
Searching for the Roots26 Vols. 4&5 CD files

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Post #1 · Posted at 2023-06-14 04:40:02pm 1.1 years ago

Offline nakashimakun
nakashimakun Avatar Member
1 Post
United States
Reg. 2013-01-03

Hi, I just want to start this off by saying sorry if this isn't the right thread/against rules for asking this Oops If I need to move/delete this thread, please do let me know

I had gotten a copy of both these spin-off dramas by a kind user of a different bemani (iirc?) themed forum back in 2013, but I have since lost all these files Blushing Cry Is there possibly anyone else who might be able to share them, or pointing me somewhere I might be able to find them myself?? Any and all help is greatly appreciated, thanks Big Grin Happy
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