
The Official DDR Accomplishments Thread (Read first post, NO STEPMANIA OR ITG)

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Post #21 · Posted at 2010-05-30 06:06:17pm 14.7 years ago

Offline Fairy Red
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Current AAA Progress - 05/19/2010

D8 I'm getting quite good, I must say.

Post #22 · Posted at 2010-05-30 08:17:49pm 14.7 years ago

Offline PanStyle
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@Fairy Red : Eh that's a lot of AAA.
A little question, do you have to play with nunchuck on this game ?

Also, i saw you says something about gimmicks and i saw a little thing on the up-right screen called "gimmick".
What is this ?

And yeah, 1 great FC with all perfect + ok is really frustrating. But you know what is more frustrating ?
- Getting the great on the VERY LAST NOTE. (i got this once on Kind Lady... fortunatly, i AAA'd it some months after)
- And even worst : PFC but with one pad shit. Like one almost. So you have, 1 almost, all other notes on perfect, no greats...
I got this on "Last Message" once T_T. Also, i flagged it like 2 times other days. I played this song a lot and couldn't AAA it for now so the pad shit on this one with all perfect, was frustrating. But at least, i know this not only append to me.
I saw a lot of scores here and on AiJ with weird scores xD

@Dark Mage : Dude, that's solid what you did there.
First, 20 songs in a row, that's hard. But on challenge mod, meh >.>

@discovigilante : Beh Leading Cyber >.< I don't like this one. Good perfert count (like on Sexy Planet).
Also, did you tried again Max300 ? If you got 2 and not at the end, you could AAA it.
http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c113/lordtoon/User%20Names/PanStyle.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/ddrsig/1336.png?t=1284597568

Post #23 · Posted at 2010-05-30 08:33:09pm 14.7 years ago

Offline RGTM
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Nintendo Network ID: xRGTMxNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6034-2315-7724Game Center Nickname: xRGTMx
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Okay, so yesterday, I had a couple of wins.

I made my farthest point on Faxx at 750,000.
I AA'd LoM for the first time.
I only got 4 greats on Mind Parasite.
SDG'd Drivin'.

And there's much more, but I can't remember.
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Post #24 · Posted at 2010-05-30 11:02:45pm 14.7 years ago

Offline Dr.D
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Here are some scores I got tonight.
Legend of Max- AAA/PFC (2nd time getting it)
Bag AAA/PFC (maybe 12th time AAAing it)

I have a video for bag. I am thinking about editing it to make it into an instructional video on how to be good at bag on DDR Extreme. Many people have trouble with it so I hope I can help.

I also got 3 greats full combo on Paranoia Survivor Max Oni though my record is 2 greats.

I really hope I can AAA PSMO this summer.

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Post #25 · Posted at 2010-05-31 04:45:23am 14.7 years ago

Offline PanStyle
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Score from yesterday (arcade as well) :

1st set, flagged Spin the disc.
Then AAA'd itright after the flag.
This was my AAA#50 . I would have something more epic for the 50th (like a 9 or a new AAA nobar) but whatever...

AAA#51 Let's get down Challenge
Funny, that's my first AAA on Challenge. The 50 previous was on Heavy.
I was pretty happy after this one.

AAA#52 Let's groove Heavy
This song is so great. Even if i failed the AAA on some try (not saturday because it was first try) i still enjoy a lot the song and finish it nobar.

AAA#53 Yozora no muko Heavy
For once, i didn't got any great on the little 16th stream at the beginnin and the end of the song.

I was suprised that i got 4 new AAA on one day. That's a tie with my "most AAA in one day". (I got 4 new AAA on SN1once. Some easy songs + End of the century :p).

Got 4 on Lovin you (the chart/song is so weird) and 10 on Speed Over Beethoven (meh).

Also flagged Get up n move (i love that song) and High off you. I got 2 flags back to back on High of you. Then i got 3 and 5... so i gaved up for the day.

High of you seems to have a little sync problem no ? Like the steps are a little bit early. I'm not sure, because i doesn't have enough skill but... discovigilante, Dr.D and some other players should know.

Oh yeah, i remember an other song that i can't time for s***... "little bitch". Is it me or, there is a problem with this song too ?
I know that a lot a songs have issues on Extreme/SuperNova.

