
Ripping steps from XBOX SSQ files

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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-07-08 11:31:55am 16 years ago

Offline Raf
Raf Avatar Member+
44 Posts
United States
Reg. 2007-09-07

Even though you should ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK THE STEPS AFTER BEING RIPPED, there seems to be even more flaws when ripping from XBOX SSQ files. For me, every single chart i rip from Universe 2 has the arrows start a bar ahead of where they should AND completely ignored freezes in the chart for Apache. They weren't even a freeze jump. Just normal freezes. On top of that, some of the arrows are IMPOSSIBLE to hit. Everytime you play you WILL get a miss but you won't break combo. Very odd. This is what happened with whoever ripped the files for DS Unleashed 3 and needs to be manually stepped for every chart. I only use the ripper for grabbing BPM changes in songs with live drumming.

Just forewarning everyone that intends to rip from XBOX home versions.
<a href="http://ss.zenius-i-vanisher.com"><img src="http://ss.zenius-i-vanisher.com/img/bn/stompingsystem.png" border=0></a>
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