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Post #521 · Posted at 2025-02-04 08:26:49am 6.7 days ago

Offline Dancebelt
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GALAXY BRAVE event begins on the 6th. First two songs have been announced:



For what I gather from the website, the event will run similar to COURSE TRIAL from the past two games, except this will only be avaliable on EXTRA STAGE. You'll play 3 songs with FLARE GAUGE and if you pass you'll get to play the new song. If you past that you'll unlock the song.

Only shitty thing is in small print at the bottom of the website, this event is only available in GALAXY PLAY mode

Post #522 · Posted at 2025-02-04 02:17:36pm 6.5 days ago

Offline xmcgcg
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GALAXY BRAVE event site: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/ddr/ddrworld/event/galaxy_brave.html

The notes on the bottom translate to:
*The GALAXY BRAVE folder will not appear except in Galaxy Play.
*You can only challenge GALAXY BRAVE once per play.
*The FLOATING FLARE gauge cannot be used in the GALAXY BRAVE folder.
*GALAXY BRAVE progress is the same for both SINGLE and DOUBLE styles.
*Both SINGLE and DOUBLE styles are unlocked at the same time.
*Unlocked charts can be played in Premium Play, Galaxy Play, and In-Store Battle Mode.
*The options will be as follows for the next play after challenging GALAXY BRAVE.
Dance Gauge: NORMAL
Timing-specific Cut: OFF
Freeze Arrow Cut: OFF
Jump Cut: OFF


Post #523 · Posted at 2025-02-04 02:42:08pm 6.5 days ago

Offline RGTM
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"BBCode Not Allowed"

Last updated: 2025-02-04 04:34pm
MAX MAXIMIZER is fucking back.

ZIv Mod Squad: "shark jumpscare"

Post #524 · Posted at 2025-02-04 03:03:48pm 6.4 days ago

Offline GhostSpirit
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There's something funny about DDR adding two songs that are both called Meteor.

I wonder if you get to play all songs in the same credit like in Nonstop mode or you have to reach the ES 4 times to even try to unlock the new songs

Post #525 · Posted at 2025-02-04 03:42:41pm 6.4 days ago

Offline xmcgcg
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Quote: GhostSpirit
I wonder if you get to play all songs in the same credit like in Nonstop mode or you have to reach the ES 4 times to even try to unlock the new songs

One trial each GALAXY PLAY. The HOW TO PLAY image shows that the trial group WEATHER consists of 晴天Bon Voyage, Sweet Rain, and 梅雪夜. After clearing 梅雪夜 BASIC, the FINAL TRIAL APPEARED notice will come up, allowing you to challenge the final trial (Blizzard of Arrows) in BEGINNER/BASIC.

The image also shows that the difficulty of the first trial (晴天Bon Voyage) can be toggled via PINPAD 2/5. Assuming that EXPERT can be chosen in the first trial and passing the trial unlocks the next trial with all difficuties up to EXPERT, Blizzard of Arrows can be unlocked in 4 GALAXY PLAYs.

Post #526 · Posted at 2025-02-04 03:50:14pm 6.4 days ago

Offline Dogman1227
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Last updated: 2025-02-04 04:34pm
Quote: Dancebelt

God that album artwork is fucking epic.

Well, since this clearly isn't the final song of this event, they aren't gonna go all out on this chart...though I secretly want it to get a 19 as to me, any MAX MAXIMIZER song should get the hardest of the hard charts. I'm just glad Qrispy has brought back this name.
*insert crap bemani joke here*

Post #527 · Posted at 2025-02-04 04:48:35pm 6.4 days ago

Online Silver Spirit
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Last updated: 2025-02-04 04:50pm
Quote: xmcgcg
Quote: GhostSpirit
I wonder if you get to play all songs in the same credit like in Nonstop mode or you have to reach the ES 4 times to even try to unlock the new songs

One trial each GALAXY PLAY. The HOW TO PLAY image shows that the trial group WEATHER consists of 晴天Bon Voyage, Sweet Rain, and 梅雪夜. After clearing 梅雪夜 BASIC, the FINAL TRIAL APPEARED notice will come up, allowing you to challenge the final trial (Blizzard of Arrows) in BEGINNER/BASIC.

The image also shows that the difficulty of the first trial (晴天Bon Voyage) can be toggled via PINPAD 2/5. Assuming that EXPERT can be chosen in the first trial and passing the trial unlocks the next trial with all difficuties up to EXPERT, Blizzard of Arrows can be unlocked in 4 GALAXY PLAYs.

Am I reading this correctly? One trial song per Galaxy Start? If it was the whole trial in one go, I'd understand that (though it would mean this event is just a glorified Nonstop Mode), but I really hope that it's not a minimum of four extra-price credits to unlock one song.

edit: Oh my god it is. You have to do one trial song per Extra Stage. Great!!!!!

Post #528 · Posted at 2025-02-04 08:14:20pm 6.2 days ago

Offline Burtzman
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Last updated: 2025-02-04 08:15pm
Was the floating flare gauge the only reason to use Galaxy Play in the first place?
And now this event requires you use Galaxy Play but disables the floating flare gauge?

