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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-09-21 10:23:12am 15.8 years ago

Offline Shinji16
Shinji16 Avatar Member+
50 Posts
United States
Reg. 2008-09-20

Suggesting that the Forum Search tool be under the Forums button, not the Home button.
Take care and be safe!
Smile - life is good!

Post #2 · Posted at 2008-09-22 12:29:08am 15.8 years ago

Offline Kyzentun
Kyzentun Avatar Member
3,209 Posts
United States
Reg. 2008-02-20

"I'm honestly pissed off."
I know a better forum search.
Enter "site:zenius-i-vanisher.com search terms" into google.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Post #3 · Posted at 2008-09-22 02:38:43pm 15.8 years ago

Offline Shinji16
Shinji16 Avatar Member+
50 Posts
United States
Reg. 2008-09-20

While that might work, it doesn't solve the issue at hand. Just because someone distracts you from a building on fire with a kitten does not put out the flames.

Then again... KITTEN!
Take care and be safe!
Smile - life is good!

Post #4 · Posted at 2008-09-22 05:25:29pm 15.8 years ago

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
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Reg. 2006-05-01

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Moved it now.
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