
Dance Dance Revolution Gaiden (Help Wanted)

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Post #1 · Posted at 2007-01-12 01:59:07pm 17.7 years ago

Offline cali_surfer_788
cali_surfer_788 Avatar Member
744 Posts
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Reg. 2006-11-04

Im working on a fanmix called DDR Gaiden. This isnt something to be over looked, I am putting lots of time and effort into this. It will contain everything that a real DDR mix would contain, including a "V-rare" released before the accual simfiles. I have a banner, and most of the songs picked out, but If anyone wants to help who can mix songs well or make good banners, cut music that doesent sound to choppy, and is reliable, let me know. I can get it all done eventually, but I would like to get this out to the public as soon as possible. Most crossovers/Konami originals not featured in DDR games are already decided. PM me if you are interested.
And I wont hesitate to tell you that I dont like your work, but thats just a chance to get better, right?

Looking forward to talking to anyone interested.
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