
Any tips for Doubles w/ Bar?

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Post #1 · Posted at 2024-12-04 04:25:52am 1.7 months ago

Offline TiramisuGirl
TiramisuGirl Avatar Member
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United States
Reg. 2024-11-29

I tried out playing a few double charts on SMX and it felt kinda awkward holding the bar and going to the far left or far right.

i was wondering if anybody who has some experience with harder doubles and such could give tips on maintaining a proper hold of the bar?

i mostly held the inner side of both bars so would it be a good idea to (maybe) shift my hands over to the other bar if i have to hit notes on the farther ends of the pads?

Post #2 · Posted at 2024-12-06 09:35:23pm 1.6 months ago

Offline Telperion
Telperion Avatar Member+
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honestly, watching a VOD of the top division of a SMX doubles tourney is gonna be better demonstration than any verbal description I could give:

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Post #3 · Posted at 2024-12-07 08:39:00am 1.6 months ago

Offline Dancefreak
Dancefreak Avatar Member+
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Last updated: 2024-12-07 10:20am
I would also point out on Stepmaniax there's a time cutoff in the songs where the charting changes drastically, I can't remember where specifically but the earliest added songs have far more interesting and experimental patterns compared to the newer charts that play it far too safe in terms of doubles tech and get a bit repetitive/don't reverse transitions. So you may find songs from a certain era easier or harder to play as a result

As for hitting wide, depending on your height you'll want to raise or lower yourself and shift your weight on the bars so you aren't just keeping your body rigid in one place if you're starting out. But if you still struggle try playing easier barless for a bit then grab the bar at different times during charts to try to find what works out for different positions.

It's kinda hard to help in any meaningful way without seeing you play though so it's mostly trial and error unfortunately.
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