
Yona's Tribal Dance 1

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Post #1 · Posted at 2023-01-28 06:23:27pm 1.4 years ago

Offline IcyIggy
IcyIggy Avatar Member
44 Posts
United States
Reg. 2018-05-18


Can't believe it's taken me this long to make a proper introduction for my simfile pack, lol

Anyways, figured I'd share a few of mine via threads, mainly I prioritize stepping classic BEMANI songs in a MAX-EXTREME style, and a lot more varied songs and genres!

Currently I have 81 files released so far! Ranging from files done from scratch, long stage songs, or songs that have already debuted in DDR, albeit remastered or completely remade.

Planning to step at least around 160 songs total. A second one may come soon!

Download link is here!: https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewsimfilecategory.php?categoryid=1427
Another fart another shart another tart
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