
Entire Last Reply cel clickable as link to last post?

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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-09-21 12:59:04pm 15.8 years ago

Offline AceJay
AceJay Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2006-12-04

How bout it? Possible?

Post #2 · Posted at 2008-09-21 05:16:14pm 15.8 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Can you explain a little bit more as it doesn't make sense to me. Confused

Post #3 · Posted at 2008-09-21 05:27:26pm 15.8 years ago

Offline Oni-91
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Basically, instead of having to click the thread title on the last replies, clicking the 'box' it's in. Personally, I don't think it can be done, whilst keeping the other hyperlinks there...but I'm not a web designer.
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Post #4 · Posted at 2008-09-21 05:56:12pm 15.8 years ago

Offline al2k4
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"BEMANI Sound Team"
Done that, but at the cost of removing the row click to the first post of that thread.

Post #5 · Posted at 2008-09-22 01:27:14am 15.8 years ago

Offline AceJay
AceJay Avatar Member+
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Yeah, what I meant was having just that one cel outlined in blue work as a link to the last post:


While the Yellow outline stays as a link to the first post.

And while posting that image it seems that there is no horizontal scroll for oversized pics.

Post #6 · Posted at 2008-09-22 03:35:21am 15.8 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Oh I understand now. I'll have a play around tonight. Yeah there's no horizontal scroll cos of some CSS settings so it doesn't stretch the entire site if someone posts a huge pic.

Post #7 · Posted at 2008-09-22 03:37:55am 15.8 years ago

Offline RGTM
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Good idea!
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Post #8 · Posted at 2008-09-22 03:42:15am 15.8 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Just done it.

Post #9 · Posted at 2008-09-22 09:25:42am 15.8 years ago

Offline AceJay
AceJay Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2006-12-04

Sweet, thanks!

Now let's get rid of some of this Neon on the Dark Contrast theme :v

Oh, and how about having the (24) unread/new posts link to the first unread post?

Post #10 · Posted at 2008-09-22 09:33:07am 15.8 years ago

Offline silenttype01
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But it already does link you to the first unread post.

Question Mark

Post #11 · Posted at 2008-09-22 10:17:19am 15.8 years ago

Offline AceJay
AceJay Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2006-12-04

Oh crap, I didn't know that button did anything. I was talking about the actual numbers in red themselves, but this is great too ;o

Post #12 · Posted at 2008-09-22 05:39:41pm 15.8 years ago

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Yeah I did find it weird you didn't use the red button for that. Tongue

Post #13 · Posted at 2008-09-23 01:54:14am 15.8 years ago

Offline roy2009xedit
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"jubeat knit one, purl two"
Quote: silenttype01
But it already does link you to the first unread post.

Question Mark
Wow, thanks for that tip. I've been scrolling through pages this whole time.
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