
DDR SuperNOVA (AC) Background Videos

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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-09-30 05:54:14am 15.8 years ago

Offline 2MB
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time ago... the BG-Videos from NO. 13, RED ZONE and Under The Sky were on the DDR SN Download Section, but... now i was seeing and the videos disappeared... what happened? please, can someone or the site re-upload the BG-videos of those songs? cuz i need them... please

Sorry for my bad english
i'm spanish, and i don't talk very well... hehe Wink
I'm 2MB, Latin American Forever ♥
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Post #2 · Posted at 2008-09-30 06:31:05am 15.8 years ago

Offline DialBM
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I have No.13 and Red Zone BGAs, let me upload them, I will edit later.


Toma: No.13 - RED ZONE


Post #3 · Posted at 2008-09-30 06:58:01am 15.8 years ago

Offline jch02140
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I have uploaded the SN1 videos

Videos included:

-No. 13
-Red Zone
-Under the sky

SN1 Missing Videos

Post #4 · Posted at 2008-09-30 06:58:30am 15.8 years ago

Offline kmaster78
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I was wondering if anybody has the Ki-Se-Ki (DDR Edition) BG Video that is in DDR SuperNOVA US PS2 and ARC? PM me if you do! Big Grin
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Post #5 · Posted at 2008-09-30 07:09:43am 15.8 years ago

Offline FELMDemon
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These songs have BGAs? o_O

First I've heard of it. By the way, you rock. Happy
The Heavens! The Earth! And a million squirrels call to me! Huh? What...they don't?

Post #6 · Posted at 2008-09-30 07:16:10am 15.8 years ago

Offline Pie-kun
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"On ZiV I'm like Princess Diana"
They disappeared because they weren't included in the game.

Post #7 · Posted at 2008-09-30 08:56:20am 15.8 years ago

Offline Exor
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Quote: kmaster78
I was wondering if anybody has the Ki-Se-Ki (DDR Edition) BG Video that is in DDR SuperNOVA US PS2 and ARC? PM me if you do! Big Grin
No one does because it's impossible to rip the videos from the SN US disc. Read al2k4's post (#7) in this thread for an explanation.

Post #8 · Posted at 2008-09-30 09:32:25am 15.8 years ago

Offline jch02140
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Quote: Exor
Quote: kmaster78
I was wondering if anybody has the Ki-Se-Ki (DDR Edition) BG Video that is in DDR SuperNOVA US PS2 and ARC? PM me if you do! Big Grin
No one does because it's impossible to rip the videos from the SN US disc. Read al2k4's post (#7) in this thread for an explanation.

I found it curious as to how people on youtube get the video... Neutral

There are IIDX version of the original video as well as DDR Edit...
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