@Dr.D : Lol, 12th time AAA-ing bag. Congrats. I guess you AAA'd it too on X with the fixed steps no ?
Btw, are you trying to finish extreme ? If so, how many songs left ?
3 on PSMO is solid. And when i see your other scores, you can do it i guess Smile

@xRGTMx : Gratz for AA'ing Legend.
You failed FaxX but AA'd legend ? What the...
Also, where did you pick the 4 greats on mind parasite ? On the weird beginning ?
http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c113/lordtoon/User%20Names/PanStyle.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/ddrsig/1336.png?t=1284597568

Post #26 · Posted at 2010-05-31 06:43:49am 14.7 years ago

Offline Telperion
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Quote: PanStyle
1st set, flagged Spin the disc.
Then AAA'd itright after the flag.
This was my AAA#50 . I would have something more epic for the 50th (like a 9 or a new AAA nobar) but whatever...
Spin the disc is a perfect 50th AAA.
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Post #27 · Posted at 2010-05-31 06:50:14am 14.7 years ago

Offline discovigilante
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Quote: PanStyle
@discovigilante : Beh Leading Cyber >.< I don't like this one. Good perfert count (like on Sexy Planet).
Also, did you tried again Max300 ? If you got 2 and not at the end, you could AAA it.

Thanks dude.
I did try 300 again recently, had 0 greats up until the triplets before the stop, then picked up like 5. ://////// I just have a bad mental block on it from playing it so much... I'm just gonna focus on Unlimited for now Tongue

speaking of which, I got 13g on Maxx Unlimited yesterday! and PFC'd Mars War III with 26p. AAA #313 yeyeye

Post #28 · Posted at 2010-05-31 07:15:39am 14.7 years ago

Offline maykithappen
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Do you guys use a metal pad? If so, what do you recommend?
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Post #29 · Posted at 2010-05-31 07:20:49am 14.7 years ago

Offline discovigilante
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I recommend going to the arcade. It might cost more in the long run, but it's worth it. You'll get better, meet competition/friends, maybe get into other games (like I got into IIDX and Street Fighter to pass the time between DDR rounds, hahah).

But if you do have to play at home, Cobalt Fluxes are supposed to be pretty good and cheap.

Post #30 · Posted at 2010-05-31 08:12:20am 14.7 years ago

Offline Dr.D
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Personally I've never liked metal pads or playing at home for that matter so I wouldnt be able to recommend any.

PanStyle- Highs off you is early if I remember correctly.

Yes I'm trying to finish DDR Extreme AC. I only have 3 songs left.
Maxx Unlimited-3
Paranoia Survivor MaxHeavy-1
Paranoia Survivor MaxChallenge-2

As for bag, most of my AAA's were on Extreme actually. I really just understand the broken steps and how to do them. I did have the WR on DDR X for a while then someone killed me haha.

btw, yozora is such a fun song. Nice.
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Post #31 · Posted at 2010-05-31 08:28:04am 14.7 years ago

Offline discovigilante
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Highs Off You is so dumb, sorry for missing that question earlier.
If I remember correctly, it starts off pretty onsync, then just gets earlier and earlier as the song goes on. DJ Sterf would know better than me, I think.
Also, 4 on Lovin' You is pretty good. It's late late late, just remember that and you can probably get it.

Post #32 · Posted at 2010-05-31 08:20:21pm 14.7 years ago

Offline PanStyle
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So yeah, Highs off you is early. Thanks Dr.D and discovigilante Smile

@Telperion : Not for me, it's still ok but i would have got something more particular. Like "Last message" because i flagged it twice at least, tried it a billion times since 6 month and also got FC with 0 great and a pad almost (but i don't count it, that's not a legit AAA). If fact, my AAA#51, #52 and #53 would have been cool for my #50.
But even if my 50 is just ok, i prefer got 4 AAA than 3 or nothing. (i used to get nothing >.<).

@maykithappen : Like Dr.D and discovigilante says, go to the arcade. The feeling is uncomparable. This is a big ass machine with big pads. Also, you can see players, talk and play with them.

The home pad is still a good way for improving your skills. I understand why people prefer play at home.
I have a homepad (TX2501) but i play on it like once every 3 months because i don't like the feeling. I'm too much used to the arcade pad.

If you really want an arcade pad, flux are good imo. I played once or twice on it, that was nice.

Do you have any arcade close to you ?

@Dr.D : I just saw your video of bag. Lol @flat :p
3 songs left and only 6 DP left... Seems hard, but you will got them.
Unlimited is a nightmare for me.
Also, one of my goal, is to AA PSMO when the SN2 came where i play (in late september).

