
An idea for the future

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Post #1 · Posted at 2009-06-01 03:27:44am 15.5 years ago

Offline Angel Jin
Angel Jin Avatar Member
4 Posts
United States
Reg. 2007-09-29

with the closing of vjarmy, i see that bemanistyle has already opened the doors to the newest score tracker website, and while it's still early in development, and i haven't uploaded my stats from vj army, i wonder if something more could be accomplished.

i've been an avid music gamer for awhile now, dabbling in nearly all of the various games. this is simply a request of all the major music game news sites and communities to combine your talented minds into one pet project to bring the music game community together.

scorehero, vjarmy, bemanistyle, zenius-i-vanisher, and various other sites have very talented and skilled staff members who have created some of the most incredible looking websites from nothing but time, patience, and the want to bring people together in ways not yet realized by others.

this is simply a request for all of the major players in the music game community and score tracker sites to consider combining their efforts into one website and brings hundreds if not thousands of people together in one place to experience a community that remains unrivaled in numbers and the sheer amount of games and equipment that goes with it. years have gone into your respective creations, and i am fully aware this isn't exactly a "Sure, I'll email them right away and we'll all work out the details" kind of request, but the possibilities that would result from from a team-up of this magnitude are potentially endless.

again, this is simply a "put a pin in it" request that i'd like all parties to consider, and would love to see this collaboration blossom into new sites, new members, new simulators, new events, and who knows what else?

thanks for reading and i look forward to the future.

if any other users have ideas, suggestions, or requests similar to this, feel free to add, change, or remove any of the concepts stated above.

ps - this exact post was posted on zenius-i-vanisher.com, bemanistyle.com, and scorehero.com

Post #2 · Posted at 2009-06-01 04:56:53am 15.5 years ago

Offline Aegis
Aegis Avatar Member
9,371 Posts
United States
Reg. 2009-04-16

I don't mind it really, but I feel that it is good as is at the time being.
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