
DDR Machine Locations in Indonesia

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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-10-19 03:31:58pm 15.7 years ago

Offline 3x0t1c m4n
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"i'm back "
Welcome Indonesian players, let's talk about DDR machine locations in Indonesia.

We could tell the machine type and its condition.
(And the credit price too if you willing to)

Indonesian language : ON!Happy


Post #2 · Posted at 2008-10-19 04:25:39pm 15.7 years ago

Offline boomba
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"~ The evolution has begun ! ~"
I guess this thread can be used as a guide for those who are looking for a place to play DDR in Indonesia.
pad condition uses 1 -10 scale.

I'll start this :

- Mall of Indonesia (MoI) :
* Fun World: Lost Treasure
DDR Super NOVA 2 (join premium).
Pads' condition : 7
(full unlocked, sometimes monitor bumps, 1credit = 2 stages!)

- Mal Artha Gading : (mall of Super NOVA 2)
* Amazone: Virgin Island. (near food court)
DDR Super Nova 2 (join premium).
Pads' condition : P1's pad...6,75, P2's pad...7
(partial unlocked, player 2's pads are better.)

* Amazone: Lost Atlantis
DDR Super Nova 2
Pads' condition : 8 (both player 1 and 2)
(full unclocked, "new" dedicab, flat screen, good image)

Dancing Stage Disney Rave
Pad condition : 7

* Amazone: Congo (upstair)
DDR Super Nova 2
Pads' condition : 8 (both player 1 and 2)
(full unclocked, "new" dedicab, flat screen, good image)

NOTE : please play kindly. it's rare that wecan play on a nice pad Happy

- Pluit Junction :
* Amazone:
DDR Super Nova
Pads' condition : 6.5

- Gajah Mada Plaza :
* Emi:
DDRs' Super Nova 2
Pad condition : 7.25

- Lippo Supermall Karawaci :
* Amazone:
DDRs' Super Nova
Pad condition : unknown yet
(status unknown yet)

- Margo City ~Depok~
* Timezone:
Dancing Stage Super Nova
Pads' condition : 7.25

- Sumareccon Mall Serpong :
* Timezone:
Dance Dance Revolution "8th mix" (extreme)
Pads' condition : 7.5

- Grand Indonesia :
* Fun World:
DDR Super Nova
Pads' Condition : 6.5
(sometimes up arrow doesn't work)

- Mall Taman Anggrek :
* Timezone:
Pads' condition : 5.75
(locked, pad on both players are so hard)

Post #3 · Posted at 2008-10-19 04:41:16pm 15.7 years ago

Offline 3x0t1c m4n
3x0t1c m4n Avatar Member
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"i'm back "
For the SN2 in Gajah Mada Plaza, the pad condition should be around 8 I thinkHappy
8,5 or better when it's new in Gajah Mada Plaza.

But for now I dunno, maybe it goes below 8??
I'll check it later....

Post #4 · Posted at 2008-10-19 05:43:31pm 15.7 years ago

Offline nggakmirip
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"Stop being a fanboy, it sucks"
Quote: boomba

* Amazone: Lost Atlantis
DDR Super Nova
Pad condition : 6
wait, felm wasn't unlocked here?

moar locations once I got back ol after Church
Will you help Wikipe-tan?

My blogs! (some Indonesian detected)
http://varg-nggak.blogspot.com/ (Serious Blog)
http://ariscyel-nggak.blogspot.com/ (Why So Serious? blog)


Post #5 · Posted at 2008-10-19 06:05:08pm 15.7 years ago

Offline boomba
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"~ The evolution has begun ! ~"
the pad condition can be changed due time.
those pad conditions are based on my experience.

Amazone's Artha (virgin island) once had a super nova nova cab which I rate 8 better even than PJ.

Post #6 · Posted at 2008-10-19 11:16:36pm 15.7 years ago

Offline 3x0t1c m4n
3x0t1c m4n Avatar Member
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"i'm back "
The SN machine in Lippo Karawaci is a better cabinet than any SN machine in Indonesia
(It's a dedicab), because most of SN machine in Indonesia I think are upgraded machines.

Post #7 · Posted at 2008-10-19 11:19:00pm 15.7 years ago

Offline boomba
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"~ The evolution has begun ! ~"
edit my post.
added Amazone Lippo location.
and Depok location.