They should put more unlocks behind the flare skill rank, which became obsolete quickly.

Post #529 · Posted at 2025-02-04 09:00:03pm 6.2 days ago

Offline Quickman
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"five minute white boy challenge"
I almost forgot GALAXY PLAY was a thing in this game. I wish I didn't have to be reminded. The absolute state of this series. At least MAX MAXIMIZER means almost guaranteed banger.
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #530 · Posted at 2025-02-05 12:36:26am 6 days ago

Offline SomethingRandom
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Last updated: 2025-02-05 12:36am
If even JP Twitter is complaining about this then KONAMI is really pushing the whole credit thing too far 💀 💀 💀

Quote: GhostSpirit
That's odd, I was watching echospherics' stream and the video was playing in his game. Perhaps they also added the function of completely removing videos during gameplay?

Speaking of videos, I also noticed during their stream that they seemed to have brought back the DDR SELECTION videos too. At least PARANOiA's seems to rotate between its Extreme 2 vid and its DDR SELECTION vids (and perhaps it's the same for the songs that have more than one video, like B2U and MAX 300)
Turns out these DDR SELECTION videos have been in at launch, but according to echospherics, they're only applicable to songs with EXTREME2 or 2013 videos

Also Eon Break's video was edited already in A3 (look closely at the flashing parts), so the fullscreen option is negligable

Post #531 · Posted at 2025-02-05 03:22:12am 5.9 days ago

Offline MrK!NG
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Quote: xmcgcg
GALAXY BRAVE event site: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/ddr/ddrworld/event/galaxy_brave.html

The notes on the bottom translate to:
*The GALAXY BRAVE folder will not appear except in Galaxy Play.
*You can only challenge GALAXY BRAVE once per play.
*The FLOATING FLARE gauge cannot be used in the GALAXY BRAVE folder.
*GALAXY BRAVE progress is the same for both SINGLE and DOUBLE styles.
*Both SINGLE and DOUBLE styles are unlocked at the same time.
*Unlocked charts can be played in Premium Play, Galaxy Play, and In-Store Battle Mode.
*The options will be as follows for the next play after challenging GALAXY BRAVE.
Dance Gauge: NORMAL
Timing-specific Cut: OFF
Freeze Arrow Cut: OFF
Jump Cut: OFF


I'm just confused. Is that mean that the difficulty only limited to Beginner and Light ?
Also, how many credits needed in total ? I'm pretty sure GALAXY BRAVE thing only appeared on extra stage

I also assuming that the options involving no cut at all, means that most of the charts are going to be filled by timing / sof-lan, more jumps and freezes

Post #532 · Posted at 2025-02-05 05:30:46am 5.8 days ago

Online Silver Spirit
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Quote: MrK!NG
I'm just confused. Is that mean that the difficulty only limited to Beginner and Light ?
Also, how many credits needed in total ? I'm pretty sure GALAXY BRAVE thing only appeared on extra stage

I also assuming that the options involving no cut at all, means that most of the charts are going to be filled by timing / sof-lan, more jumps and freezes
If it works like previous events, then whatever difficulty you clear the new song at will also unlock the charts below it - so clearing Heavy would also unlock Standard, Light, and Beginner.

It would be a minimum of four credits to unlock a new song. Three to do each of the trial songs on Extra Stage, and the fourth for the new one.

Post #533 · Posted at 2025-02-06 01:59:04am 5 days ago

Offline Damox
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Current Livestream of the new GALAXY BRAVE event.
Looks like Blizzard of Arrows and Meteor had already been unlocked!
Retired since 2022.

Post #534 · Posted at 2025-02-06 04:56:15am 4.9 days ago

Offline Dogman1227
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"*no witty comment available* "

Last updated: 2025-02-09 03:55am

Edit: Here's the Heavy charts.

Edit 2: So I finally got around to play these charts, at least the Heavy ones. Meteor is exhausting, damn near unrelenting. Blizzard of Arrows is a fun looking 15, despite my already exhausted brain from Meteor, managed to clear it. Could definitely do better at the Heavy chart in both.

I absolutely dread dealing with the challenge charts, as you HAVE TO clear them to unlock them. Right now there is no, oh, you failed this many times? We'll just give you the chart/song. You will be at FLARE 1 until you pass it. It doesn't go down to a normal lifebar.
*insert crap bemani joke here*

Post #535 · Posted at 2025-02-10 08:19:54pm 6.4 hours ago

Offline VR0
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Last updated: 2025-02-10 08:31pm
New Challenge CHALLENGE charts for "Better Than Me"

Req. MDX:x:y:z:2025012800 (Japan, Asia, Korea or Indonesia) or TDX:U:y:z:2025012800 (USA) or newer versions to play.
AC Score Tracker: DDR EXTREME // SN2 (JP)
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StepMania 3.9+ REDUX: VRC
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