
Week Beginning Monday 29th, December 2008

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Post #21 · Posted at 2009-01-01 08:30:03am 15.5 years ago

Offline Ashura96
Ashura96 Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2008-02-13

3DS Friend Code: 5472-8981-1256Game Center Nickname: Ashura_96
What big release could there be now? The timer for a big new release has started, and it says it's for DJ TROOPERS.

Looks like it reset itself.

Post #22 · Posted at 2009-01-01 08:39:15am 15.5 years ago

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
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Reg. 2006-05-01

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Fixed it.

Post #23 · Posted at 2009-01-02 06:23:26am 15.5 years ago

Offline Oni-91
Oni-91 Avatar Moderator+
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-3445-5569-17913DS Friend Code: 008736577880
"Popular bisexual disaster"
You always seem to have an awesome timer for everything.
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU

Post #24 · Posted at 2009-01-02 07:03:17am 15.5 years ago

Offline Max
Max Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2008-02-05

Nintendo Network ID: maxninja1143DS Friend Code: 392661848995Game Center Nickname: maxninja114
"Charlie isn't real"
That's al for ya Happy

Post #25 · Posted at 2009-01-02 09:15:26am 15.5 years ago

Offline Pandemonium X
Pandemonium X Avatar Member
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Reg. 2007-04-06

Nintendo Network ID: PandemoniumEJPNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2916-7192-8116
I love how it looks like the X life bar.Smile

Post #26 · Posted at 2009-01-02 09:37:18am 15.5 years ago

Offline roy2009xedit
roy2009xedit Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-02-10

"jubeat knit one, purl two"
2326960 seconds until it's released.

Yay! Take one down and pass it around... Laughing Hard

Post #27 · Posted at 2009-01-02 09:40:00am 15.5 years ago

Offline silenttype01
silenttype01 Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2007-01-19


Post #28 · Posted at 2009-01-02 09:40:34am 15.5 years ago

Offline Ashura96
Ashura96 Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2008-02-13

3DS Friend Code: 5472-8981-1256Game Center Nickname: Ashura_96
Quote: silenttype01
Where's the timer? I don't see it anywhere. Confused

It doesn't show on v5.2

Post #29 · Posted at 2009-01-02 09:41:40am 15.5 years ago

Offline silenttype01
silenttype01 Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2007-01-19

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