
Dancing WipEout Starlight

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Post #1 · Posted at 2006-12-05 02:24:37am 17.6 years ago

Offline W1p3out
W1p3out Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-12-05
MySpace: www.myspace.com/W1p3out
Hi everyone =)
I'm making simfiles since Summer 2004, and my serie start quickly to growing and growing as long as I was making new sims.
This is the 4th mix, and you can find the 3 others in the webpage.
(Dancing WipEout Rebirth is a remix of the first DW, with new backgrounds/banners/steps)

Hope you'll enjoy those DWI Smile

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Dancing WipEout Starlight Webpage

Post #2 · Posted at 2006-12-07 05:06:09am 17.6 years ago

Offline W1p3out
W1p3out Avatar Member
261 Posts
Reg. 2006-12-05
MySpace: www.myspace.com/W1p3out
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BPM : 155
Length : 1:59
Genre : J-Pop
B:1 - L:4 - S:6 - H:8
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Post #3 · Posted at 2006-12-11 01:18:52am 17.6 years ago

Offline W1p3out
W1p3out Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-12-05
MySpace: www.myspace.com/W1p3out
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BPM : 150
Length : 1:50
Genre : Synth Pop
B:1 - L:4 - S:6 - H:8
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Post #4 · Posted at 2006-12-12 06:44:22am 17.6 years ago

Offline W1p3out
W1p3out Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-12-05
MySpace: www.myspace.com/W1p3out
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BPM : 145
Length : 1:54
Genre : Epic Trance
B:1 - L:3 - S:5 - H:7
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Post #5 · Posted at 2006-12-13 02:08:35am 17.6 years ago

Offline W1p3out
W1p3out Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-12-05
MySpace: www.myspace.com/W1p3out
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BPM : 180
Length : 1:34
Genre : Happy Hardcore
B:1 - L:3 - S:6 - H:8
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Post #6 · Posted at 2006-12-14 03:34:37am 17.6 years ago

Offline W1p3out
W1p3out Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-12-05
MySpace: www.myspace.com/W1p3out
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BPM : 150
Length : 1:37
Genre : Eurobeat
B:1 - L:3 - S:5 - H:7
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Post #7 · Posted at 2006-12-16 06:08:27am 17.6 years ago

Offline W1p3out
W1p3out Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-12-05
MySpace: www.myspace.com/W1p3out
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BPM : 126
Length : 1:31
Genre : Dance
B:1 - L:2 - S:4 - H:6
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Post #8 · Posted at 2006-12-19 05:10:47am 17.6 years ago

Offline W1p3out
W1p3out Avatar Member
261 Posts
Reg. 2006-12-05
MySpace: www.myspace.com/W1p3out
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BPM : 144
Length : 1:30
Genre : Trance Rock
B:1 - L:3 - S:5 - H:7
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Post #9 · Posted at 2006-12-23 08:38:47am 17.6 years ago

Offline W1p3out
W1p3out Avatar Member
261 Posts
Reg. 2006-12-05
MySpace: www.myspace.com/W1p3out
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BPM : 130
Length : 1:26
Genre : Dance
B:1 - L:2 - S:4 - H:7 - O:8
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BPM : 175
Length : 1:36
Genre : Hi Punk
B:1 - L:3 - S:6 - H:8
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BPM : 165
Length : 1:38
Genre : Super Beat Rave
B:1 - L:4 - S:6 - H:8
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Post #10 · Posted at 2007-03-29 12:26:24pm 17.3 years ago

Offline Ineedmaxesinthisweb
Ineedmaxesinthisweb Avatar Banned
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Reg. 2006-12-29

Download too this song:

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BPM : 165 (WipEout 330)
Length : (When I search)
Genre : Sadistic Hardcore
BE : 3 BA : 6 D : 9 E : 10
Download Simfile
<font color="Blue">I</font><font color="Yellow">need</font><font color="Red">maxes</font><font color="Green">in</font><font color="Black">this</font><font color="purple">web</font> <font face="Copperplate Gothic Bold">The Dance Dance Revolution song Collector and 3D moviegoer</font>
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