
Pump It Up styled noteskin for DDR/Stepmania

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Post #1 · Posted at 2023-01-22 09:18:18pm 1.5 years ago

Offline vijoGMR
vijoGMR Avatar Member
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Reg. 2023-01-22

I apologize, to begin, if this has been asked before. I did a search of the site and did not see anything related to it, so I wanted to ask if there was ever a noteskin made in the PIU style (image below) for 4 arrow DDR/Stepmania? If not, is this the place to post a request to have one made?

Thank you in advance for any feedback.


Post #2 · Posted at 2023-01-23 07:50:02pm 1.5 years ago

Offline bLOOdSAW
bLOOdSAW Avatar Member
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The "Composite 4k" noteskin appears to be a pump 4 panel noteskin which you can find here: https://2gd4.me/otoge/noteskin

I make Simply Love judgement fonts and judgement font accessories: https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/thread?threadid=8936&page=1

Post #3 · Posted at 2023-01-24 02:39:43pm 1.5 years ago

Offline vijoGMR
vijoGMR Avatar Member
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Reg. 2023-01-22

Last updated: 2023-01-24 02:46pm
I appreciate the reply! Let's see if I can get it to work~
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