Post #8 · Posted at 2008-10-19 11:22:05pm 15.7 years ago

Offline 3x0t1c m4n
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"i'm back "
I'm searching for a good Extreme machine...

could you guyz help?Happy

Post #9 · Posted at 2008-10-19 11:27:32pm 15.7 years ago

Offline boomba
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"~ The evolution has begun ! ~"
see my posting.
There's one at S.M.S.
The last time I play, I can AAAed "air"

Post #10 · Posted at 2008-10-19 11:36:32pm 15.7 years ago

Offline 3x0t1c m4n
3x0t1c m4n Avatar Member
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"i'm back "
The Extreme machine at Puri Indah has a broken pad

even though it's join premium...

Post #11 · Posted at 2008-10-19 11:37:55pm 15.7 years ago

Offline boomba
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"~ The evolution has begun ! ~"
which one is worse?
TA's or Puri Indah's?

Post #12 · Posted at 2008-10-19 11:41:15pm 15.7 years ago

Offline 3x0t1c m4n
3x0t1c m4n Avatar Member
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"i'm back "
both of them are sucks...

but now Puri Indah is worse than TA.....


Post #13 · Posted at 2008-10-19 11:44:23pm 15.7 years ago

Offline boomba
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"~ The evolution has begun ! ~"
btw : to dancingpigs:

di Detos masih ada DDR 8th mix?
di Depok mall gemana?
masih ada 4th mix?

Post #14 · Posted at 2008-10-19 11:45:52pm 15.7 years ago

Offline 3x0t1c m4n
3x0t1c m4n Avatar Member
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"i'm back "
di detos (depok town square) masi ada 8th mix
(3rd mix upgrade-an), pad ktnya si agak keras (tp masi enak ktny)

Post #15 · Posted at 2008-10-19 11:48:31pm 15.7 years ago

Offline boomba
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"~ The evolution has begun ! ~"
thanks for the info Smile

Post #16 · Posted at 2008-10-20 01:09:01am 15.7 years ago

Offline NeoRevenG
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"Secret Agent"
Mengenai kondisi mesin2 DDR di Surabaya, I have been already mentioned about DDR Arcade on Surabaya. Happy

Please check again on "Indonesian player here" thread.

Happy playing DDR! Happy

What?! DS Disney Rave ?!!!! Shocked Shocked Shocked

Lucky You! Duh..... Pingin juga sih main Supercalifragilisticexpialidocius. Laughing Hard

Cuma DS Disney Rave kegampangan tuh. Maniacnya ada gak ?


Post #17 · Posted at 2008-10-20 11:22:40am 15.7 years ago

Offline boomba
boomba Avatar Member
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"~ The evolution has begun ! ~"
may I copy your postings about DDR at Surabaya and post them here?

Post #18 · Posted at 2008-10-20 12:20:33pm 15.7 years ago

Offline NeoRevenG
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"Secret Agent"
Boleh. Biar gak perlu bolak - balik liatin thread. Big Grin

Post #19 · Posted at 2008-10-20 12:25:45pm 15.7 years ago

Offline boomba
boomba Avatar Member
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"~ The evolution has begun ! ~"
or you re-post ithere? Happy

Post #20 · Posted at 2008-10-20 12:37:45pm 15.7 years ago

Offline NeoRevenG
NeoRevenG Avatar Member
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"Secret Agent"
Mesin2 DDR di Surabaya.

DDR 2nd Mix :

Amazone, ITC lantai 3, NICE pad soalnya sepi pengunjung eh..... Confused

DDR 3rd Mix :

Stinger, Tunjungan Plaza lantai 5, NICE pad dan ada gurunya freestyler DDR lho.... Big Grin

DDR 7th Mix :

Amazone, Pakuwon Trade Centre lantai dasar, PERFECT pad . Saya plg suka yg ini. Happy

DDR 8th Mix :

TimeZone, Pakuwon Trade Centre lantai 3, NICE pad walau perasaan saya sisi P1 lebih mantap daripada P2. Again, di sini lumayan rame. Smile

DS SuperNOVA :

TimeZone, Galaxy Mall lantai 3, NICE pad terutama sisi P2. BTW, DS ini katanya pindahan dari Jakarta, ya ? Pokoknya pernah ada nama Ponco, X-Factor, dll tapi udah saya tutup nilai recordnya Very Happy . But, saya masih belum bisa nutup nilainya SCHULD. Confused

Dulu sih pernah ada DDR 5th Mix di gamecentre yg namanya SUMO, di ITC tapi udah

dimasukin gudang. Katanya gak laku gitu. Cry

Sisanya? Mesin PIU sialan itu.... Annoyed

OK, ini udah saya kopi dari thread Indonesia player here.

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