
Operation of itgio2vjoy application - troubleshooting help!

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Post #1 · Posted at 2023-10-10 10:25:55pm 1 year ago

Offline RobNoBar
RobNoBar Avatar Member
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Reg. 2023-07-05

I don't think this has been answered already, I would love to be wrong about that though.

I'm hoping someone out there can help me with this, it has been years since I set this up and I can't find documentation anywhere. I have a home DDR cabinet with an ITG-IO that I plug into a computer, which is running a recent version of Simply Love + Beware's Extreme. In my memory, I used an application called Zadig to install drivers once for either the ITG-IO or for the itgio2vjoy application, and then every time I turn on the computer, I open the itgio2vjoy application, it shuts off the lights on the cabinet and in the panels (side effect of running it lol, but I'm okay with it), it displays that it found device ID 1584 ITG-IO, and then there are no further messages.

I have a new computer, copied everything over, and am now trying to mimic the setup, but I:
1. Do not remember which drivers to use with Zadig, and am hesitant to overwrite anything. I have a folder with libusb-1.0.dll, mmmagic.dll, and vJoyInterface.dll, but no idea whether these would solve the problem
2. Receive 2 repeating error messages when directly running itgio2vjoy as follows:
libusb: warning [hid_abort_transfers] cancel failed: [1168] Element not found.
warning [handle_timeout] async cancel failed -5 errno=0

Interestingly, the computer recognizes the ITG-IO as an input device, and somehow 2 of the arrows even worked when I tried configuring joint key mappings in Simply Love/Stepmania.

Any advice is greatly appreciated - thanks for reading this far.
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