
How did My rating get from -75 to 97?

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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-09-18 01:02:21pm 15.8 years ago

Offline xohshitztonysbackx
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I barely post and my rating was -75 today and now it's -97?

The user rating goes up each time I post why?

edit : See I just post new thread and my rating is now -102.1

Post #2 · Posted at 2008-09-18 01:06:19pm 15.8 years ago

Offline silenttype01
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I believe it has something to do with this:

Quote: xohshitztonysbackx
I saw the song list on youtube. No red songs and no.. Paranioa Respect... Grrr Konami you F... up DDR US once again

It's sad how people are bashing you for it when there were some that said similar things. I give you props for actually staying away from the site when your rating plummeted.

And by the looks of it, once people see a negative rating, they are inclined to rate a -5.

Post #3 · Posted at 2008-09-18 01:08:46pm 15.8 years ago

Offline xohshitztonysbackx
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I guess I'm ban then since I'm passed 100.. Bye then... I guess I will stick with youtube or ddruk from now on.

Post #4 · Posted at 2008-09-18 01:14:57pm 15.8 years ago

Offline silenttype01
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You're not exactly banned yet. Al hasn't banned Robo-Zukin when she/he reached the -100 rating, so it wouldn't be fair if he banned you for posting an opinion.

Pro tip: try not to use foul language; it's not exactly the best way to represent yourself on a forum.

Also avoid the following just to be on the safe side:

Don't bump old posts unless there's a valid reason.
Cut back on the foul language. (I could care less about it, but there are others who do)
Don't let the rating control your reasoning and behavior towards it; you'll only make it worse.

Post #5 · Posted at 2008-09-18 01:15:14pm 15.8 years ago

Offline Zukin-Man
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I figured it would've been stuff like this.

Quote: xohshitztonysbackx
I'm waiting for someone to seed it online

Either that, or for making a thread about whining about your user rating.

Post #6 · Posted at 2008-09-18 01:16:12pm 15.8 years ago

Offline xohshitztonysbackx
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I was kidding about that. In fact I bought the game yesturday when I picked up DDR HP2. But when I watched the video on youtube... I didn't see any boss songs on there.

Post #7 · Posted at 2008-09-18 01:19:03pm 15.8 years ago

Offline silenttype01
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Yeah, edited previous post.

Huh, I completely forgot about that post post. I took it as a joke as even discussing such things are a big NO-NO

Post #8 · Posted at 2008-09-18 01:28:45pm 15.8 years ago

Offline DialBM
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I saved him from the ban rating him up a little, maybe everybody will give me -5 for doing this, but I am just giving him a second chance :/

If he continues doing that, is not my problem.

Post #9 · Posted at 2008-09-18 01:53:33pm 15.8 years ago

Offline silenttype01
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People shouldn't give you a -5 for giving him a second chance. I'm gonna give him a +5 and see how much it knocks off....

Edit: Damn! It went from 83 to 72. Anyway, this is the third case I see where the user ratings is being abused, but right now I can't think of anything to overcome that problem.

I mean, all there is to say is to not rate someone for no reason. It is true that we all say something stupid that we might regret, but it's harsh to rate a person solely on that when they're an ok guy.

...I'm not used to preaching... it feel weird.

Post #10 · Posted at 2008-09-18 01:59:33pm 15.8 years ago

Offline Pie-kun
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"On ZiV I'm like Princess Diana"
silenttype01, his rating was very low before that post. He's obviously been doing things people don't like for a while. I personally don't know why so many people rate him down, my only guess being that his posts can be hard to understand because of his spelling and/or grammar.

Post #11 · Posted at 2008-09-18 02:05:30pm 15.8 years ago

Offline mugentatsuya
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When I'm on these forums, I really don't see where tony has gone wrong aside from (possibly) constant grammar errors, but we all make them. Hell, I know I do. I made his rating bump up a bit to what is now -67.

I know that people do abuse the rating system, but even with Al's rule about an indefinite ban for users with a -100 rating, it seems to me like he's looking in on what caused these users to get that rating before actually giving them the boot or allowing themselves to, I guess get a better rating. (Though, that may be a little far fetched since users abuse the rating system)
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Post #12 · Posted at 2008-09-18 02:27:52pm 15.8 years ago

Offline silenttype01
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The lowest I've seen it was 102. And as to the things he's been obviously been doing, I've been ignoring it completely. His spelling and grammar isn't that bad; it's manageable. If I can't read it or understand it, I ignore it.

And it is true that we all make grammer mistakes. We're only human. That -100 rule is something I've been looking into as it has the flaws that mugen mentioned. I sure do hope Al looks into each before banishing them.

Edit: Which reminds me....

if you've rated the following people for no reason, please be considerate and revert the rating as they have done absolutely nothing. I regret that I looked them up for the ""You Laugh, You Lose" thread.


Post #13 · Posted at 2008-09-18 02:31:20pm 15.8 years ago

Offline Pie-kun
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"On ZiV I'm like Princess Diana"
Uh...why did people even rate these people down? They haven't even made posts.

Post #14 · Posted at 2008-09-18 02:33:53pm 15.8 years ago

Offline silenttype01
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Because someone suggested it would be a good idea to rate them to -100 without them knowing and some people went along with it.

...make that 4 cases where I see the user rating system being abused

Post #15 · Posted at 2008-09-18 02:35:12pm 15.8 years ago

Online -Viper-
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I don't think those guys would miss their accounts if they were to get banned. Afterall, their last action was 38.7 years ago. Laughing Out Loud

Post #16 · Posted at 2008-09-18 02:53:49pm 15.8 years ago

Offline Oni-91
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Quote: xohshitztonysbackx
I was kidding about that. In fact I bought the game yesturday when I picked up DDR HP2. But when I watched the video on youtube... I didn't see any boss songs on there.
There were boss songs, but they don't appear in red on the main songlist anymore. That solve your problem? Anyway, I do reckon that even if someone hits -100, Al'll look at their account first. You've not really done that much to warrant even a negative rating, to be honest.
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Post #17 · Posted at 2008-09-18 07:47:59pm 15.8 years ago

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Need some help with your rating? Try here.
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Post #18 · Posted at 2008-09-18 09:02:02pm 15.8 years ago

Online chewi
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Quote: RYgonTM
Need some help with your rating? Try here.
Now it makes complete sense.

Post #19 · Posted at 2008-09-18 11:50:38pm 15.8 years ago

Offline al2k4
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To be totally honest, I don't know why you're even in the negatives. He should be >100 in my opinion.

Post #20 · Posted at 2008-09-18 11:59:57pm 15.8 years ago

Offline roy2009xedit
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"jubeat knit one, purl two"
A lot of his posts sound like yelling/attacks or are totally random (within the realisitc realm of the topic) and disturb the flow of the conversation.
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