
FEARMIX 2022 - Contest Over!

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Post #1 · Posted at 2022-09-17 04:21:08pm 1.8 years ago

Offline Ben Speirs
Ben Speirs Avatar Member+
599 Posts
United Kingdom
Reg. 2011-03-09

3DS Friend Code: 3368-1299-8020
"era {nostril mix}"

Last updated: 2022-10-29 11:12pm

BOO, *!@#%! FEARMIX 2022 is the sassy 3rd year of an 8-week simfile contest run by the SMRequests Discord Community. FEARMIX celebrates the Halloween season by accepting spooky-themed simfiles for a final FEARMIX pack!

This pack encourages simfile authors to step out of their comfort zone and try something new, regardless of skill level when submitting a file FEARMIX is, after all, a causal contest that focuses on fun first and foremost!
Every 2 weeks, a new set of spooky-themed simfiles created by the community (that's you!) will be played live on-stream by a team of FEARMIX stream hosts 👻

Each entry will be anonymized until results are revealed at the end of the round, so prepare for some surprises 👀

After the stream, everyone will have an opportunity to rate each entry. The results will be announced at the end of each voting period, followed by the start of the next round.

This contest will run August 25th - October 27th, 2022

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- You may submit one spooky simfile a round. The songs have to be Halloween-adjacent; maybe the song is from a popular scary/Halloween movie or TV show, or talks about Halloween, or is just about demons or ghosts or zombies. If there are any questions, feel free to DM a mod to check!

- At the deadline, all simfiles submitted will be collected and played on stream.

- The videos of each playthrough will be saved and compiled, and people will be asked to vote on each file on a scale of 1-5. A winner will be declared each round before the next round starts.

- All submitted charts will be included in the final FEARMIX 2022 pack unless they are agreed that they need major changes. You will be permitted to make minor tweaks to your simfiles or adjustments to difficulty ratings after each round before the full pack is finalized.

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- You may not submit a simfile you submitted for any prior simfile contests. No feedback is permitted on a file before it’s submitted for the round.

- All charts must be pad charts, no keyboard charts.

- Please aim to keep songs shorter than 2:30 (this is a loose guideline and will not disqualify your file, but we recommend this for a good gameplay experience). If your file is over ~2:30, DM @HaveYouHeard directly for approval.

- The simfile can contain one difficulty or multiple. If your hardest singles chart is a lv. 16 or higher, a lower chart rated lv. 15 or lower must also be included. Doubles/couples charts are optional!

- Use DDR X-Scale rating (1-20) and sync to a null offset.

- When submitting your file, please submit with everything including credit tags. Files will be anonymized before being sent out for voting.

- Charts will be judged based on the highest difficulty unless specified otherwise in the submission form.
- Starting in Round 2, charts will be judged by YOU (the voter) based on any of the provided difficulties you would like to play.

Please note - For submission of charts, we will ask the step artist in our submissions form which chart you would like played on stream as the Showcase Chart.

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FEARMIX is a place to experiment and have fun, so we set no real rules for your charts. Any difficulty you want, any gimmicks you want. However, keep in mind the skill level of the hosts will be varied for each round, so be nice.

Presenters may have different StepMania setups (SM5.0, SM5.1, OutFox 5.3), but most use either the Starlight-XX or Simply Love themes. Expect some differences in setup that might impact how your mods play on stream!

For certain gimmicks/mods that significantly impact gameplay, be aware that they will be marked with a [MODS] identifier upon pack release for accessibility to players.

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After each round’s premiere on stream, participants will go through all files and rank them on a scale of 1-5. The ratings will be sent via Google Forms (link to be posted at the end of round 1 submissions.)

Voting is mandatory if you participate in file submission. We like to encouraged support and feedback for community throughout the contest! Also, anyone is allowed to vote even if they did not submit that round.

When voting is over, we'll reveal the scores you received but not from whom along with the results of each round.

If a voter also participated in the round,the average of a voter’s scores given across all files per round will be factored into their own files’ average score, to discourage abuse of the rating system.

The stepartist of the simfile with the highest average score will win the round. In the event of a tie, the stepper with less current wins will win. If you won last round (or have more wins than the other competitors), you must have a HIGHER score (not the same number) as the next person to win.

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Totally forgot to post this here; Round 1 is in it's voting stage and submissions for Round 2 are live at the time of this post! This entire contest will be run via the SMRequests Discord server, invite link below. We hope you can join us!

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