
Separation of song by color like the arcade?

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Post #1 · Posted at 2007-01-31 08:52:44am 17.9 years ago

Offline S-heavy
S-heavy Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-07-08

I wanted to know if its possible to separate song in stepmania by color like the arcade version of DDR: SN and the home versions? If so how?
LA lala!

Post #2 · Posted at 2007-02-03 10:28:53am 17.9 years ago

Offline itgfreak925
itgfreak925 Avatar Member+
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I remember back when I had my laptop I had a DDR folder with the official steps and another folder with edit steps and when I kept on hitting left and right in the song wheel, they were different colors.
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Post #3 · Posted at 2007-10-13 06:09:54am 17.2 years ago

Offline ojitsack
ojitsack Avatar Member
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Reg. 2007-08-26

My answer is: To have different colors like the arcade version, you must have 2 or more song groups in the Stepmania song folders, or say, each color identify a song group in the Stepmania song folder, example: in my system, I have some groups that are identified: "DDR" with wine color, "DDR Supernova 2" with violet, "DWI" with blue, "My Creations" with some dark green, "My Creations 2" with green, songs with 10 or more of difficulty with red.

Thanks by reading.
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