
[XX Starlight help] Custom Song grouping

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Post #1 · Posted at 2024-11-04 03:59:11am 1 month ago

Offline fictional_bookworm
fictional_bookworm Avatar Member
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Reg. 2024-11-04

Last updated: 2024-11-04 04:06am
I've been trying to figure this out but it's not working T_T I've tried the tips other threads have suggested

The original grouping doesn't have pictures (which is fine) but the name of the song folders are all the default name so its confusing when selecting a group

Is there a way to edit the default folder names and default image?

I tried googling and they said you had to create a seperate /Preferred folder to sort the way you want ?

I tried to create Graphics/_banners/Preferred and Graphics/_jackets/Preferred, and have edited "group" in metrics.ini to "Preferred"
All the .pngs in _banners/Preferred is named exactly as the song folders in _jackets/Preferred

but it is not working

Is there a step by step guide to custom song grouping or renaming the default group name in XX Starlight

I'm new to the community, sorry if I missed anything important T__T

Post #2 · Posted at 2024-11-04 11:21:04am 1 month ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
n00b_saib0t Avatar Member
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Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."
The folder names should appear as you specify them in the song manager file (I can’t remember the exact name and can’t get to mine at the moment). Something like this:

---DDR 1st
DDR 1stMIX/Butterfly

It will display “DDR 1st” because that’s what you specify rather than the folder name “DDR 1stMIX”.

The images need the same names specified in the song manager file. It looks like you have them in the right spots.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #3 · Posted at 2024-11-08 06:10:05am 3.7 weeks ago

Offline fictional_bookworm
fictional_bookworm Avatar Member
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Reg. 2024-11-04

Last updated: 2024-11-08 07:47am
Quote: n00b_saib0t
The folder names should appear as you specify them in the song manager file (I can’t remember the exact name and can’t get to mine at the moment). Something like this:

---DDR 1st
DDR 1stMIX/Butterfly

It will display “DDR 1st” because that’s what you specify rather than the folder name “DDR 1stMIX”.

The images need the same names specified in the song manager file. It looks like you have them in the right spots.

Hello, thank you very much for the reply!

I am not too sure what you mean by song manager file is that like the master song file folder in outfox, or is there a specific folder within the starlight theme? I can't find a folder or file that starts with "--DDR 1st" anywhere TT

Edit: I think I might have figured it out, thank you for the help!
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