 (ラウンドワン) San Jose (Eastridge Shopping Center). Happening on desktop logged in on Chrome, logged out on Opera, and also on iOS 16 Safari.


Post #844 · Posted at 2023-07-05 01:21:54am 1 year ago

Offline Peterrw9000
Peterrw9000 Avatar Member
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anyone else having problems with this thread not fully loading? https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/thread?threadid=11124&page=30#p453184

Post #845 · Posted at 2023-07-05 02:00:13am 1 year ago

Offline AxelWasHere
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works fine for me

Post #846 · Posted at 2023-07-05 05:20:42am 1 year ago

Offline Spirit of Nightmare
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"Focul tău nu ne mai încălzește"
Quote: Peterrw9000
anyone else having problems with this thread not fully loading? https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/thread?threadid=11124&page=30#p453184

It's not only on your end, I couldn't read the entire page either. If only I could've pasted what I'd taken a print screen of, I could provide everything.
Quote: Quickman
hot diggity shit nightmare you cheeky bastard

Post #847 · Posted at 2023-07-05 08:45:48pm 1 year ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"
If you need to read it, here's what I get when I Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V that entire page [it loads for me, and my connection is notoriously slow]: https://pastebin.com/YFns6UDP

All text.

Post #848 · Posted at 2023-07-07 09:13:00pm 1 year ago

Offline Silver Spirit
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2249-7707-55923DS Friend Code: 2578-3309-2697
"i was born at a very young age"
Quote: Peterrw9000
anyone else having problems with this thread not fully loading? https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/thread?threadid=11124&page=30#p453184

This is happening here too: https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/thread?threadid=11213&page=3

Post #849 · Posted at 2023-07-14 07:44:04pm 1 year ago

Offline yindesu
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Last updated: 2023-07-14 07:53pm
Arcade Location rendering is still broken here, appears to be an issue with the Arcade History so users can't fix it:
Quote: S1ckH4nds
Seeing the same problem as described above on the listing for Round1 (ラウンドワン) San Jose (Eastridge Shopping Center). Happening on desktop logged in on Chrome, logged out on Opera, and also on iOS 16 Safari.


Post #850 · Posted at 2023-08-09 11:16:05pm 11.7 months ago

Offline al2k4
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"

Post #851 · Posted at 2023-12-31 12:30:52pm 6.9 months ago

Offline faraon573
faraon573 Avatar Member
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Does anyone know how to send images by private message?

Post #852 · Posted at 2024-04-06 05:24:26pm 3.7 months ago

Offline vlsaurus1
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Last updated: 2024-04-06 05:27pm
I just created a new entry for Retroware in Woodbury (https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/arcade.php?id=8745#summary) but the map is showing the location of the Lansdale location. This results in two "Retroware" entries around the same region on the map. Can someone please fix this? Thanks

Post #853 · Posted at 2024-04-07 04:01:57am 3.6 months ago

Offline S1ckH4nds
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Quote: vlsaurus1
I just created a new entry for Retroware in Woodbury (https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/arcade.php?id=8745#summary) but the map is showing the location of the Lansdale location. This results in two "Retroware" entries around the same region on the map. Can someone please fix this? Thanks
Fixed that on my end, it's just a matter of going into Edit Arcade then dragging the marker on the map to where you want it to go. I think I lined it up with where it's supposed to be, if you want to double check.

Post #854 · Posted at 2024-04-27 03:48:04am 3 months ago

Offline Landpaddle
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When posting a comment under a simfile, after the comment is posted, reloading the page will cause the request to be resent and a duplicate comment to be made. This happened on https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewsimfile.php?simfileid=345 (duplicate comment deleted). Expected behavior is to refresh the page without posting another comment. Browser: Firefox desktop stable.

Post #855 · Posted at 2024-04-29 02:07:39am 2.9 months ago

Offline lbmixpro
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"ZIV database editor"
When you do a search for an arcade on the main arcade page, sometimes the map will show the results, then suddenly show all the open arcades in the database, as if the search was cancelled.

Also closed locations don't show up when searching, but they did in the old version.

Post #856 · Posted at 2024-06-11 12:28:19pm 1.5 months ago

Offline yindesu
yindesu Avatar Member
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There are several errors for the gekichumai arcade game series.
* A maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL (Japan) incorrectly exists under CHUNITHM.
* A maimai DX BUDDiES (International) exists under a separate "maimai DX" game series, but all other maimai DX games are listed under the "maimai" game series.

I also noticed there are 2 game series both named "ポケモントレッタ".

Post #857 · Posted at 2024-06-11 04:29:44pm 1.5 months ago

Offline SocialDragon322
SocialDragon322 Avatar Member
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Quote: yindesu
There are several errors for the gekichumai arcade game series.
* A maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL (Japan) incorrectly exists under CHUNITHM.
* A maimai DX BUDDiES (International) exists under a separate "maimai DX" game series, but all other maimai DX games are listed under the "maimai" game series.

I also noticed there are 2 game series both named "ポケモントレッタ".

You must have used the Arcade Location Game Requests tool by mistake. You need to go onto Google Forms now.
Let al2k sort this.
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