
Hong Kong DDR & ITG Locations

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Post #1 · Posted at 2009-04-01 04:42:04pm 15.3 years ago

Offline Taufu
Taufu Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-04-01

Hello people, I am staying a few months in Hong Kong, I have found a few DDR Locations, including DDRX in Tsim Sha Tsui.

I was wondering, Does Hong Kong also have a place with In The Groove (2)? I am really wanting to play ITG2 in Hong Kong. Could anyone help me?

And which locations do you know they have DDR?

I visited these:

DDR Extreme
Silvercord Shopping Centre
Tsim Sha Tsui

Tsim Sha Tsui (close to star ferry pier)

DDR SuperNova2
Plaza Hollywood
Diamond Hill

DDR SuperNova2
Mong Kok

Anyone knows a ITG2 location? Smile

Post #2 · Posted at 2009-04-01 05:35:43pm 15.3 years ago

Offline Brazen
Brazen Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2007-06-14

3DS Friend Code: 2879-0062-1793
Good luck. Afaik there isn't any.
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