
Stepmania 3.9 Groove Radar

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Post #1 · Posted at 2024-06-11 01:09:45am 1.5 months ago

Offline MyNamelsNotJohn
MyNamelsNotJohn Avatar Member
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Reg. 2024-06-11


I created an account to ask this as I've browsed the forums on and off for some time. I have had Stepmania 3.9 on my PCs for at least 10 years, and I use the SuperNova 2 theme. https://josevarela.net/SMArchive/Themes/ThemePreview.php?Category=SM3.9&ID=DDRSN2. The only thing I'd like to change, if possible, is the Groove Radar. Specifically, I'm wondering how I would go about making the appearance closer to console/arcade groove radar. In the pictures, you may be able to see that AC groove radar looks a bit more 3-dimensional, and more transparent in the center, opaque on the edges, whereas Stepmania seems to be a flat blue. It's a bit hard to describe, but if possible, how would I go about adjusting the graphics of the groove radar? I'm assuming it's something to do with the code and ripping the textures, which is honestly beyond my knowledge.

In addition, I notice that there has been some talk about groove radar being different for some songs. In the two I included, it seems like the chaos value is significantly different. Based on what I've read, I want to say that chaos is calculated based on the amount of BPM changes and/or off-tempo arrows; it seems like DDR AC and Stepmania use different criteria. Is it possible to manually adjust these values?

Appreciate any time taken to address my questions! I know 3.9 is not used as much so if there is another site or forum that could help better, please let me know.

https://1drv.ms/i/s!ArVoyNMD-dXsjTgtT7ntkR0re4U_?e=fYyYvj - Pluto Relinquish (CS/AC)
https://1drv.ms/i/s!ArVoyNMD-dXsjTe3jRv7vuXDiwy1?e=KaoEZM - Pluto Relinquish (SM3.9)
https://1drv.ms/i/s!ArVoyNMD-dXsjTnUDQJN-62NUnzY?e=JVr3Ex - Paranoia MAX SMM (CS/AC)
https://1drv.ms/i/s!ArVoyNMD-dXsjTq0elw64q2moaiI?e=AShcFG - Paranoia MAX SMM (SM3.9)
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