
2MB New Songpack from SM... Help with Graphics!!

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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-08-06 06:47:37am 15.9 years ago

Offline 2MB
2MB Avatar Member
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Reg. 2007-10-17
MySpace: I Don't have -__- MySpace sucks
"HAPPY (:"
Please, I'm working on a new SM Pack, and my big problem, are the fonts from the graphics, from the Banners and Backgrounds..., i really need.. the original DDR Font Logo, used from artists, please, can you help me?... please Green Grin


-Original DDR Font Logos used from these artists

SMiLE.dk -----> SuperNOVA's Golden Sky font or older DDR Mixes font used...
CHUMBAWAMBA ------------> Used 2ndMIX Tubthumping Font....
good-cool -------> DDR Font logo...

Please... Help me with this.. Thanks for ur attention... WinkGreen Grin
My Pack's in progress.. Coming Soon..

I'm 2MB, Latin American Forever ♥
The Original Emi Lover Big Grin

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Post #2 · Posted at 2008-08-06 06:49:06am 15.9 years ago

Offline Oni-91
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-3445-5569-17913DS Friend Code: 008736577880
"Popular bisexual disaster"
The original DDR font is Serpentine Bold. Go find it here.
2nd Mix Tubthumping? Isn't the entire thing in Courier New?
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU

Post #3 · Posted at 2008-08-06 08:03:43am 15.9 years ago

Offline 2MB
2MB Avatar Member
14 Posts
Reg. 2007-10-17
MySpace: I Don't have -__- MySpace sucks
"HAPPY (:"
Thanks Very Much!!.. but.. you're link's broken Sad... 404 Error.. but thanks for give me the name of that Font, i'm going to find it, thanks for your help Green GrinWink.. and what's the font name of good-cool DDR Font logo? or SMiLE.dk's font logo?
I'm 2MB, Latin American Forever ♥
The Original Emi Lover Big Grin

Isn't She Adorable? Roll EyesGreen GrinGreen Grin
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Post #4 · Posted at 2008-08-06 08:51:46am 15.9 years ago

Offline e-s-g
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Ask in here, there are links to other variations of serpentine and some rare gems.
gay for kors k

Post #5 · Posted at 2008-08-06 10:55:23am 15.9 years ago

Offline 2MB
2MB Avatar Member
14 Posts
Reg. 2007-10-17
MySpace: I Don't have -__- MySpace sucks
"HAPPY (:"
Thanks For Give me that thread!! cool!! thanks... ;)Green GrinBig Grin
I'm 2MB, Latin American Forever ♥
The Original Emi Lover Big Grin

Isn't She Adorable? Roll EyesGreen GrinGreen Grin
Heavy Player
Challenge Player
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