
Dance Dance Revolution Gaiden Trial now opened.

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Post #1 · Posted at 2007-01-22 03:46:06pm 17.5 years ago

Offline cali_surfer_788
cali_surfer_788 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-11-04

For those of you wanting to try out some of the stuff I have been hyping about, I will have DDR Gaiden opened up with a very small selection of songs for a Week. Monday of next week it will be marked private and more of the song will begin to be uploaded. It will open then after it is all completed. Feel free to leave comments.

Dance Dance Revolution Gaiden!
Featuring lots of exciting new songs to the series!
Bemani Crossovers, Konami Originals, and licenced tracks!
Never before seen remixes of your favorite songs!
Revival songs with added challenge or entirely new charts!
Join the Revolution, Dance the Night Away!
The side story of DDR is about to be told in musical form!
Were here to make history!
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