
~XTREME~ extreme steps (Check my files out)

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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-07-29 03:21:09am 16 years ago

Offline ~XTREME~
~XTREME~ Avatar Member
173 Posts
United States
Reg. 2008-06-27

Hi, hows it goin. Im Xtreme and bring you simfiles! Check them out. My simfile catagorie is "~XTREME's~ eXtreme Steps". All songs that are by DJ Xtreme are my own created songs. You can post your comments, sugesstions, etc. here.
http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/~XTREME%27s~%20eXtreme%20Steps/~XTREME%27s~%20eXtreme%20Steps.png?1235840512 <-My Simfiles
!!!XTR3ME DANCING!!! My Simfile Discussion

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