@discovigilante : 4 on Lovin' you is good ?
I guess it's ok but i can't AAA this for now because the songs is so weird xD
Congratz on your #313.
That's funny, i used to get a mental block after the stop, no before.
But hey, i never AAA this part (most was maybe the first 100/120 combos).
I FC'd only once (that was on SN) and i played this song a lot. Ended with 21gr, i was so happy.
http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c113/lordtoon/User%20Names/PanStyle.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/ddrsig/1336.png?t=1284597568

Post #33 · Posted at 2010-05-31 09:38:34pm 14.7 years ago

Offline discovigilante
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Well, 4's not a AAA of course, but last time I played Extreme I was really inconsistent at Lovin' You. My best was 2, but I usually got 8 or 9, haha. You can get it, I'm sure. Bon courage! :P

And I don't just have a mental block before the stop on Max 300. I have a mental block on the whole. damn. thing. I will get my greats anywhere these days.. recently I had a run where I got a great on the first step :////
Usually when I get a mental block, I leave the song alone for a long long time, then only play it maybe once/twice a session instead of trying to whore it out.

Post #34 · Posted at 2010-05-31 11:48:16pm 14.7 years ago

Offline DJ Sterf
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Yeah, Highs Off U is close to on-sync until step 108, and it drifts early after that.

Milestone AAAs are more stress than they really should be. You tend to get more mental blocks if you're shooting for a specific song as #X, but if it makes it more epic & fun overall, go for it (most of the time it only makes it more frustrating).

2222 Expert/Challenge PFCs
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Post #35 · Posted at 2010-06-02 09:59:47pm 14.6 years ago

Offline Dr.D
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I got my 626th AA/PFC on Singles.

626. N.G.O. Expert

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Post #36 · Posted at 2010-06-02 10:08:27pm 14.6 years ago

Offline Arctic Wolves
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Wow, great job Dr.D! NGO is always a pain for me, the lack of a really nice beat and the weird weird middle make it so easy to mess up.

Post #37 · Posted at 2010-06-03 12:59:48pm 14.6 years ago

Offline Dark Mage
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Got within 300 points of a Marvelous AAA on the following songs:
Heavy Viva La Vida
Heavy Do You Know
Heavy Daft Punk Is Playing At My House
Heavy Shine
Heavy True Love (Clubstar's True Club Mix)
Heavy Closer

Granted, these aren't exactly boss songs, but coming that close to a full Marvelous combo is an accomplishment on any song if you ask me.

@Dr. D: Yes, I must also congratulate you. That song has been the source of great frustration for me, as I always go gangbusters on the expert chart until the deadly crossover stream that I can NEVER seem to get right! If I manage to escape utter death at that point, I come out of it with a very unexciting grade.

Post #38 · Posted at 2010-06-03 07:42:35pm 14.6 years ago

Offline agentmargo
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"DDR-ing regularly again!~"
I don't know if this was hard for you guys, but this took me four years to do on my feet.

My sisters even pressured me to use controllers, but I'm actually worse at the controls.

Post #39 · Posted at 2010-06-03 10:31:16pm 14.6 years ago

Offline Dr.D
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Post #40 · Posted at 2010-06-06 11:14:08pm 14.6 years ago

Offline PanStyle
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Congratz for NGO Dr.D. This song is so painfull >.>
I think i'm gonna explosed the first time i will play it.

And now congrats for the 1st Xmix :p

Go get PSMHeavy now ;)

agentmargo : I don't realy get it (because i don't play at home). You finished a home version ?

I played yesterday (a bit less than the prevous saturday and the saturday before).
I played 9 games, 8 on single one on double.
The double killed me. I played also some of my edits, this killed me too.
I have no stamina.
This score are from the 2nd token.

AAA#54 -Last Message- Heavy
YES. This one, was my recent cursed song on Extreme.
The funny stuff is that i used to play it on x3. I play it on x2 only once yesterday and AAA'd it. I was so happy.

AAA#55 -Highs off u (Scorccio XY Mix)- Heavy
This AAA is great too. Remember when i said that i got 2 flags in a row the last time (and asked about if it was off-sync) ?
Also, i got this right after Last Message. And that was only my 2nd token.

But i'm still happy for the 2 new AAA.
Also got 4great on Butterfly Challenge single (previous best was 6gr).
http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c113/lordtoon/User%20Names/PanStyle.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/ddrsig/1336.png?t=1284597568
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