
Wadatsumi's challenge chart is unselectable

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Post #1 · Posted at 2024-05-01 06:18:11pm 2.8 months ago

Offline Latias
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Reg. 2024-05-01

Hi, new user here and hopefully this is the right place to talk, but I notice that when I download the official file of Wadatsumi from this site, its challenge chart cannot be selected, despite having one. The site says its been completed, and when I look into the sm file there is a challenge chart present, but I just cannot play it. Is there something I need to do to unlock it or is it an error on the uploaders part. (its been modified 1.5 months ago. Thank you for taking the time to respond and possibily looking into this.

Post #2 · Posted at 2024-05-01 06:35:50pm 2.8 months ago

Offline Silver Spirit
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"i was born at a very young age"
Did you already have Wadatsumi downloaded without the Challenge chart? If so, are you still having this issue after reloading your songs from Stepmania's options menu?

Post #3 · Posted at 2024-05-01 06:44:55pm 2.8 months ago

Offline Latias
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Reg. 2024-05-01

Last updated: 2024-05-01 06:48pm
I did not have a previous version of the song in my files but regardless, a simple reload of the song did the trick like you mentioned. I dont know why the challenge chart didnt load the first time (but the others did) I booted up the game, but it seems to be working now. Thank you.
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