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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-08-20 01:43:13am 15.9 years ago

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
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Reg. 2006-05-01

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Just a remark on quoting.

If you're quoting the last post of a thread, just don't do it, it clutters threads up too much. Tongue Why repeat a post that's directly above your own?

Post #2 · Posted at 2008-08-20 01:47:06am 15.9 years ago

Offline Pie-kun
Pie-kun Avatar Member+
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"On ZiV I'm like Princess Diana"
Hmph! As if I don't know that this is directly at me!

Puppy Face, just kidding. Lots of other people do it, I'll try to cut back or something.

Post #3 · Posted at 2008-08-20 01:58:37am 15.9 years ago

Offline Kyzentun
Kyzentun Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-02-20

"I'm honestly pissed off."
Quote: al2k4
Just a remark on quoting.

If you're quoting the last post of a thread, just don't do it, it clutters threads up too much. Tongue Why repeat a post that's directly above your own?
Because somebody might post while you're writing your reply, and stick a post between yours and the person you're replying to.

Edit: Thanks for demonstrating, pie.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Post #4 · Posted at 2008-08-20 01:58:56am 15.9 years ago

Offline -Viper-
-Viper- Avatar Member+
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3DS Friend Code: 1091-8797-8693
What if you're only addressing a small part of a large post?

Post #5 · Posted at 2008-08-20 02:55:56am 15.9 years ago

Offline Goldensunboy
Goldensunboy Avatar Member
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I'll be sure to think about this then, but sometimes it's just necessary.

Post #6 · Posted at 2008-08-20 03:08:56am 15.9 years ago

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
9,391 Posts
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Reg. 2006-05-01

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
If it's a small part then it's okay, just not when it's a whole block of text. Tongue

Post #7 · Posted at 2008-08-20 03:30:04am 15.9 years ago

Offline roy2009xedit
roy2009xedit Avatar Member
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"jubeat knit one, purl two"
My rule is that I never quote entire posts, just one line expressing the gist of the post. I don't quote quotes unless they're absolutely relevant.

As for quoting the person above me, I don't usually do it. Sometimes, I'll just write the person's name and my reply next to it.
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