
Does anyone know where I can find neothe0nes simfiles?

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Post #1 · Posted at 2022-12-28 11:52:05pm 1.5 years ago

Offline Sk
Sk Avatar Member
52 Posts
Reg. 2011-01-15

Does anyone know where I can find neothe0nes simfiles?

specifically the big simfile pack

all the links I found on here outdated even the mega one

Post #2 · Posted at 2022-12-29 08:49:57pm 1.5 years ago

Offline Jubo
Jubo Avatar Member
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Reg. 2012-12-24

Origin: Jubo88
"Still 4Panel Stepping..."

Last updated: 2022-12-29 08:56pm
I have them over in Otaku's Dream Server:

https://www.otakusdream.com/downloads/-Other%20Simfile%20Packs/neo+miothe0ne%20Simfiles%20%5bMain%5d.zip (Main pack -no videos-)

https://www.otakusdream.com/downloads/-Other%20Simfile%20Packs/neo+miothe0ne%20Simfiles%20%5bVideo%20Addon%5d.zip (Video Addons -must need main pack download- large file 1.8GBs?)

most of the mio/neothe0ne stuff are Otaku's Dream Pad Mixes which some are duplicates to the songs in the packages above but there are some songs are uniquely not in ODM packs are in the pack download links above, I think.

I know there is some are missing from his old blog wordpress post. Which I haven't or I think I discuss this with Jousway too in past so yeah definitely not whole simfile creations collection are in those packs.

Post #3 · Posted at 2022-12-29 11:58:02pm 1.5 years ago

Offline Sk
Sk Avatar Member
52 Posts
Reg. 2011-01-15

Last updated: 2022-12-29 11:58pm
ah unfortunately ive already got this one. Im looking for the one danielbms or musashi reuploaded which was huge simpack. with songs like meteor gundam and reason nami tamaki.

Jubo the mediafire neotheonepacks when I download them stop abruptly and keep resetting to 0 downloaded.
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