
IIDX AC Tracker

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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-10-14 04:42:22am 15.7 years ago

Offline Shinji16
Shinji16 Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2008-09-20


I posted a thread about this in the IIDX forum, with no replies. I've double checked the 'net, and the only other ones I'm aware of are down (Lights) or non-functional (Bemanistyle's tracker). Is there any chance that one could be set up here?

I know I'm part of a minority, but us AC only players could use a tracker too!

Thanks in advance for anything that can be done or recommended.

About a week later
...I'm guessing either:
1) Admins are too crazy-busy to see this (and that's totally cool)
2) Too few AC only players to care.

Oh well, I'll keep up with my notebook then.
Take care and be safe!
Smile - life is good!

Post #2 · Posted at 2008-10-14 05:01:24am 15.7 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Bit of #1 and #2 actually. There's not enough IIDX machines to justify an AC tracker just yet. Especially in the UK, with a grand total of ZERO IIDX machines. WIN. Evil
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